
Bleak Fall Barrows end

Farengar stops both and says, "You see the one with the armor on over there?" Vincent nods and Farengar continues saying, "That one is still alive. He is only sleeping. Most that look like this one are pretending to be dead. They awaken when someone approaches them. Try to kill them with your bow. Three shots should do the trick and the other Draugs won't get us by surprise since the will awaken and we will know which one is only sleeping and who is not."

Vincent uses his bow and shoots four-time against the Draug that was lying there and they hear how other Draugs begin to awaken from their slumber. For their luck, one walked over a mechanism and activated a trap and was taken by it's spiked from the side while the other was taken care of by Farengar and his magic while Behemoth was picking on the dead Draug that was killed by the trap.

"You see the round mechanism on the ground. That thing activates traps so be warned when you enter a dungeon in the future. We should continue after you looted the Draugs," says Farengar and Vincent asks, "Really they can be looted?" "You see their weapons they are better than the iron swords made by the smiths. You can restore them and sell them for a higher price since swords like those aren't made anymore in this era. They also have Bone Meal that you can extract from their bones by making their bones to Meal," says Farengar as Vincent collects the weapons as well as the arrows he used and the Draugs had.

They continue and a mechanism activates and three pendulums activate making it dangerous to cross and Vincent says, "Didn't you say they made it so they won't come out? Why are traps then inside too?" "Those were made for grave robbers. It's hard to defend against them after all. The mechanism should be on the other side," says Farengar, who looks at Vincent.

"Wait I should pass through there," says Vincent and Farengar says, "I'm a mage. I'm not as agile as you are and Behemoth is too big he will get hit easily by the pendulums." "*sighs* Fine but only because you are right," says Vincent as he prepares to pass the pendulums. He breathes in and out and the moment the first pendulum was blocking the way he sprinted at it. It looked like the pendulums were making way for him to pass.

Once on the other side he looks for a mechanism and draws on the chain that was beside the corridor making the pendulums stuck again in the walls. Farengar applause to Vincent's action and says, "Well done. Now we can continue on our way." They continue and Vincent shoots the first Draug on their way.

That woke the other Draugs and they begin to walk towards them and Farengar uses Fire against the ground and the ground begins to burn and Farengar says, "The oil on the ground can be quite useful. You could have just shot the thing over there and put everything on fire killing all four at the same time as I did."

"I will keep that in mind," says Vincent as they continue after looting the Draugs and they enter a room where the way was blocked off by a collapse of the walls and Farengar says, "We will have to take another way from here on." There was a way into a hole in the room that led into a cave. They enter and walk and Farengar picks some mushrooms and says, "You should take the pickaxe and pick on the ore vein over there. You can find ore veins in the most surprising places so it would be useful to have a pickaxe with you at all times."

"Noted," says Vincent as he begins to work and picks on the vein until it was exhausted while Farengar was preparing the camp with Behemoth's help. "We will rest here for today. Let's eat something and sleep for today. It can be pretty confusing inside ruins to keep up with time and it's better to be well-rested than to make a mistake while being exhausted."

"Fine by me. I'm here to keep you company after all and I cant retort to what you said since it's the truth," says Vincent as he sits down after packing everything up and Farengar asks, "Where are from? You don't need to answer if you don't want but I never saw either what you or Behemoth are around here in Tamriel."

"The Legionaries said that I could be from another continent beside Tamriel and Akavir. I come from Eorzea that's the Continent. Ishgard is my hometown but my Ancestors come from the Continent called Doma. If I'm honest I don't know why nor how I got here. I only know that I have the same purpose as I had in Ishgard before the war ended," says Vincent and Farengar says, "And what was your purpose?"

"Killing Dragons. My job back then was Dragoon which means Dragon Knight. I was high in rank but not that high that I needed to stay in the city the whole time. Dragon Knights fought against Dragons for almost a millennium until the peace treaty was made between Dragons and Ishgard after finding out how it all started," says Vincent and Farengar says, "So Dragons are intelligent beings."

"Pretty much even if some don't like to talk to humanoids because they are still wary while others are more open to it after showing your worth," says Vincent and Farengar says, "So in your lands dragon didn't go extinct. For us, they reappeared again since forever. We only know the old tongues defeated the dragons and freed us from their rule over us. It's nice to hear that it can happen that humanoids and Dragons can live in peace. That gives me some hope for our land."

"Don't be too happy since they are reappearing can mean many things. And both our races were tired of the whole fighting. The only two that wanted to keep fighting that war was the black dragon Nidhogg and the Archbishop Thordan VII. Though Thordan VII was the last Archbishop in Ishgard after finding out that they were lying about everything and twisted the truth to their biddings since the founding of Ishgard. It had to pass a millennium before both parties could sit down and talk about peace once both Thordan and Nidhogg die, too bad I couldn't see it," says Vincent and Farengar says, "What do you mean?"

"I was brought here the moment we killed Nidhogg for the second time after freeing my friend Estinien from the claws of the dragon that took his body. Let me tell you a secret the powers of a dragon are stored in their eyes. At least it's like that with our dragons but yours look quite different than ours. But the dragon I saw looked almost like Nidhogg the only difference was that it had only two instead of four legs," says Vincent as he begins to eat the dried meat and Farengar says, "Interesting something new to note. But how did that dragon return from the dead?"

