
A little grudge


Lara's beautiful lips curved into a smirk. There was a little spectacle a few meters from her and she couldn't help but watch it from afar.

She could finally entertain herself after such a boring day.

Even more, she had the best seat, a splendid branch of a tall tree near her dilapidated house which also was the perfect hiding spot.

Not only she could see the scenery around her small house but, at the same time, she could conceal her presence, no one will ever notice her, or so she thought.

Thus, she decided to sit while she watched the group of well-dressed people approaching her. Their intentions were obvious, and they were, for sure, nothing good. However, for now, she could only hide her presence as her strength was not enough to fight them, not even for a minute. And it would be embarrassing to even try.

Still, if someone were to spot her, they would be amazed by the marvelous sight. Not every day, the figure of a very young woman, almost seventeen, could draw so many eyes and rumors towards her. She looked extraordinarily gorgeous even with her white ragged dress, of course, it was clean without an inch of dust and didn't diminish a single bit of her beauty.

Her face was charming, her eyes were tinted in a pale blue and were something out of the ordinary for the people of that world. How many troubles, her pair of eyes had provoked her. She wanted to change the color, but, she didn't have enough magic for that.

Her looks made her the perfect wife candidate. However, contrary to her elegant face, she showed a very indifferent and cold aura, her manners were not that of a young shy girl, but a sly one. Again, too much outstanding for her own good, even more inside a contest for a wife position that she never wanted.

"This freaking chain is too powerful," she looked at the magic chain surrounding her white ankle. "I bet they used a lot of money to buy this thing just for a weak girl like me. Should I feel honored?"

She smirked as she continued to play with the apple in her hands.

Though her looks could overthrow any princess, she was not behaving like a lady at all, her sprawled posture was like a lazy cat basking in the warm light under the sun.

"Where is she?!"

Suddenly, several voices and footsteps of people getting close interrupted her little meal.

"Conceal," she whispered, and an enormous ball of light wrapped her body with the entire tree and the house, making her disappear from the eye. Well, she was not entirely powerless, she managed to hide at least one spell and had more knowledge than anybody.

"Where is she?!" A young nobleman dressed in fine clothes angrily rebuked the servant in the front. "Didn't you say she was a great beauty worth my time?! Then... where is she?!"

"Yes, yes, my lord, she is, and she doesn't have any magical power. She would never be selected as the Duke's wife, I assure you," the servant answered, however, he was nervously looking everywhere for the shattered house that should be there, and it was there.

The man was ugly and languid but he was in charge of guiding the group of noblemen to that remote place. Even with his old and unsightly looks, he was wearing the elegant servant clothes of the Duke of Jin employees, showing his high status.

"Well, where is she? I don't see her."

"The location is close, I assure you," said the languid man, however, with every step he was getting more anxious as he couldn't see any trace of the woman. 'Did she escape?'

He was ordered to lead the crowd of nobles, from young to old, arrogant and greedy nobles, as they seemed to be eager to see the rumored beauty who had entered the competition many days ago.

They were given special permission to enter the territory by the Old Duchess. It was said that whoever lived in that remote place committed a terrible mistake and was punished to be exiled and sold as a slave when the election was over. They were just looking at the products beforehand.

"Where is she?"

The servant looked confused. He was sure this was the place.

"I… I don't… know… this must be the place." He was sweating and shaking. "She should be here, I swear."

"Don't tell me she ran off with a house and a magical chain?" Said a big man in a mocking voice. "This must be a joke. Since when does the Duke's palace train such useless servants like you?"

"Someone… someone must have kidnapped her." said the servant.

"Are you saying that the other guards of the Duke's palace are as useless as you?" An old man shouted in an exasperated voice. "This is a waste of my precious time. I will be sure to complain to the old madam about this."

The servant dropped to his knees. "Have mercy, my lords, I swear she was here, I'm not lying!"

"Enough! Someone, drag this useless servant to get beaten!" A middle-aged nobleman commanded the guards nearby.

Meanwhile, said little beauty was watching the show containing a chuckle on her cute face. She remembered that idiot very well, he was the servant of the person who conspired against her. He even dared to suggest using the magic chain to imprison her in that place.

If it weren't for her beautiful face, they would have already killed her. But that obnoxious servant suggested selling her to the highest bidder. She just wants a bit of interest before she is powerful enough to break that damn chain and get her revenge.

"Idiot," she smirked again seeing the servant being dragged away. However, if they were to stay a bit later she wouldn't be able to contain the enchantment for much longer. How fortunate.

Her magic was almost depleted as her core was damaged when she arrived at this world. More like, she crashed into this world of time, but she hadn't determined it yet. Fortunately, she knew the way to heal herself. Not for nothing she had studied for many years with her master. Though, this time she will need a bit more time. Just a bit more and she would be able to break the chain and escape.

After a few minutes, when the men were far enough not to see her little house, Lara broke the spell.

"Ha, finally," she stretched and got down from the tree with a swift jump.

She was about to enter the house when a clapping sound came from behind her and stopped her.


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