
The Dragons Claim

[Warning Mature content R18] "Please, you have to help me!" "Calm down Miss Malhotra, we'll do everything we can to keep you safe." Said the officer. Suddenly gun shots were fired from below the ground and my heart raced seeing Henry Verrono the guy with insane pyro powers enter the precinct that I was locked up in. . . . Kiana Malhotra is in a bit of a pickle. After moving in with her new guardian aunt Bella due to the passing of her mother, Kiana adjusts to her new life at the Verrono estate. After attending a new prestigious school and making some friends, Kiana seems to be adjusting well to her new life. However, when she accidentally exposes her powers to her science teacher things get ugly when he turns out to stalk her and demand to know what she really is. Kiana is not an ordinary human, and only Bella knows this. It's not long before when the other secret dragons whom have been sworn not to expose their flaming secret find out the real truth about her. After Kiana saves Henry's life, he is hell bent on making her his. Atlas, Jason his adoptive brother won't allow it since he's her boyfriend. Kiana can't deny that there is chemistry between Henry and her, but she keeps on evading him especially since he's got a girlfriend. For many reasons unknown, Henry can't dump is girlfriend and still pursues Kiana. However after she finds out their deadly flaming secret, she decides to flee at all cost. She doesn't want to stick around after she finds out, that they kill any witness left alive. R18/DRAGONS/SECRETS/ENEMIESTOLOVERS/WEAKTOSTRONG/SURVIVAL/KIDNAP/FATEDMATE/THRILLER/ROMANCE/

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasía
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91 Chs

19: Can you keep a secret?

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Henry, looked from her hand holding on to his, firmly then back to her. His heart never tugged like this before, but some odd unexplainable reason, he loved the fact that she made her heart race like that.

Not even Sasha made him feel like this anymore.

"Don't beat him up. He'll just come after me again."

His secret beloved said in her worried tone. Kiana then released his hand that just gave him deep tingles and sparks, making Henry internally frown. For he wished she could hold his hand like that for more longer. 

Henry huffed. He'd strangle Roman if he dared tried to mess with her like that again. No, the only one who'd be messing with her like that would be him, without her knowing. He seemed rather keen on spending, valuable time with her, soon enough.

But for now, he decided to keep his secret beloved at ease. He'd just gained her trust, and he wouldn't dare spoil that.

"He won't if you get a restraining order against him and your crazy stalker teacher?"

Henry reminded, calming his lust cells down for her.

Kiana shook her head, not happy about that idea. If he got caught with the cops, he'd blad his mouth to them of what she was, which meant trouble. What if word got out and the hunters that had hunted down her mother came after her next? 

"Henry, I don't want to get the cops involved. Please, just drop it."



{A} F^ck no. If he's on to you, he's dead.

{H} I'm already arranging that.



Henry reminded his inner beast Ares who was extremely protective about her.

To keep her at ease once more, he nodded his head in agreement. Then he discreetly raked his eyes upon what she was wearing. She had a beautiful figure and the jeans she wore tonight, hugged her curves deliciously.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you going looking so cute like that?"

Kiana blushed.

She looked cute to him? She had her long dark brown hair down, with some curls at the end. Kiana made an effort to put some light makeup on, which consisted of a light shade of red lipstick glistened with her cherry palm chapstick. She'd worn a butter yellow crop top, showcasing her shoulders over some dark fitted jeans and some brown boots to go with them.

 She wanted to look good infront of her crush and decided to ditch her baggy clothing attire that she usually wore over her comfortable slacks. Tonight, Kiana wanted her crush to see her as more than just a friend. She wanted him to notice her. Although, she didn't keep too much hope, since she knew she was way out of his league.

"You got a date with someone Kiana?" Henry asked, discreetly checking her out once more. He wished to pull her close by her waist and nuzzle his head at the crook of her beautiful neck to take in her sweet scent that he so loved, closely.

"Oh?! N-no. It's not a date!" She nervously laughed.

"I'm just meeting a friend." She replied on a serious tone.



{A} Bull$hit, we both know whose she dressed up for.

{H} Let's see how long he can keep his little bird away from me.



"Well, have a good evening, agnellino."

Henry took off jogging.

Kiana then turned on her heel and headed towards the maze gardens.

Jason, caught her scent in the air and turned around. He smiled down at her as she drew closer.

He couldn't help but take in her attire. He smiled even more when he sensed her happy pheromones in the air for him.





He greeted smoothly.

"Hi." Kiana said shyly, secretly very happy to see him.

