
Spending Time at Home

The next morning Lucia ran towards Vincent and hugs him from behind and asks, "Are they out of their shell?"

"Why don't you take a look yourself," says Vincent as he takes Lucia and brings her into the kitchen where the cubs were drinking milk while the Gryphons were eating some meat that was cut in pieces so they only needed to swallow as they would do normally. The male was twice as big as the female one. Mina told Vincent that it must be an Alpha for it being this big from birth.

"Now the big one is yours. He will serve you well in the future," says Vincent as Lucia approaches the Gryphon after it ate and begins to pet it and even tried to ride it when the Gryphon even felt the weight of Lucia as he carried her around the house.

The others were a little jealous of her since her pet could carry her when Vincent says, "Everyone it's time to train."

The children all went out and he watched over them until he went back in and sees Elisif drop something when she sees him.

"What happened?" asks Vincent worried.

"The amulet. Where did you get it from?" asks Elisif as Serana and Mina joined them and also get stunned seeing the amulet.

"My father came by yesterday and helped me to get the Gryphons out of the eggs. He said this amulet is a gift for me," says Vincent now being suspicious about the Amulet.

"The Amulet of Kings. Didn't I and Elisif told you about it when we taught you history with the children. It was destroyed at the end of the Third Era by Martin Septim to protect Nirn from Mehrunes Dagon ending the Oblivion Crisis," says Mina.

"It could bring us serious trouble if it works like the old one. The Eternal Flame could be burning right now," says Elisif worried since this Amulet could bring serious trouble if the Empire thinks they are challenging them.

"It's just an Amulet. Should I just take it off," says Vincent as he tries to do so when it didn't want to go off his neck and says, "It seems he really planned everything. I can't take the thing off."

"You should try to hide it under your clothes if you go outside. I will have to inform the Jarls about it," says Elisif as she was holding her head worried. Vincent does as Elisif told him but the Amulet resurfaces over the clothes again.

"I don't think that will work," says Vincent as all three were now thinking of how to hide that damn thing away when Vincent says, "Let's just hang it around my neck. It won't be too much of a problem."

"Now that this problem is not completely solved. Are we going to find the Elder Scrolls we need?" asks Serana now that the Amulet of Kings crisis is over.

"The place where the bow is called Darkfall Cave. He said we must begin there so we can find it," says Vincent as he sits down on a chair.

"Then let's go," says Serana wanting to find the bow to stop her father.

"I can't. I have things to do and people to meet. They will all arrive in the next two weeks. I can't move until everything else is done," says Vincent seriously as he eats breakfast.

"So we are going to wait for two weeks?" asks Serana confused.

"Yes," says Vincent.

"I think you should better leave with her. At least we would solve one problem like how we evade that the Emperor sees the Amulet," says Elisif seriously.

"Yes, I can receive your Spy Network and see if the person they should bring is good enough to be the leader. If not I will tell them that you will go there to select one," says Mina trying to push Vincent out of the house with Elisif.

"Really women, you two know that I won't move even if you two tell me too. One Dragon of every Province will fly to Skyrim to pledge loyalty. I can't leave even if I wanted," says Vincent as he is unmoveable as they try to push him out.

"They won't be able to find the bow without the scrolls and we have one. The other is lost and the last one is in the hands of Serana's mother," says Vincent as he refuses to leave and continues, "Besides I want to enjoy some days at home. See and pass time with my children before going out and end another World Crisis."

All three give up since he was right. He always leaves and comes spending almost no time with his children. Then Vincent looks at Serana and asks, "Are you hungry? You must be since you haven't eaten since the inn in Dawnstar."

"I'm fine," says Serana showing a vial that was once full but still had some drops of Blood in it.

"Good, I will go to sleep. Staying up the whole night exhausted me," says Vincent as he walks to the main bedroom and lies down to sleep for a little while.

He enters the Dreamscape everyone that taught him before was there. And helped him in improving his skill of the classes he still hasn't mastered yet.

When a silver-haired man enters wielding a Gunblade on his back and sees familiar faces and smiles while saying, "I was sent here to help someone in becoming better in sneaking. Even after letting go of my old habits I need to return to them for him."

