
The dreamer: Adventure in MHA(Previously MHA x The Backrooms)


Unbotheredcreator · Cómic
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95 Chs

The wake up protocol

Level 0:

There was nothing much to do here, He simply ran, speeding up gradually, before crashing into a wall which caused him to no-clip through the wall and then into

Level 1:

Nothing much to do here either.

The only thing he did was walk, run when in danger, before finally reaching

Level 2:

Things got more dangerous here, because he had less space to run to. When in danger, he would either: run the opposite way or directly jump over the threat, then finally opening a door which lead to

Level 3:

This level was quick, the moment he got in there were quite a lot of entities that quickly went after him, after a bit of running around and avoiding getting his face melted off, he found a wooden door which he quickly went through to get to

Level 31:

There he no-clipped through a working machine in the arcade part of the level, nothing more, nothing less.

Level 40:

He simply left through the rotating doors and got to

Level 9:


He also stole another pocket.

Level 10:

Walk till road, road walk to

Level 11:

From there he wandered for hours until he finally found the building he needed: A VR Studio




Level 142:

As he got in, he was met by a beautiful serene town next to the sea positioned on and further away of the cliffsides. As he turned around he was met by a beautiful church.

That was quite the way to be met, but then he just saw a body, someone was sleeping on the bench under the dark sky. He looked closely at the person, but did not recognize them.

With that he simply decided to take a look around. The place was quite empty except that one person...

As he stepped onto a set of long stairway down towards the parking, he looked down at his hand, it was slightly deformed, ever shifting into whatever you could call this shape. His head was slightly spinning as he looked on and on, before pop - the VR headset he was wearing just broke in half.

His shoulders bounced and he randomly wandered off.

This went on for about an hour, before he came across a very vibrant headset almost welcoming, without any thought he went to it, and the program that we as an option were: EarthToMe and WakeupSec.

As he pressed the first option, he appeared near the same church on the cliff, nothing happened, just peace.

He exited the program before launching the other one, which seemed to be the same thing, the child decided to go up to the stranger who was sleeping, this time in broad daylight.

He reached out and pushed the strangers shoulder, which didn't seem to work the first time, but then, as his patience began to fade, the stranger opened his eyes and suddenly the child was blinded into oblivion.

First light, then Dark, Then Light again.

He was seated on the same bench as the stranger, but without the stranger in sight...