
The Dragon Queen and her mates.

Mature content: ‘You are not my craving my dear, you are my obsession.’ “ She was our light and we were her darkness—- and just like every opposites we were obsessed with the idea of having her.” The Evil Empress, the one whose life was filled with debauchery and betrayal to her mates was supposed to die tonight. Being the Empress of the Dragniere Empire and the mother to all dragons, she was supposed to live a life where she lived for her people and the country, her exquisite powers were alone enough to make her the ruler of the entire continent and with her face that was as beautiful as a shining pearl in the moonlight, with hair as fine as Pima, and her curves so luscious that any man would have died of desire with just one glimpse. With powers that were beyond humans, shrouded with the air of aristocracy and with a personality that was as cruel as Medusa, The Evil Empress continued to rule over the people of her Empire with her tyranny. Brianna Cage, nicknamed ‘ Bree, The hellion’ for the convenience of her acquaintances was a rowdy young woman. She had a fierce sense of justice, she was dependable and despite not being the most beautiful woman in her department, she was sought out by a lot of men because of her alluring nature, she rejected them all because in truth she was in love with —— all the Daddies in the comic books she has read. Behind her aloof and dependable persona resided a Weeb who was always cheering on the characters of her favourite books. One day she came upon the book ‘ The Maid’s route of survival of the fittest’ and decided to read it just for the heck of it since the Empress shared the same name as her. But soon Bree found out that the Empress was the Villainess, she even betrayed her mates one by one and what was even more gut-wrenching she was killed by her mates! All for the sake of the maid who reincarnated into the book with a system to help her. Bree though angry decided to throw the book at the back of her head but oddly enough the book vanished and Bree found herself waking up in the room of the Evil Empress just three weeks before she was executed by her mates! Startled but not having the time to freak out, Bree started to take care of everything that the Evil Empress has done wrong. She thought that she would be able to live a peaceful life away from her bloodthirsty mates who didn’t seem too fond of her. But unfortunately, things didn’t go as she planned as five sets of eyes fell on her despite all the precautions she has taken against them. And once those eyes locked on her, they refused to let go of their possessiveness. The Evil Empress was theirs, to begin with who dares take her away?

fairytail72 · Fantasía
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243 Chs

Are you a dog?

Blaise didn't let go of Bree until the very end, he kept holding her gaze trespassing in her personal space which caused Bree to be reasonably upset, she glared back at him looking more than upset but Blaine wasn't scared at this moment the woman in front of him was not the Queen of the Dragniere empire, she was his mate, the woman he claimed and not anyone else. She can blame him as much as she wanted but she will never be able to wipe his existence from her life because as long as she was here, he will be right by her side, till the very end.

" Are you angry?" he asked as he tried to control his erratic breathing. Bree's scent alone was enough to drive him crazy before but now as he got closer to her, he realised her scent has changed. Not for the worse but for the better, it was so f*cking delicious that all he wanted was to take that kissable mouth and snatch her breath away. Since where did she start smelling so good? If he was a sucker for her before now he was f*cking addicted to her.

Just what happened when he wasn't looking at her? How come she became even more tempting than she was?

Bree levelled him with a glare and let out a warning snarl. As the Queen of the dragons our snarl Wasnt like those whiny coquettish ones, it was filled with authority that was warning Blaise not to push his limits than he already has. " I will give you three seconds to get the f*ck out of my face or I will renounce my claim on you here and now! Blaise De Luca!"

" Wrong move my darling." snapped Blaise as he stretched his hand to the back of her head and knotted her hair in his hand. " You can't and will never renounce your claim on me you know why? Because I will not let you do it. You try to renounce your claim on me and I will f*cking annihilate this entire Empire that you care so much about, and I swear as hell won't regret it."

She breathed in a sharp breath and tried to pull away from Blaise but this time she understood that she might be the Dragon Queen. However, because of all the drugs and alcohol the previous owner of this body has shoved down her throat, Saphira was still dormant inside her. She was healing and she couldn't muster much strength to fight Blaise at the moment, releasing a shuddering /breath she shook her head in disbelief. " You are sick."

" Yes, I am sick my darling. Why don't you kiss me and treat me all better?" He winked as the threatening glint in his eyes vanished from his eyes. It was like he never once tried to threaten her at all, Bree narrowed her eyes and snorted, this man was not just dangerous, he was also a black lotus, he was actually able to change his face in a flicker of his breath. " Not even in your dreams, bastard. Now get lost, I don't want to see your face and this time, it's not your mate who is speaking to you but the Queen of this Empire."

Blaise studied her gaze may be trying to see whether she was speaking the truth or not, when he realized that she was serious, he loosened his grip on her hair and took a step back. " As you wish my Queen," he said with a respectful bow before leaning close and whispering in a seductively low voice that was layered with nothing but temptation. " But you know that if I have any dreams that include you, then I won't stop just at a kiss."

" You.." cheeks flushing, Bree stared daggers at him. " Are you a dog?"

" I am not but if that's what you want I will allow you to put a collar around my throat." winked Blaise as he smoothly brushed his lips against the corner of her mouth. A sensation like never before shot through her body, before she trembled. A gasp escaped her lips and she growled at him, " When I said that you are not allowed to come look for me, it meant that you can't sneak in my room, bind me with your magic and you cannot be freaking kissing me."

" I haven't kissed you, I smooched you—- and if I have kissed you, you would be breathless enough not to muster any strength to keep standing much less snap at me like that." He patted her cheek as he walked past her, before turning around and looking at her one last time. " And you better get used to me sneaking in because nothing can hold me back and if you do try to stop me from, getting what's mine, you might not like the consequences, My Queen."

Then three things happened at once, Blaise jumped out of the window, while the body binding spell on Bree broke and she threw a sword at her pervert of a mate before sliding on the floor. Good God, what was that? Why was her mate was doing this to her? Wasn't he supposed to hate her?

She was angry, upset and scared. Angry because she was taken advantage of, upset that she was dominated by a pervert again and scared because she knew that if those psychopaths found out that she wasn't the real 'Brianna Dragniere' they will snap her neck into pieces.


As Blaise cleanly landed on the ground, he turned around to walk back to his palace. He was in a good mood, even though it couldn't be called snatching a kiss from his wife at least he was able to snatch something back from her —— right? But just as he turned around the tip of a black double-edged sword was aimed at his throat and he sighed, " Really now?"

Will start stock piling soon before going premium remember if I don't post chapters for long it doesn't mean that I have abandoned this book, I am still here just stocking my chapters for next month before releasing in bulk mode.