"Like said their eyes are their power. Estinien was foolish enough to have both eyes in his hand. The dragon used Estinien's hatred for him and stole Estinien's body. After a long fight against the dragon on Steps of Faith and ripping the eye from Estinien's armor was the last thing I did in Ishgard when I suddenly found myself in Skyrim completely exhausted and was taken away by the Imperial Legion. The rest you know already," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Interesting, pretty interesting if you ask me. It wouldn't be the first time something like this happens that someone by some accident disappears and appears in another place. It could have happened to you by touching its eye. But to be sure I would need some testing, too bad we don't have a dragon eye lying around."

After eating they rest beside the fire and talked further until falling asleep. Vincent slept with Behemoth beside him keeping him warm while Farengar was beside them to not freeze to death in the cave. The next morning they eat a little breakfast and continue and they see a Frost Troll and Farengar says, "He is mine, Trolls are weak against fire keep that in mind if you ever find one in the future. You should also learn some basic magic once in Whiterun. I will teach you a bit about it."

Farengar takes care of the Troll and Vincent wanted to skin it when Farengar says, "The skin won't bring in much just take their fat and head that's the only two things valuable they have." Vincent does so and they continue. Entering the dungeon again after passing through the cave. They find a Draug protecting a door and Farengar says, "That one is stronger than the other Draugs we faced before. We attack together."

Farengar used Icy Spears while Vincent was rushing at it with his spear in hand and Behemoth at his side. And all three defeated the Draug easily and Vincent asks, "How did you know?" "He was longer awake than the others and his armor was almost falling apart. That already hints that he had experiences before he died," says Farengar and Farengar tells Vincent about every Draug that he could encounter in a Nord Ruins as they pass through the door and they walk the corridor down. "Again really," says Vincent and Farengar says, "You should make haste this time since it seems that it's a big room in front with some enemies we can't see from here."

Vincent passes it like before and pulls on the chains when he hears the nearby coffin to plop and the cover was shoved to the side and the Draug that inside slowly wanted to come out only to find a spear in his face that went through the cranium coming out on the other side. Another Draug was shooting arrows but Farengar used his Icy Spear to deal with it while another one came rushing down and Behemoth killed it.

"You were right, Behemoth can take care of himself," says Farengar now jealous of not having one himself. As they continue and find themselves in front of a giant door and Vincent asks, "How do we open this?" "With the Golden Claw. Didn't you read the diary?" says Farengar and Vincent says, "I flew over it. I don't like books since I entered a Library that turned books into Monsters in Dravania. Once you experience that you will never want to open a book ever again."

"It's quite simple you see those symbols on the claw just but them in the same order on the door and insert the claw and it should open," says Farengar and Vincent says, "Those old Nords are really optimistic that nobody wants to rob them after they die." "That's why the Draugs are here. Now help me change the symbols on the door," says Farengar and both begin to change the symbols and open the door.

They enter and Vincent says, "Well we have now some clean water since we were running low on it since this morning or I don't know since I haven't seen the sun for a while." "That's good we don't know how long it will take us to return to Riverwood," says Farengar as they approach the middle of the room and Vincent asks, "And this is?" "A Word Wall. It was used by the old Nords to record something in the Dragon tongue or better called Thu'um by us now," says Farengar as they approach it.

Vincent takes a look at it and begins to read it and says, "Here lies the Guardian. Keeper of the Dragonstone. And a force of unending Rage and Darkness." He looks at the word force that begins to shine and enters his mind and Vincent was in a trance until Farengar says, "You could read that? Normally only the Greybeard can do that since they walk the way of the tongue."

"Did you see that word began to shine after I said it. Didn't you see that?" says Vincent when the hear a plop but this time the cover took off instead of a hand pushing it to the side and Farengar says, "That must be the Guardian. I think we are done for had I know we would fight a Draug Overlord I would have brought more men with us."

"It isn't out of his coffin yet," says Vincent as he rushes at it and hears a Fus Ro and was pushed away as if an invisible wall was pushing him. Landing against the stone wall and Behemoth uses Vita and Regena on him and Vincent stood up again. "He is almost out," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Quick the scroll and Vincent hands it over and Farengar says, " Once I use it try to sneak attack him."

Farengar uses the scroll and summons a giant Fireball that goes towards the Overlord that takes the hit and lets him stumble a bit and Vincent that was behind the Fireball with Behemoth attack right after. First Behemoth bringing it down with his weight and then Vincent with his jump piercing straight through the head with as his force. "I think he is dead. The blue eyes look lifeless," says Vincent as he feels a little disorientated by his blurry vision who sees Farengar rushing towards him.

He looks down and sees the sword of the Overlord got him good and he was bleeding at this moment and began to think, 'I shouldn't die from this since I got the blessing of being immortal but damn it still hurts. Let's sleep a bit maybe I will be better after awakening later.'

In the meantime in the realm of the Aedra.

"You were right in granting him immortality. He would have died if not for it," says Akatosh and Arkay says, "You should have reinforced his skin instead of giving him a bigger dick." "Hey, I also want grandchildren that can lead the Empire," says Akatosh and Talos says, "We are lucky that Arkay could foresee this with his book and gave him the right blessing. If not Alduin would have won today and everything would be over."

Hope you like it.

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