

Back to reality. Emily resumed her normal life after her dream and she wrote about everything she had in her dream in a novel, which was a huge success with many readers. After meeting a classmate, an entertainment company wants to hire her for a project. She was taken aback when she met the CEO of the entertainment company with which she would had signed a collaboration contract. Although the style differs, the man named Xavier has a similar face to Sean. Xavier felt familiar with the story when he read Emily's novel on the recommendation of a friend. He felt a connection to the novel, and strangely, he felt he had experienced an incident similar to the novel.

QueenMama · Fantasía
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6 Chs

5. Opportunity

A woman stood in front of an apartment door, ringing the doorbell. She waited patiently for the door to open. Despite this, it remained closed after she rang it a few times. Then, she took her phone from her bag and dialed a number, but all she got was an answer from an automated voice message. She wasn't giving up easily instead of redialed several times. When she realized her efforts won't working, she began banging on the door loudly. Fortunately, it is already 11 a.m., and the majority of the apartment residents have left for work.


Inside the apartment, a lady lay motionless on her bed. Her face was covered in a beauty mask, and her eyes were shielded by cucumber slices. She isn't even bothered by the bell ringing, the phone ringing tone, or even the banging door noise that still occurs. Instead of sleeping peacefully in her bedroom, she really did not hear all of the noises that would normally have awakened people.


In the middle of the commotion, a man from the next-door neighbor came out of the apartment lift and asked the woman if she needed any assistance. She gladly accepted his offer and told him what happened, as well as her concern that something bad might had happened to her friend because there have been no responses.


The man invites her to his balcony to see how things are going with his next-door neighbor. However, they couldn't see anything from there, so they decided to climb to her balcony. With trembling hands, she climbed with the man's assistance and safely landed on her balcony. After thanking you, she quickly opened the balcony door, which amazed her because it wasn't even locked.


She went straight into one of the apartment's bedrooms. When she opened the door, she discovered her friend laying on the bed with all of her cosmetics on her face. With a sigh of relief, she approached her friend, removing all of the beauty mask and cucumber slices from her face.


" Cynthia...?" said the lady, surprised. What exactly are you doing? "How did you get here?" 


Cynthia folds her hand in front of her chest and says, "I already rang your doorbell for twenty minutes, called your phone a hundred times, and banged on your front door loud enough to wake everyone in this apartment since morning. I'm afraid something terrible had happened to you, EMILY. Did you know you have make me scared to death, but look at what you do now !!!"

" What did you mean? I'm fine, and you should be pleased. Or do you wish something bad happened to me? Emily explained.


"Of course not. "I'm relieved that everything is fine. " Cynthia replied.


" Then how do you get into my apartment?" "I locked my front door last night."


" Your next-door neighbor assisted me in climbing onto your balcony. Do you know how nervous I was doing that?" Cynthia exclaimed. 


"Who told you to do that?" the lady laughed.


"I won't do that if you aren't my best friend, Emily!! "Stop laughing at me," Cynthia slapped Emily with a pillow next to her.


" Okay...okay. Don't be angry. "Thank you for worrying me, Cynthia, the best friend I've ever had." Emily hugged Cynthia.


Emily's phone was ringing as they hugged. She took out her phone to see who had called her. Brandon's name appeared on the screen of her phone. She accepts the call immediately because it is the first time Brandon has contacted her since they met at the cafe.


" Hello, Brandon. I appreciate your call. "I thought you'd forgotten about me.." Emily laughed.

"Hello Emily, are you kidding me...how could I have forgotten about you?" Are you preoccupied? Do you have a few moments? "I'd like to talk about your novel." Brandon explained.


"My book?" "Which one?" Emily inquired.


"You gave me the link when we met at the cafe, remember ?" Brandon responded.


"Oh, that one." "How about it?" Emily went on. 


" I sent the link to a friend. He works in the entertainment industry. He is a master, and whatever he works on will be spectacular. And guess what??? His secretary contacted me and requested your phone number in order to schedule an appointment with you. When I asked him why he wanted to meet you, he said he was intrigued by your novel. He wants to meet with you to discuss a project. " Brandon exclaimed with glee.


"Are you sure? Why is he interested? "What type of project?" Emily inquired.


" I'm not sure about the specifics. He stated that he would like to discuss it with you first. Emily, you must not pass up this opportunity. You simply must first meet him. Do you not believe me? He let out a sigh.


"I'm not saying I don't believe you, Brandon. May I consider it first? Emily pleaded.


" Okay, let me know what you decide tomorrow, okay?" If I don't answer the phone, please text me. I could be in the midst of something. "I will certainly respond to you as soon as I have time." Brandon stated.


" All right, Brandon. I'll get back to you tomorrow. Thank you very much. Bye," Emily said as she hung up the phone.


Cynthia, who sat next to her, waited for Emily to tell her what happened." On the contrary, Emily purposefully delayed telling her what was going on. Cynthia rolled her eyes as she got up from her bed and went into the bathroom to clean herself.


" You'd better clean up fast and tell me what happened, Emily," Cynthia said, sitting back on her bed in front of the bathroom door.


Emily came out from the bathroom, combed her hair, and applied a thin layer of make-up before sitting on the sofa across her bed. Emily began telling Cynthia that she had stayed up all night writing her current novel and had only gone to bed after 6 o'clock. That's why she didn't notice the noises Cynthia made before. 


Because it was lunchtime, they went to a restaurant near Emily's apartment to eat. While waiting for the meal to be served, she told Cynthia what Brandon had said on the phone. Cynthia was overjoyed to hear the good news and expressed her support for Emily. She advises her best friend not to miss out on the opportunity and persuades her to contact Brandon as soon as possible.