"So, why do you want to meet me all the way out here for?"

Kiana scanned her surroundings and then caught a security camera located by a nearby tree.

"C'mon, I want to show you something."

Kiana then walked away past the maze gardens and went towards the woods.

She was heading towards the castle side of the woods, where the guards usually patrolled and hunted for.

Jason then came infront of her and blocked her way, making her instantly stop before she crashed in to his hold.

"Kiana I'm sorry you're not allowed to go down there."

He reminded. She froze knowing some areas of the estate were a no go zone due to the heavy security, that guarded the areas.

"Right, I forgot sorry. Can we go this way then?" She asked pointing at a different direction.

Jason nodded in approval.

As they walked on by in silence, side by side, Kiana had no idea that Henry had made himself invisible once more and followed her.


{A} I knew it!

{H} She's meeting Jason. Of course, her pheromone levels are usually high whenever he's around her. That d!ck. He's starting to p!ss me off.



"May I ask why the woods though? I thought you were scared by your recent ghost?"

Kiana let out a soft chuckle.

"Luckily, I haven't had any troubles from my ghost, since I've been coming out here in early afternoons the past week."



{A} Clever girl.

{H} She had to pick a time of day, when I'm at the office.



"For a jog?" Jason curiously asked.

"Hmmm, not exactly."

Kiana walked on further than him. Jason was curious to know why she'd invited him all the way out here in the woods. No matter the reason. He was glad she did so. He was happy to know that she like to hang out with him and he took that as a very good sign.

He always hoped that she saw him as a good friend, and he secretly hoped that they would soon become more than just good friends if they hung out like this more frequently.

There was a lusty thought in his head, of what he'd do to her, if they were more than just friends.

He then saw her scanning her surroundings of every direction of a compus. Jason snapped out of his lusty thoughts and looked around, to see anything out of the ordinary, but there seemed to be nothing.

They were surrounded with thick fern wood trees, and the midnight black skyline had no cloud in sight. It was sprinkled with stars shining just by the half moon, shining down on her.

Jason almost held his breath. Kiana looked pristine and beautiful in the moonlight, and she didn't even know it.

"What are you looking for?" He asked trying to snap out of his sudden attraction towards her. She was a great distraction for him, no thanks to her very alluring scent. It seemed to grow on him each time he saw her.

"I'm looking for any signs of security cameras?"

Jason gave her an odd look before he responded.

"Well you're in luck, this area doesn't have any."

"Good." Kiana sighed out of relief. She then started pacing back and forth, and looking nervously back at Jason, whilst biting her lower lip nervously.

She then looked behind Jason.


Why could she sense something, yet couldn't see anything behind him?

Ares's heart pounded nervously, inside of Henry's soul.



{A} F^ck me, she's looking right at us!

{H} Calm down Ares, we're invisible.



Jason looked back shortly, and Henry moved back so he wouldn't pick up on his presence nor scent.

He then looked back at his nervous beloved.

"What's wrong Kiana?"

She could have sworn she sensed someone behind him, but Kiana shook her head. No one was there.

Relax. She told herself internally. Don't be nervous, it's time to tell him, no show him the truth!

The deadly strong beta dragon peeled his eyes of from what she wore, as he now concentrated on her rather nervous and anxious looking self.

He had a wild suspicion that she had a crush on him whenever she looked his way at times. However tonight, her heart was skipping an odd beat.

She seemed to have grown quiet and worried, as if contemplating to hide or tell him something, bad. Whatever it was, he was eager to know.

He stepped closer and caressed her cheek tenderly, making her softly blush at his contact.

"Sweetheart, whatever it is you can tell me."

He restassured with his calm tone of voice.

"I know. But you need to promise me that you won't breathe a word about this to anyone?" Kiana asked slowly taking his hand in hers.

"You have my word, Kiana."

He rubbed his thumb upon her hand in a comforting way. 

Blushing once more at his contact, she shyly let go of his hand and paced a couple of steps away from him. She nodded and took a deep breath and exhaled out. It was time to show him the truth.

"Ok, what's your favourite flower?"

Jason smiled with another puzzled look.


"I know this is out of the blue. And I know I'm not making sense right now, but just tell me what it is?"



{A} Mine is the Red Rose. It stands for love and passion that I want wi--

{H} Quiet Ares, I'm trying to focus here!

Henry shut his crazy wolfs illustrious and erotic thoughts about the one he couldn't have.



"Hmmm, I always admired the Yellow rose?"

