
The dras and the gons.... DRAGONS

There was a great dragon in between two kingdoms the dras and the gons .The dragon was capture by a great king before the the kingdom departed into two (the dras and the gons) by two princes. They were all half human half dragon. The two kingdom were enemies. Later on there came a great prophecy. find out what the prophecy is?. There came two great lovers from the two kingdoms, find out who the two great lovers are?. The prophecy was attached to the two lovers. There is a great enemy in between the two lovers, the enemy of the kingdoms, who work with the wicked dragon. After fighting of wars, there was peace again. And the two kingdoms came together again. find out about what happened in between the war, the lovers and the dragon.

Tunmise_Alege · Ciudad
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3 Chs


"That way!, strike!, kill it!", Ery screamed.

"Ery, your back!", Harrison shouted .

"The dragon is coming, Ery run!, hid somewhere, I will try my best to kill it", Harrison shouted.

"I can't leave you alone", said Ery.

"Go and hide your self I will be save", Harrison shouted.

"No, I can't leave you no matter what"

"No.........."Harrison scream, the great dragon threw princess Ery down the earth .

There was darkness covering the surface of the earth ,the human were defeated by the great dragon.