
Fenris' Bloodline

The group looked at Vincent for an explanation when Vincent says, "Fenris's Bloodline is quite special compared to all the other Mabaries. The firstborn of the family inherits the same blood that the first Fenris had. That's why I always keep the firstborn to raise him later on."

"That doesn't explain why Fenris tried to attack right now," says Titania nervous about what just happened.

"I once made deal with Hircine, the Spirit of the Hunt's past. I wanted that my wife Aela and all her descendants to reach Sovngarde instead of going to the Hunting Ground," says Vincent as he walked forwards while telling the others to follow him since he could talk while walking towards their destination.

"In exchange, I had to give him something in return. He was interested in Fenris since Fenris was the first Mabari on Tamriel. So we made a deal that Fenris would become a Werewolf and so would every firstborn in his line. All the others were spared," says Vincent sadly as they walked towards where the Collectors were holding the prisoners.

"I trained every Fenris to transform but they never have been able to control their transformation since they are animals. It would be like telling a Dragon to not be so proud of himself. He can't since it is in his being," says Vincent and he stops looking back.

"And so are animals. Aela once said to me that transforming into a Werewolf awakens your animal instinct. But on an animal, it just increases those instincts making it quite impossible for the animal to listen to reason. This Fenris had the best chance out of them all and now I have to train his daughter once I am back on Nirn," says Vincent feeling down since he lost his companion while hoping that Fenris would be able to win against his instincts.

"For animals to control the transformation is more difficult than for humans. If my wife had trouble controlling the inner beast how can an animal control it easily. I thought that Fenris would be able to do it but I was wrong," says Vincent as they walked towards where the Normandy crew was being kept.

"So you are telling me that Fenris turned into a Werewolf right before us," says Titania as Vincent nods.

"Yes, and I don't want to talk about it," says Vincent when Ikora was confused about something.

"I have a question about something that is confusing me now," says Ikora as Vincent looked at her.

"And what is confusing you?" asks Vincent knowing that Ikora out of all of them would ask the question that would shock the group.

"My question is that Aela should have entered Sovngarde before the First Mabari even reached Tamriel. How is it possible for you to strike a deal with Hircine when Aela was already in Sovngarde?" says Ikora as everyone was surprised and shocked to hear that.

"She was but our daughter was living in Hircine's Hunting Ground. We all knew that Hircine made an exception for Aela but our daughter had to suffer there and so would her daughter and the daughter of said daughter.

I couldn't just stand it any longer and before my great-granddaughter, Hrotti Highwind, died I struck the deal with Hircine releasing all of Aela's and my descendants from the Hunting Ground in exchange for Fenris and all of the firstborn of his descendants.

At least the first Fenris got to go to Sovngarde and is enjoying his feast with some of his descendants that Hircine couldn't claim because their deeds were too great for him to take them to the Hunting Ground," says Vincent as he stopped walking and turns to them.

"Sometimes we rather choose the lesser of two evils and so did I with Hircine. It was easier to do that than go to war against all the Daedric Princes which I consider my friends with their own complex personality," says Vincent telling the truth about the Daedric Princes.

"All of them strive for a different fate and aren't completely evil once you know them except for Molag Bal. He is pure evil and should never be trusted except you want your enemy to suffer a gate worse than death and even then I would rather kill them," says Vincent seriously striving from the topic at hand.

"Anyway, we should get the others and finish this," says Vincent seriously as he continued walking again.

They all walk again and Ikora and Liara catch up to him when Liara asks, "Are you alright?"

"I am, I can mourn Fenris's death once we are back on the Normandy until then I should concentrate on our duty and help Titania with everything," says Vincent as he was sad about what happened but Vincent knew that not everyone would make it out alive.

They reached the place which EDI marked before seeing the room full of human-size capsules in which were people in while others were empty.

"It seems the Collectors use those capsules to retain the Colonists they capture," says Titania as she looked around.

"Something is wrong," says Miranda as everyone looked at her.

"What is wrong, Miranda?" asks Titania as Vincent got a bad feeling and he sees Kelly waking.

She begins to hit against her prison when Vincent breaks it for her letting her out when Miranda says, "They are too few of those things occupied."

"Are you alright?" asks Vincent helping Kelly up who was shaking in fear before she looks at Vincent who sees her terrifying expression.

"You need to help them before the insects return," says Kelly scared as Vincent sees Dr. Chakwas and opens her capsule as well

"What happens if the insects return, Kelly?" asks Titania as she heard her.

"They disintegrate the people inside those things until they are only a paste that runs down that hole down there. We don't know where it leads and I don't want to find out," says Kelly as Titania looked at the capsules.

"We need to act fast and get them all out before those things come," says Titania seriously as she and the others began to open those little cells helping the people out by using brute force until what Kelly told them happened.

Those flying insects entered into the still closed containments through the entrance on the lower part of the containment and began to reduce the humans inside into what looked like a red paste that went through the same hole that the insects used to enter it.

The crew felt like their worst nightmare came true as Ishly seemed to throw up while Provus helped her by patting her back while holding his own stomach because he felt the same.

Many thought that they needed to throw up but it was like it was stuck in their throats. Vincent, on the other hand, was normal as if it never happened which made everyone look at him.

"I have seen worse trust me," says Vincent telling them the truth as he looked through the people they saved and they were far more than just their crew.

"It seems we saved as well some of the Colonists that disappeared before," says Titania recovering from what happened just some moments ago.

"It seems so, we should get them back to the Normandy. They can help Gardner and Joker with getting the Normandy ready," says Vincent as he looks at Ishly and Provus and says, "I recommend Ishly and Provus to take them back to the Normandy."

"What?!" say both Ishly and Provis as they began to protest against it.

"I think, Vincent is right," says Tristan as the two now looked at him angrily.

"Those people need people to look after them and you made an oath, Provus," says Vincent remembering Provus of the Oath a Dark Knight takes before becoming one.

"Fine," says Provus still angry as the others looked at them confused.

"Ishly, Provus will need help and we don't know if Fenris is really already dead. He could be still out there out of control and attack them," says Vincent as Ishly flinches for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, you win," says Ishly as she and Provus look at Titania.

"Good, you two take the crew and the civilians back to the Normandy. Use the path my group used just in case," says Titania as they nod before they leave with the civilians.

Vincent felt less pressured since his biggest worries were on their way back to the Normandy. Ser Jorey was standing on his shoulder when Vincent pets the little hamster still feeling down.

"Let us try to get every last one of them out," says Vincent as Ser Jorey flexes a bit trying to cheer him up since it seemed like his duty.

Titania was talking with EDI about how to progress from where they were standing when Liara says, "You must be relieved that Ishly and Provus returned to the ship."

"I am," says Vincent when he sees Ikora looking at him.

"What did you mean when you reminded Provus of the oath he took?" asks Ikora as she was quite curious.

"A Dark Knight takes an oath before becoming a full-fledged Dark Knight in which we take the Oath to defend those in need even if it means our death. The first Dark Knight named Tryphaniel the Unshod, he was a knight that killed a Holy Man that did horrible things to a child.

He couldn't look away and killed the Holy Man in one clean strike. Many shunned him and it got even so far that they took away his knighthood which he responded to by saying that he would gladly cast away a title that required him to turn a blind eye to a child's suffering.

And so the first Dark Knight was born and many people in high standing learned that if a Dark Knight was around they should reconsider twice before using his position to make others suffer than a Dark Knight could cut him down," says Vincent giving Ikora and Liara a small lecture about Dark Knights as they waited for Titania's next move.

Hope you like it.

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