Kiana smiled and nodded her head.

"Ah, the yellow rose, that's a sign of friendship, you know?" 

Jason grinned.

"Which I'm hoping to have?"

Kiana chuckled and playfully hit his arm. Jason was smiling ear to ear and her haopy pheromones lingering healthyly in the air for him.

Henry held back his irritated growl, watching the two mingle and joke, like they were lovers already.



{A} If I see her blush so cute-ly like that in front of him one more time!

{H} Quiet Ares!



"Oh c'mon Jason, you know you're my friend. So don't think for one second you're not,"

She reminded making him smile warmly down at her.

Truth be told, Jason wished to be more than just friends with her. However at the same time he felt honoured and privileged to be her friend, more than Roman or Henry.

 "Infact. Here. I made this in class the other day."

She fished out something from her back pocket.

"What is it?"

"A friendship bracelet. I saw you'd worn a purple and silver striped tie the other day, so I picked those colours to make the bracelet."

Jason was shocked and speechless. His little bird made him something, whilst thinking about him? 

"You made this just for me?"

 "Umm, yeah, actually I also made one for Claire and Henry, too. That i'll give them later on."

"Oh?" Jason internally gritted his teeth feeling jealous, when she mentioned Henry's name. Looks like he hadn't conquered her heart as he hoped.

Henry was still in the picture.



{A} Yes, we're still in the game!

{H} I wonder which colors she's picked out for me?

Henry thought happily as she thought about him too. The thought warmed his heart. 



"What about Roman and Sasha?" Jason asked dying his sudden jealousy down for the King, whom she also made that friendship bracelet for. 

"Well Roman is in my bad books."

"Your bad books?"



{A} No surprise there.

{H} Even though he is a mischievous punk dragon, I'm glad he eventually got the truth out of her. If he didn't. I know I'd have to threaten her in other playful ways to make her talk.

{A} No, we can't play with her like that. Henry. She's made us a friendship bracelet. We don't want to ruin that.

{H} You're right Ares. We don't.

Henry agreed with his inner beast as they watched on from their hiding spot.



"Invisible bad books. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm not really his biggest fan, Jason. Oh, may I tie this on your hand?" She asked in her casual tone, trying to be cool about the whole thing.

Jason smiled warmly down at her and took a step closer towards her.

"Sure, friend." He winked, playfully at her.

Kiana blushed and pressed her lips into a line, stopping herself from smiling happily at him. With his short close proximity, her heart skipped beats he stepped closer towards her. 

"You...Umm...You don't have to wear this everyday, It's just a little gesture of thank you too... For umm.. M-making me feel welcome here." Kiana said whilst avoiding his gaze whilst she tied the bracelet nervously.

After she was done tying it, Kiana went to take a step back from him, but Jason caught her by her waist.

She nervously gasped out, staring up at him.

"May I give you a friendly hug in return? It's a gesture to say thank-you little bird?"

"Umm-y-yes. Ok?"

Getting the green light from her. Just as Kiana hugged him, Jason wrapped his hand around her waist and gave her a close bear hug with a little turn on his heel. Kiana forgot all about her strong blush and chuckled in delight when he did that.

Jason held her in his hold before Kiana spoke glued to his hold.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can you p-put me down?"

Oh Moon, she smelled so good to him.






Ares growled in jealousy at their sudden intimate moment.



"Oh? Umm...Ummm well...If y-you don't then we will get stuck like this, and starve to death?"

Jason chuckled deeply amused by her nervous joke. In all honesty he felt really happy and grateful that he'd made her a gift.

The women that he'd been with in the past only saw him like a tool. Kiana was the first person in his life that truly appreciated him for who he was, and that was a big deal for him.

She was like this ray of light, he'd been waiting for his whole life and this time, he wasn't going to let anyone steal her away from him. Not even the King.

"You're right, we don't want that. Besides, you still have to show me something don't you?" Jason then let her down and Kiana peeled away from his amazing warm hold, with a mild blush.

She nodded and took a couple of steps away from him, to maintain her personal space with him. 

"Yes! Your flowers."

She then darted her eyes towards the ground and then knelt down.

Jason watched as she started clearing the dead fallen leaves and uncovering the slight damp ground.

"Kiana what are you doing?"

"Umm, you'll see, just promise me you won't freak out or run away?"

"I won't, but I can't help but find yourself actions, concerning?" He asked replacing the word 'weird' with the term concerning.

