
the dragon queen of space and her very reluctant rider

~disclaimer~ I don't use grammer practically ever so sorry

jexishere · Fantasía
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27 Chs

class race

the next day celica was walking towards breakfast she was still giggling about that idea her boyfriend came up with as she sat down at the table a bunch of boys sat down with her

"you all do realize i'm not a virgin right i have been hammered more times then i can count" celica said and just like that all of the boys picked up their plates and left the table

a few moments later christopher sat down next to her

"your plan worked like a charm the moment they heard i wasn't a virgin they all got up and left immediately although i am a bit disappointed" celica said

"about what" christopher said

"the fact i still am indeed a virgin you need to fix that" celica said christopher grew serious as she said that

"do you really want me to take you" christopher asked

she leaned in and kissed him

"yes i want you to make me yours is that so wrong" celica said

"it isn't i just didn't want to force you or make you feel obligated i love you for your personality your body is only a very nice bonus" christopher said

"do you truly care about me and how i feel" celica asked him

"more then anything" christopher said

"then take me tonight make me yours eternally" celica said christopher was silent for a while

"not tonight friday" christopher said

"why are you putting it off" celica said

"because when we do it we are gonna be up all night so unless you wanna be dead as a doorknob tomorrow when we have school but i promise you no more procrastination friday i will conquer you" christopher said she smiled

"alright i will wait but i will make you stay by your word" celica said

"when have i ever broken a promise to you" christopher said

"you haven't yet" celica said

"and i never will" christopher told her she smiled

"come on let's get to class" celica said as she got up he followed behind her their first class was dragon flying which all of the new students had to take even if they didn't need however those who had experience were allowed to show off their skill and two of the best riders in the class was celica and christopher today's class was going to be especially fun because there was a race being held for those who either have experience or have the talent and skill to catch up with the experienced or there could be people like celica and christopher who were both talented and experienced riders

"alright class as you are aware today we will be holding a race to test what you have learned i would say good luck but some of you simply don't need it get changed and meet me on the field" the teacher said the class dispersed to get changed into proper riding attire so they don't freeze most just put on coats however there were a few who had full equestrian attire this time was generally for them

when they walked out onto the field they saw their dragons already lined up and ready to go on the track they all walked to the right side of their dragons grabbing the reins

"alright it will be three laps around the field first person to cross wins general racing rules i will be keeping watch so don't try any underhanded tactics" the teacher said they all nodded their acceptance

"alright MOUNT UP" the teacher yelled everyone placed their foot in the stirrups and pulled themselves into the saddle some more fluently then others

"ready to lose" celica asked

"now who's losing" christopher asked

"confident are we alright let's make a bet" celica said

"i'm listening" christopher said

"whoever wins gets full control over the other when we do it" celica said smiling he returned that smile

"who's the confident one alright your on but don't come crying to me when you lose and i'm a bit rougher then you would like" christopher said she smirked

"We'll see" celica said

"ON YOUR MARK" the teacher called christopher was starting to really grasp the reins

GET SET...." the teacher called christopher and some of the other experienced riders leaned down on their dragons backs

GO" the teacher called christopher rammed his heels into athena's sides slapping down the reins hard she whimpered at the pain and immediately took off as blood began to fall down her side he doesn't make her bleed often but when he does it generally means you need to go fast he did it the first time he got her back after the ceremony a year ago only to prove that he could otherwise he only does it when he wants speed the teacher did see the blood but couldn't say anything she nor anyone but you had any jurisdiction when it came to how you rode your dragon christopher was soon in first place celica close on his tail

"hmm i'm not gonna let you catch me easily hyah" christopher said as he slapped the reins down again why pushing his heels further into her side making her bleed more athena whimpered again but shot forward even faster

celica also albeit a little more gently goaded her dragon to faster to catch up and pass christopher they had already done a lap by this point both celica were laughing excitedly as they raced each other as they were coming to the end of the third lap neck and neck with each other both had smiles on their faces they were having fun

as they crossed the finish line they didn't really know they had their dragons land

"do you want that looked at" the teacher asked athena even though christopher was still mounted on her

"nope i want it to heal naturally as my rider shows the world that i am his and he can do what he wants with me" athena said proudly

"you have a strange dragon" the teacher said

"believe me i know" christopher said

"so who won" athena said she had her dragon walk up to the four of them she was also still mounted

"honestly i think it was a draw" the teacher said

"well looks like nobody wins the bet" celica said

"why should i care" christopher said

"fair point they walked there dragons towards the building before dismounting they went inside to change and they prepared to head for the next class