"You were a Ninja?" asks Vincent seeing the man.

"No, he was just a thief back then," says Alphinaud as he presents each other again, "This is Vincent Highwind don't you remember him, Thancred."

"Right the Dragoon that died back then. Since when was he a Warrior of Light?" asks Thancred confused about it.

"When I died I was promoted to become one...," says Vincent telling him the whole story.

"I think it would be better if we could bring Yugiri here. She is quite better in this then I am," says Thancred honestly since it's been a time since he fought like a thief.

"We will need to find a way to bring her here then," says Alphinaud as Thancred then leaves before Alphinaud could stop him and says, "*sighs* He could still have taught you the basic of a Gunbreaker. He really is overprotective that he just left like that."

"He looking over someone?" asks Vincent curiously.

"Yes, like you over a girl. She used to share her body with Minfilia in the First World, my world," says Ardbert still feeling guilty about what happened to Minfilia.

"No one is perfect. We make mistakes and try not to make them again. Remember that you got to redeem your and the other's names after helping me back then," says Bultechu as he was wearing his White Robes as his horns could be seen and he turned to Vincent and says, "Since Thancred left you will learn from me how to be a White Mage until we find a way to get Yugiri here." And they begin to train.

In the first week, Vincent meets with Karliah who was brought by Brynjolf and Vlad. She was nervous at first since she thought it was Mercer she was meeting but after finding out that it was Vincent who she was going to meet she calmed down.

"So you are Karliah. Nocturnal talked about you in high tones. That's why I made them look for you. You most likely have heard that I'm creating a Spy Network from them," says Vincent as he seizes her up.

"They told me about it," says Karliah stunned to see that Amulet around Vincent's neck as well as the other two.

"Good. Since you will lead the Spy Network. Vlad, over there is your deputy in the Interrogation Department. Brynjolf is in the Infiltration Department and Astrid in the Assassination Department. I will form another two departments after getting the Bard College and the Merchant Union to enter it too. They will form the Information Department and the other will be the Rumor Department. You as their leader will be only under me. So don't let yourself get pushed around. Also, try to get the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood of the surrounding Regions to join us. That's your objective for now," says Vincent.

"Yes, thank you for trusting in me," says Karliah as she kneels in front of Vincent like the other two.

"You can leave. If you need to report something you can do that by talking to one of my wives if I'm not around," says Vincent as he dismisses them.

Once they left did Vincent sighed and says, "It's hard to play the cold ruler when your children are just outside playing."

"In two days the Emperor will arrive in Solitude for the wedding of his cousin. We will leave tomorrow for the wedding and met the Emperor there," says Elisif informing Vincent about it.

"You found a way how to hide the Amulet?" asks Mina.

"Nope, I'm going to have to get Odahviing and two other Dragons to watch over us in case the Emperor think of attacking us," says Vincent when Elisif gets angry.

"You will not do this. The Emperor just wants to meet us. He can't afford to kill us because the civil war would begin anew and the Dragons would be roaming and search for revenge on all for killing their King," says Elisif.

"Alright, only Odahviing will be coming with us," says Vincent backing out of this conversation.

He escapes to teach the children and see how they are developing. The last week he was spending time with them and with his wives. Also spending time to learn more about Serana and sparing with Lydia who wants to become stronger to be able to protect the family while Vincent is away.

The next day, Elisif and Vincent mounted Odahviing and flew to Solitude. Once the people saw Odahviing overflying the city the children run towards the barracks to play with Odahviing while the adults were bowing towards the Dragon showing respect to their King and Queen.

They land in front of the barracks as always and Vincent dismounts Odahviing and helps Elisif down.

{How long are we staying?} asks Odahviing as he begins to be surrounded by children that wanted to climb him like always.

{Three-Four days. We have a wedding to attend and meet with the Emperor that we will dethrone soon enough. Did you inform the others to be ready just in case?} says Vincent seriously.

{They are ready. One roar of you and they will appear,} says Odahviing informing Vincent about the situation.

{Good, it's always better to be safe than sorry,} says Vincent as he pats Odahviing twice before leaving with Elisif towards the Blue Palace.

Hope you like it.

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