"Trust me, it'll make sense in a bit." She rest assured in a confident manner, surprising me.

Jason arched a brow and looked down at her curious with what she was up to.

"So you know I told you earlier about why Mr Feilds is stalking me? Because, he saw me doing something in class." She sighed out troubled again.

"Oh? Like what?"

"Yeah, he saw me doing something... Supernatural in class." She replied after a short pause.


Her crush shot her a puzzled look, trying

The only supernatural one that was present with her was him, right now.

He watched Kiana close her eyes, than slam her palms into the dirt of the ground.

Jason watched as a sudden plant sprouted out of the ground and grew in to an extraordinary height, of a rose plant.

The rose buds bloomed out and Kiana smiled thanking her lucky stars that she actually managed to bloom out yellow roses correctly.

Jason looked stunned and speechless for a second.

"What the--" Her crush watched the plant grow large and tall until it reached the height of 5ft.

"Ok, this was a bad idea."

Kiana saw his shocked, speechless and stunned face and decided to run away from him.

But Jason quickly caught her hand, surprising her.

"Little bird wait, I'm not freaked out."

Kiana heart skipped stones as she slowly turned around. Jason wasn't running from her?

"You're not freaked out?"

"No. I'm just trying to process all this. How, are you doing this? Is this some sort of illusion? A trick?"

"It's a long story, and it's definitely not an illusion or a trick."

He then pulled out the rose she grew from her plant, and smelled it.

It didn't smell like an ordinary rose. It smelled more like her exotic alluring scent.

He always knew there was something about her, and everything made more sense as to why his Queen of the dragon clan house was very fond of her. She was beautiful inside and out.

He the cut the rose from the stem and tucked it behind her ear, making her blush.

"I'm sure I can keep up." He smiled caressing her cheek tenderly.



{A} She exposed her secret to him!

{H} She trusts him, you can see it in her eyes.

Henry as well as Ares couldn't help feel jealous of their beta dragon.




"So, I'm not strictly speaking human. My species are very rare in this world."

"Like an alien or a witch?" Jason asked out of curiosity. Although he had met a few warlocks and witches they held a distinct smell of dead fishes. They displayed powers similar to her, however Kiana's scent was nowhere near that to a witch. She smelled like a field of lavender, so calming and tranquil to his senses.

Kiana slapped his upper arm playfully and shook her head, making him chuckle.

"Hey, I'm not a witch."

"Then an alien then?"

"Hmmm not exac--"

Suddenly Kiana heard a sound of a twig snapping behind her. She gasped out feeling a very strong aura.


Her heart pounded anxiously inside.

"What's wrong?" asked Jason, already sensing who it was, since he was close by.

"No, I thought someone was behind us?"

Jason then put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

He was indirectly trying to tell his Alpha dragon that she was his.

Which he obviously didn't approve off.

"Sweetheart relax, it's just us here. So tell me what are you if you're not any of those things, I mentioned earlier?"

Kiana blushed at his close proximity and slowly pulled away from him. She was very nervous around Jason once again, whilst he calmly waited for her to continue. He had no idea that he made her heart flutter even more when he wished to know more about her.

"Umm, well Jason, I'm glad you asked. I'm known as an Apsara."

"A what?"

"Apsara. It's kind of like an half angel, minus the wings. My ancestors were supposedly said to hail from the 'fallen ones'"

"Like Lucifer, the devil?"

Kiana nodded her head in response.


"Is that a good, Oh? Or a bad Oh?"

"Well what do you think?"

"I don't want you think I'm a devil child or something crazy like that, because I'm not."

Jason then tickled her up making her laugh out, cutely.

"Jason stop!" She giggled, whilst slapping his arm playfully.

"So you're an angel huh?"

Jason asked placing his hand around her. Kiana blushed and loved how well he took her truth. Once upon a time ago, she'd exposed her truth to one of her childhood friends when she broke her arm from the swing. 8 year old Kiana went into nurse mode and healed her miraculously.

However another kid didn't take the miracle well and called her a monster for snapping her friends bone that was sticking out of her arm back in place.

Due to her little incident, her mother took her out of the school and fled to another town, when a dangerous hunter that hunted for her kind, found out about her.

Henry held in his annoying beastly growl. He wanted to push Jason out of the way and drag her away.

Unfortunately he knew he couldn't do that.

"So, Madame Bella knows about you?"

Asked Jason curiously.

"Yes, she knew about me ever since I was five years old. In fact my mother had powers too, however she had the ability to control the water element. I sometimes thought she was like a mermaid since she spent hours, meditating underneath the lake."

