
The Dreaded One In Jujutsu Kaisen

A woman reincarnates in jujutsu kaisen with powers and wants to change the story and make Gojo fall in love with her. P.S Read the aux chapters because i wrote some important details and heads ups about what to expect from my works.

Kurama24 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Anger and Chance

I can't remember the last time I was this angered while reading something.

"It's all that damned writer's fault" I yelled after throwing my manga to the wall.

How dare they kill my Gojo in such a stupid way. Not only did he have to deal with the 10 shadows and that bs mahoraga with his even more bs ability after being released but he also had to fight sukuna who supposedly "WAs hOlDinG bAcK" due to not having one damn finger and keeping a trump card? Then Sukuna just does a random asspull of the year "if mahogara can do this then so can I" and just somehow cuts INFINITY and we don't even get to see it happen, he just dies next chapter and everything continues on. At least let me see my Gojo die in a cool way maybe like Whitebeard from One Piece.

As I was busy venting my frustration to no one in particular, I notice a strange scent.

"Why do I smell gas-" *BOOOOOOOOOOM*


(Unknown time later)

As I open my I find myself standing infront of an angel version of Chiron who in the meantime is busy searching for something on a roll of parchment.

*ahem* "Welcome to the gateway to heaven Kurumi Jabami, you died at the age of 20 instead of 69 which is unfortunate. Follow me as I'll explain how and why you died prematurely than you destined time then show you what your options are." explained to me Chiron.

"Sure but can I ask what is your name?"

"Of course, My name is Jeffrey Jefferson but you can call me Jeff or JJ whatever you prefer."

While we were going to our destination, I started observing how heaven looked and all I could say is that it's quite weird. Sure there's the lush greenery and beautiful flowers, but I can also see many craters on the ground and broken trees. Not to mention there's the weird black ooze splashed randomly on different parts of the ground with the occasional golden ooze next to it too.

Jeff noticing my curious and puzzled face decide to start explaining.

"Sorry about the mess, heaven was attacked not too long ago by the Dark High Gods minions and this is the aftermath of the fight. As you can see that black ooze is a dark angel's or as you know them Demon's blood while the golden ooze is an Angel's blood."

"No problem, and sorry for your loss. Hopefully there weren't too many deaths."

"It's ok, we are always prepared for things like this so there is hardly any deaths lately but enough about this sad topic let us talk about your death. Your world is currently going through an awakening and people are suddenly gaining powers as mana is slowly becoming available on earth. Soon dungeons will be available too. You are one of the lucky few that unlocked their powers with it being the manipulation and creation of the fire element kinda like a fire logia similar to Ace but without the fire body. Unfortunately your little brother was playing with the stove and kept it turned before going to your neighbors to play so your anger from the jjk manga realesed flames that caused the explosion which led to you dying."

"..." I'm just speechless.

"So now I'm gonna give you the choice of either staying in heaven and enjoy life here or starting over a new life with a few blessings that will depend on your luck with the casino machine".

It took a minute or two to process everything from my death to my new choices of life. I looked Jeff straight in the eyes and answered.

"You should already know my answer since you know my past and my love for gacha. The moment you mentioned luck and casino machine I was already done deciding so let's go I have a date with RNGesus"

A while later we reached a small town and went straight to the center where you could see a church looking building that has 3 pointed arrows. One pointed straight upwards while the other two pointed diagonally downwards to the left and right respectively.

"Welcome to the High Gods' reincarnation church, a place to pray or be reborn. This place was built and designed by the 3 High Gods Snoop Dogg, Morgan Freeman, and Stan Lee. My job is over you just have to enter and find an empty room then you will know what to do." Jeff explained to me.

"Alright thanks for everything soo far Jeff, take care" I said before turning around and entering the church.

Once inside I found a screen at the entrance with green and red dots glowing above certain numbers. I'm guessing this tells us which rooms are available and which aren't so I decided to search to look for a specific room number I wanted.

Looks like luck is on my side, room 360 is available while other rooms like 69 and 420 are already taken. Hopefully that gets them some good luck to their chances I thought before entering my room.

Inside there was nothing but a slot machine and a booklet with a title written on it that said "Reincarnating for Dummies written by Lucifer M.". Opening the booklet I slowly read it all and to summarize it basically said:

1. The Slot machine will scan my soul to check my life before dying and what I did to decide how much powers I get.

2. All powers are determined by luck and what world you are going to while quality is decided by your own karma.

3. You can insert 3 worlds you wouldn't mind living in then crank the machine to see where you will end up in.

4. The powers and memories will awaken once the body reaches an age capable of handling them.

5. All reincarnated are given a special privilege no matter the world which consists of:

a) Mind readers can't discover the past life and meta knowledge.

b) Clones created by people other than yourself only have your looks but no powers.

c) All powers granted cannot be stolen or copied by metahumans, mutants, etc...

d) You become both a paradox and a singularity so you can't be killed in the past to die in the future and there won't be evil versions of yourself from a different reality.

e) 1 free customization of how you look as a child, teen, and adult.

Looking at the slot machine I head over sit down and let it scan me. Once it was done it's time to input the 3 worlds I prefer. "Fairy tail, Game of thrones, Jujutsu Kaisen" I wrote. 'Now time to see where I'm gonna end up in' I thought as I cranked it.

The machine spun and spun until it slowed down and stopped at Jujutsu Kaisen. Nodding my head happily since I get a chance to be with my beloved Gojo, I waited until the machine was ready to tell me how many powers I'll get. "Kurumi Jabami past life overall neutral, no sins commited. 1 gift will be given" the machine said monotonously. Well time to crank again.

Once the machine stopped it showed a card with a dangerous but cool looking figure in it. "Ghost rider template+" said the machine in its monotonous and emotionless voice.

A smile crept my face as I couldn't help but be happy at how fitting this power will be for this world. What does the plus part mean though.

Ghost rider template+: includes the powers of a typical ghost rider but integrated to fit the jujutsu world. The plus includes weaponry and rides of different ghost riders such as:


1. Shark from shark rider

2. Mammoth from 1st ghost rider

3. Dodge Charger from Robbie Reyes

4. Goose the Goose rider

5. Goblin glider from ghost goblin

6. Hell panther from T'challa

7. Exploding locusts from Alejandra Jones

8. Horse from spirit rider

9. Harley davidson from og ghost rider


1. Spirit Revolver from phantom rider

2. Skull bombs from ghost goblin

3. Blade from Death rider

4. Bow n Arrow from Hellhawk

5. Chains, scythe, axe, etc...

Well that's that now time for my looks, since I'm heading to Jujutsu and want to be something like the other half of Gojo, I'll try to design myself as his opposite. After a few minutes of choosing and specifying the details, I'm done. The new me will be 1.8 meters tall, Long black straight hair and red glowing eyes like yumeko from Kakegurui, a body that is a mix of katarina from LOL and Erza from Fairy Tail to give myself a strong, dangerous, and sexy look.

After all is set and done a start button appears waiting for me to press it *boop* which I do then a bright light flashes and I lose consciousness.

This will probably be my only long chapter due to info dump, I had to google multiple times for images, details and Imma be honest it's exhausting to the point idk how some authors post daily.

Kurama24creators' thoughts