
The Dragons Claim

[Warning Mature content R18] "Please, you have to help me!" "Calm down Miss Malhotra, we'll do everything we can to keep you safe." Said the officer. Suddenly gun shots were fired from below the ground and my heart raced seeing Henry Verrono the guy with insane pyro powers enter the precinct that I was locked up in. . . . Kiana Malhotra is in a bit of a pickle. After moving in with her new guardian aunt Bella due to the passing of her mother, Kiana adjusts to her new life at the Verrono estate. After attending a new prestigious school and making some friends, Kiana seems to be adjusting well to her new life. However, when she accidentally exposes her powers to her science teacher things get ugly when he turns out to stalk her and demand to know what she really is. Kiana is not an ordinary human, and only Bella knows this. It's not long before when the other secret dragons whom have been sworn not to expose their flaming secret find out the real truth about her. After Kiana saves Henry's life, he is hell bent on making her his. Atlas, Jason his adoptive brother won't allow it since he's her boyfriend. Kiana can't deny that there is chemistry between Henry and her, but she keeps on evading him especially since he's got a girlfriend. For many reasons unknown, Henry can't dump is girlfriend and still pursues Kiana. However after she finds out their deadly flaming secret, she decides to flee at all cost. She doesn't want to stick around after she finds out, that they kill any witness left alive. R18/DRAGONS/SECRETS/ENEMIESTOLOVERS/WEAKTOSTRONG/SURVIVAL/KIDNAP/FATEDMATE/THRILLER/ROMANCE/

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
91 Chs

81: The troubled dragon

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All the way out in Mexico.

A trouble young teen was on the run from many things in her life.

First she was on the run from the cops, who worked for the bad guys. Who were the bad guys? Her unfortunate cartel she got mixed up with around two years ago.

"Mia, where are you?" Asked her friend who was also on the run and hiding away.

"Vera you can't call me! They can be tracking us!" Mia said worriedly knowing exactly how the dangerous gang worked.

"Relax this is a burner phone, now tell me where you are?"

"I'm in Sinaloa."

"I thought you were in Cali?"

"No, listen to me you can meet me in a couple of days at Anders Coffee shop at 6pm just google and find the address."

"Fine but why do you want me to meet you?"