"How about your father?" Jason asked curiously, finding her amazing and fascinating still in awe of her abilities. 

Kiana stopped in her tracks, feeling that odd energy surround them closely. She felt goosebumps dance upon her skin when she looked back and chose to ignore whatever it was. Her attention was focused on her crush, whom she loved spending time with.

"My birth father wasn't in the picture, my mother had many boyfriends and when I asked who he was, she said she didn't know, which sucked."

"I'm sorry to hear that Kiana."

"Don't be. Me and my mother got by thanks to aunt Bella's support. If it wasn't for her we'd be in big trouble."

"How do you mean?"

"They're known as the Blue Hunters. They have a knack of hunting us down and capturing us for the bad market." Kiana sighed heavily.

"How do you keep safe from them?"

Kiana pulled out her little jade stone from her necklace.

"This shields me, from their secret devices they have on them."

Kiana sighed further.

"I'm just so worried to go back to school now. I'm afraid crazy Mr Fields will expose my truth somehow. The hunters work in many fields too, and I'm afraid they're secretly on the police force too. If the hunters find out about me, they will hunt me down and do god knows what with me. Hey, is there a chance that I can transfer to a local public one?"

Jason shook his head. The one she attended to was a prestigious school that Bella donated a lot to. Plus there was no way he'd let her attend a public one where a lot of delinquents went to. He now understood why she didn't want to report him to the cops.

It didn't matter, that punk already had a death warrant on him, from the Queen. It was only a matter of time, before they executed the plan to take care of him.

"Kiana there's no need for you to do that."

"Yes, there is. Look, Mr Feilds caught me bringing a dead frog that we were about to dissect in class, to life." She stressed worriedly.


"Yeah, I've got abilities to heal anything that's on the verge of death too." She admitted making Henry see her in a different light.

"What about injured or wounded animals?"

Kiana nodded her head affirmatively.

"I'm not supposed to use my powers on animals or humans for that matter. That is strictly forbidden."

"So then the frog?"

"It was an accident. I just poked it and it sprang to life and Mr Feilds caught me. He's been hounding me and stalking me to tell me the truth and I obviously I can't, because the truth would expose me to other dangerous people if he goes blabbing his mouth off and I think, that It's better that I should run away? Right? Hey maybe I should move with aunt Bella out in Italy?"

Henry held in his scoff and growl, whilst Jason rolled his eyes to her sudden worried self.

They just found her, and they weren't planning on sending her away.

"Or, maybe you should just stay here with me, beautiful?"

Kiana blushed, did he just call her beautiful. Damn, this outfit and makeup worked like a charm.

Jason held her intimately by her waist, and heard her heart pounding in an excited way.

"What do you say?" He asked shooting his eyes down to her parted lips.

"I umm...Y-yes?"

Jason tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and Kiana froze as he pulled her chin gently, and closed his eyes.

Oh my god!!!

She was going to have her first kiss!

Kiana closed her eyes and was just about to let him kiss her when suddenly, a strong rush of wind pushed Jason back along with an alarming wild dark growl, making instant shovers run down her spine.

[J] You c0ck blocker!

[H] Claws off my Apsara Jason.

She felt a sudden possessive arm wrap around her waist. All the hairs stood up at the back of her neck as she felt a very large deadly aura surround her.

Kiana then felt a hot breath by the crook of her neck and a sudden w3t sensation lick at her making her gasp out of fright.

"Gg...Ghost?" She whispered in a trembling tone.

Jason stood up and was just about to grab her hand, when suddenly Invincible Henry, sucker punched him fast, whilst letting go of her.

"Oooff!!!" Jason held in his dangerous feral growl. The last thing he wanted to do was scare his beloved from his secret supernatural self.

"Jason!" Kiana yelped out, heading towards Jason's direction, as he fell down on the ground.

"Oh, my god! Are you ok?"

Suddenly Henry wrapped his strong arm around her waist once more and hauled her upon his shoulder, then took a mighty leap in the air, making her scream out. He knew he shouldn't have done that, but now he was determined more than ever, to keep her away from Jason, her stupid annoying crush, that he strongly felt like crushing.

Freaked out with Kiana screamed out in alarm as the wild dangerous aura held her firmly and possesively, taking off into the glittering night sky.





🐲Kyaaaa, Henry what are you doing?!

🐲Jason got her friendship bracelet, and she opened up to him. Will he be able to save her from Henry?

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