
The Dragon's Past

"My father got killed,..."

"Right before my eyes"

"And my mom decided she wouldn't let him get away with it just like that"

"So she told me to run away as she went there to fight for my father"

"But… all I could hear was my mother screaming in pain and agony as I was running away"

"And that's how my parents died"

"and that's the reason why I despise Dragons."

"Since, they would do anything for power"

"Okay, so now I understand why you hate Dragons" Said Mark

"But why did you attack the Market?" Asked Mark

"You see human, 5 years have passed but I still can't get over the pain of losing my parents"

"So my initial thought was to cause some havoc to let my anger out"

"But as you can see I failed and decided to take a breather from flying there"

"Ohh so that's it" Said Mark as he sadly looked towards the dragon

"So, you are 75 years old now?" Asked Mark

"Yes and I'm still a young dragon!" Confidently stated Dragon.

"You are 75 and you consider yourself young?" Said Mark as he uncontrollably laughed.

"Human Stop Laughing" Said the Dragon

"You know that in Dragon Years I'm still considered a child" Said the Dragon

"Wow, you're a child and your voice sounds like that of a 60 year old Human" Said Mark as he still couldn't stop laughing

"What if it sounds like that, it doesn't make any difference" Stated the Dragon

Mark stopped laughing and said, "So, if you are Young why…"