
The dreaming boy is a genius!?

Follow the story as we see how Kiyotaka Ayanokouji handles himself in another body, with a........ questionable background "I'd say that's putting it lightly" HEY YOU! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL. "Then don't put me in the body of a simp next time..." HOW DO YOU EVEN- Actually nevermind, you did get his memories afterall.

sewerslvt · Cómic
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15 Chs



"Are you okay Wataru!?"

As soon as school ended my sister came to the infirmary to check up on me. I expected her to instantly ask why I provoked Yuuki-senpai before ever asking about my health; however, this is a pleasant surprise. 'It should be easier to manipulate her opinion seeing as she cares more about me than she lets on.'

"I'm fine sis, my cheek just hurts a bit."

"Do you need an ice pack? Should I go call the nurse!?"

"Calm down sis it'll be alright."

"NO! If anything I should ask why you are so calm about this??"

'Now it's time to twist the narrative a bit.'

"Well, to be honest…Yuuki-senpai threatened me before so it isn't too surprising."


Not even questioning whether what I said was true or not, this is the blind faith given to victims in most cases. If one person were to strike another whilst you were not present, you would be more likely to listen to the victim's side before the aggressor right? Of course this doesn't necessarily mean that the victim would win the case, but… when it comes to the trust one has in their immediate family that factor changes.

"Yeah… yesterday when I was leaving the council room he stopped me and told me you were worried about me or something."

"So I told him I'd ask you about it, but that wasn't all he wanted. He also told me to put in a good word for him with you. And when I refused h-he threatened me."

It's always better to mix in some truths in lies to weave an intricate story that is more believable. I doubt that Kaede is dense enough to not notice he has feelings for her. Not to mention the fact that she was indeed worried about me.

'With this not only his standing but also his relationship with my sister should be damaged.'

"Well he sure did a damn good job at ruining any chance he had! How the fuck could he think THAT was a good idea?!"

"It's okay sis it isn't that serious, I'll be okay"

By downplaying the situation and bringing back attention to my injury it should cloud her judgement skills making it impossible to do any critical thinking. 

'I'm also not lying..I really am okay.'

"It is serious Wataru! Not because I insult you all the time means I don't care about you." 

"I'm really fine, I'm more curious about what he meant when he said you were worried about something. What was it about?"

"Really? Right now??"

"Yes" I deadpanned

"Ughhh, I was worried about you and that girl that came over the other day."

"I told you before she was just a classmate though."

"You did, but I went askin around and everyone said you had a bigass crush on her."

"Well I did.. But not anymore. Plus she's out of my league." 'She's beneath me.' 

"Why do you think so low of yourself? Is it because of me.. Wataru I- I'm sorry about insulting you all the time."


"Your self esteem took a hit because of me right? I'm a terrible sister. I robbed you of your springtime of youth."

"No you didn't idiot. There isn't anything wrong with my self esteem. Even a blind man could see I was outclassed here. I just finally realised it."

"No you aren't, there are lots of good things about you!"

"List ten, go on, you have thirty seconds."

"Uhm…. your uhh administration…. Your uhh. Shit! Uhhhhh.."

"Times up. List ten average things about me. Same time limit"

"Your face, body, hair, eyes, communication skills, the way you walk, your scores, cooking skills, voice, the way you dre-"

"Alright you made your point, see. You think I'm average so why try to change that now?"


"Don't say Natsukawa. I already told you I don't like her anymore."


"Y'know, being caring is a very strange sentiment coming from you. Where is my asshole sister? I prefer her."

"HA!? What you dipshit? This was your only chance to get a kind sister y'know."

"I prefer the ass."

"Your loss Watastupid."


"How dare you talk to your sister like that!? You're the asshole here!"

"Natsukawa? What are you doing here?"

"Ehh.. T-That doesn't matter, why are you talking to your sister like that!?"

"I apologise, I fail to see how the way I speak to my sister is of any relevance to you?"


"Not to mention we aren't even friends. Last time I checked you wanted nothing to do with me Natsukawa. So kindly refrain from prying into my life."

On my way to class today I overheard people talking about Yuuki-senpai. There were lots of mixed reactions debating whether or not he would actually do something like that, however one quick glance at my face seemed to solidify their opinions on the topic. 

"Hey Wataru man.. Is it true?"

"What are you talking about Yamazaki?" 

While I do know what Yamazaki is referring to, by feigning ignorance instead of immediately agreeing it furthers the narrative that I am innocent. Why? Because if rumours weren't my goal how could I know that someone spread a rumour about the situation?

"That Yuuki-senpai smacked you dude!"

Another plus is that Yamazaki is an extremely energetic and loud person, meaning, people will begin to listen in on our conversation. This goes double because the topic being discussed is the object of everyone's attention.

"Yeah….he did, wait how do you know about that?"

"What are you talking about man!? EVERYONE is talking about it."

"That's strange though, there wasn't anyone else there when it happened besides the student counci- ah right… Ashida was there."

"Dude dude dude, that ain't the main topic right now! We- I mean I wanna know why he smacked you!"

"Even if you ask me that I can't answer you, all I did was offer him help because I finished faster than everyone else."

"I see I see, so basically he smacked you because he's jealous you're better than him at council work."

'Yamazaki, I truly am grateful you are a simpleton.'




With my round about confirmation and Yamazaki's false reasoning word should spread even faster alongside more defamation on Yuuki-senpai's character. 'On another note I have a meeting about the babysitting job later today, I wonder how that is going to go.'


Author note: I'm back.. Kinda? I got hella stuff planned and I may give yall a mass release I just been a little busy irl recently and when I'm out I like reading, that's probably why you see me active but no updates. Those who read the light novel may notice I skipped out on introducing a certain character as well as the sidestory with Natsukawa and her little sister. I'll introduce that character for end of term results but the reason I didn't include the Natsukawa sidestory is One, she isn't that important as she isn't the love interest and two it wouldn't be any different from the original. 

Anyways lmk any mistakes in grammar and allat jazz

Love y'all

pce out.

I just wanna say thank you to everyone enjoying the story and showing support. And special thanks to Kisshot who just FLOODS me with power stones <3

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