
Liu Yang's Scheme

The next morning . . .

Back at his residence with his mother, Wang Meng nervously paced back and forth at the foot of his bed. He stopped for a moment and turned his head towards his mother's sleeping face. Due to all that had happened yesterday, his mother's fragile condition became much worse.

Yesterday after his father ordered for everyone to leave the main room and Fatty was taken away, his mother collapsed and fainted.

Right now, Wang Meng's mind was not only filled with thoughts of how to save Fatty, but also of how he should help his mother in her current condition.

His mother's usual elegant and beautiful face no longer had the same radiance as it had before. Wang Meng hadn't noticed before but after taking another look at his mother face, he saw that her normally poised cheeks and soft pink complexion were now sunken in and sickly pale, drained of all color.

Wang Meng sat at the foot of his mother's bed, and stared off into space, his mind blank for a moment. The sounds of the birds' morning chirping brought him out of his stupor.

"This world . . . it's not like my Dream World. It's full of hate and ridicule. Our lives are not peaceful nor happy. We are surrounded by people who hate us."

Wang Meng began to softly sob. He looked at his mother as tears welled into his eyes.

"You have never seen it Mother but believe me, there is a world where you and I live happily together. We just sit there and laugh, those people who give us hell . . . they don't even exist there. Even Fatty is there Mother. In that world, there is only Mother, Fatty, and I."

Wang Meng was silent for a moment as the tears rolled down his face.

"I wish . . . I wish I could . . . I could just bring you guys there with me." Wang Meng closed his eyes and brought his hands up to his face, trying to wipe the tears away from his eyes.

As he was wiping the tears away from his eyes, he didn't notice that the little clear marble that hung from his neck glowed a soft silver hue.

Wang Meng, still wiping his tears, felt a breeze blow against his face and heard a change in the birds' song.

Startled, Wang Meng opened his eyes, only to see a change in scenery.

He had entered into his Dream World!

But different from before, his sleeping mother actually was here with him!

"How is this possible?! Is this Mother from the real world or is this Mother a creation from my Dream World?"

Wanting to confirm whether or not his mother actually came into his Dream World with him, Wang Meng exited only to see an empty bed inside his mother's residence in the real world.

"This . . ." Wang Meng's eyes lit up. "Did Mother really come into my Dream World?! But how? Can I actually bring people other than myself in there with me?" Wang Meng thought for a moment. "Maybe . . . Maybe I can save Fatty with this!"

Excitement began to twinkle in Wang Meng's eyes.

. . .

Wang Estate, Main Room

Wang Yuan sat in his main chair, rubbing his temples in frustration.

The situation from yesterday was still giving Wang Yuan a headache. Now without the support of the Shattered Rock Pavilion, there was almost no hope for the Wang Family to continue as the leading family of Wang City. Soon, it may even be known as Song City due to only Song Jing still being able to catch the eye of Young Master Bo.

Wang Yuan couldn't help but let out a sigh. Just as he was about to continue his inner grumbling, he heard footsteps and saw Liu Yang approach him. A smile was on her face as she sat in the chair next to him.

"How can you still have a smile on your face in this situation? Wang Fang's future is ruined. The Wang Family's future is ruined. What is there to be happy about?" questioned Wang Yuan.

"Dear Husband, I just got news from my father that the Shattered Rock Pavilion is currently under pressure from the Scarlet Ember Volcano, making them recall all their members from Wang City, including Young Master Bo."

"And why is this news worth mentioning?" Wang Yuan asked in confusion.

"Because Dear Husband, this allows a chance to sabotage the Song Family's Song Jing. If we can damage her face even worse than Wang Fang's and Liu Ling's, than the Song Family will also be unable to attach themselves to the Shattered Rock Pavilion. Furthermore-"

"This still doesn't stop the other influences of Wang City from taking the city right from underneath us." Interrupted Wang Yuan

"Dear Husband, please let me finish. My father told me that as long as something happens to Song Jing, the Liu Family is willing to form an alliance with the Wang Family to place greater pressure onto the Song Family and other influences."

"An alliance, hm? What's the catch?"

"Nothing too serious. My father just wants everything that is gained through pressuring the Song Family to be split 50-50 between us."

Wang Yuan thought for a moment. As of right now, he was the only cultivator left in the Wang Family due to their limited resources. If the Wang Family was to gain half the resources of the Song Family, it may even be possible for him to overcome his current bottleneck!

"Tell your father, that I will accept their alliance proposal." Wang Yuan said to Liu Yang, as his eyes glowed with excitement from the thought of the resources of the Song Family coming into his possession.

"I'll go and inform him right now," said Liu Yang as she got up to leave. Just as she was about to leave the main room, she turned around and asked, "What are you going to do about those two who caused this big mess?"

Wang Yuan's face turned dark, remembering that this whole mess was caused by Wang Meng and Fatty yesterday made him become angered once again.

"Don't mention that embarrassment and his servant! How dare they talk back to me yesterday! I was too frustrated then to punish him but now . . . I need something to vent my frustration."

"I have a suggestion for you, Dear Husband. Get rid of the fatty. Wang Meng obviously doesn't respect you or the Wang Family. It's probably because that servant is clouding his mind with unnecessary thoughts. You saw how he was more willing to save his servant rather than thinking of the prosperity of the Wang Family. By getting rid of his servant, not only will Wang Meng start to think more for the Wang Family, but he will always remember that he should show more respect to you."

"You're right. It's all that fat servant of his' fault. Before you leave, tell the guard out the door to deal with him right now!"

"As you wish Dear Husband." Liu Yang said and turned around, a devious smile appeared on her face as she walked out.

"This is what you deserve for what you did to my daughter!" sneered Liu Yang. "All that is left to do is to finish poisoning that slut!"