

In the Dragon Realm trouble looms. Dragon shifters are missing and no one knows why. The Royal family is on edge and are forced to send their last daughter Fiona to the human Realm to investigate when she offers to help. Fiona is hyped to finally do something great for her kingdom but what she does not expect is finding out that Dragon shifters are not the only shifters in existence, werewolves exist and she is the mate of the Alpha of one of the most powerful pack in the United States. Alpha Mikhail the young Alpha of the Moon rippers pack considers his pack the highest priority. He is tough when necessary and brutal when the need arises. The only thing missing is his mate whom happens to be Fiona the strange human girl. what happens when those lingering in the dark are after him and his mate's destruction and his mate is not opening up about the secrets she has? Will Fiona reveal her true form to him? Will Mikhail be able to accept and protect her? Will they have their happy ending? or Will the unknown darkness consume them in this war for power? Read to find out.

Rae_Zee · Fantasía
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25 Chs


(unknown p.o.v)

I moved slowly towards the new building that the wolves were. My love had informed me about their new base and I had to go visit them. On entering the building I saw some of my Love's guards, they bowed to me before letting me pass. I saw a lot of people chained to the wall and the moment they saw me they all growled at me but I just smirked in return. I went into my Love's room and met him bare chested on the bed. On seeing me he stood up and kissed me. I looked around before asking "how did you find a new base so quickly?" "Well we were prepared to move should anything go wrong" he answered in his deep voice. "And besides I should be thanking you, without you we wouldn't know that the pesky princess was Coming into this Realm" he added. "Yes that would have been horrible especially if she saw our people in the building, she would have killed you all" I said with a smile. "So what's the plan now?" I asked him. He looked at me with a devious smile "well now we get more people from your kingdom, we need more people because we need more blood. The blood of those remaining is almost completely drained" he told me. "How do we do that with Fiona in this Realm?" I asked worried. "Simple, my insiders have informed me that princess Fiona is currently at the Moon Rippers pack, she's the Alpha's mate so they won't let her leave" "she's the Alpha's mate? Well that's shocking. I guess that will give us more time to carry out our plan, but what if something goes wrong?" "Something like what? My love" he asked pulling me closer. "Well what if the pack notices something wrong, you did say that they've increased their patrols around the part of the forest where the portal is" I say burying my face into his neck. "I've thought of that and that's why I have another plan to distract them while we get the people" he said before kissing me. I kissed him back and before I knew it my back met the bed and the real fun began.

(2 hours later)

(Rouge boss's p.o.v)

I watched her leave before calling in my friend and partner Flint. He came in and after looking at my appearance he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Looks like you guys had a LOT of fun while in here" he said looking around. "Yeah it was great but now we have things to do" I told him. "Yeah yeah I know what to do and when to do it so don't worry about it and focus on getting more people"

He said after sitting down on the chair. "Make sure to take only a few Rouges but double the amount of blood you inject them with" I told him standing up. "Why do you wanna do that? Taking a few rouges will reduce the time we have to distract them" Flint said confusion clearly written on his face. "No it's better to have 20 strong Rouges than 40 weak ones, these 20 will give them a hard time and it will reduce the number of loses" I tell him with a smirk. "Oh, you're a genius. I'll make sure to double the doses of blood so they'll be even stronger" Flint said already catching on to my plan. He looked to be in deep thought before asking "do you really plan on making her your queen when your plans fall into place?" I knew who he was talking about so I scoffed "no she means nothing to me, the only reason I haven't killed her is because she's helping us take her people" Flint laughed before answering "she is such an idiot for thinking you would make her your queen, but who do you plan on making your queen?" "Well I have one person in mind and I'll make sure of it" I tell him. "Oh who is it? Is it a Rouge Or human?" he asked in all seriousness. "Neither of what you said. You see I have a brilliant idea and it all ends with me getting a certain princess to be mine" Flint looked confused before a look of realization flashed across his face and he smirked. He laughed before shaking his head "you just have to get all the good things don't you?" I nodded "yes I do, I deserve the best of everything, including that feisty princess" I laughed before I continued talking "it's only a matter of time before I destroy Alpha Mikhail and take his mate" "How long do you think we have before he finds out what we've been doing?" Flint asks. "Long enough to put everything into place, by the time he figures it out we'll be delivering the final blow. If I could take out his father then, I can definitely take him out now " "Okay after getting him out of the picture what do you plan on doing?" I sighed in frustration. sometimes Flint was such a fool, it took too long for him to catch on. "Once I take over his pack I'll have control over all the Rouges and the other packs, I'll be the strongest Alpha and I'll crown myself the Alpha king" I said. "What if the other packs refuse to acknowledge you? What if they try to fight back"

I let out a cruel laugh at his question. "Anyone who tries to stand in my way will be destroyed" I tell him meaning every word I speak. "All werewolves will bow at my feet, I will finally have what I deserve and with that power we will rule this world." "Yes it's time the humans know that there are superior beings out there, beings who can choose to end their lowly existence" finally Flint was thinking like me. "All in good time my friend, for now I need you to prepare two groups of Rouges. One to attack the Moon Rippers pack and the other to go with me" I say opening the door and going into the hallway. Flint followed me out "should I inject the other group with Dragon blood?" "No there's no need for that and even if we needed it it wouldn't be possible. We don't have enough blood to inject them with, there are only 3 women remaining that we haven't drained completely" "Well if this plan works out then we'll get more people now won't we?" "Yes, yes we will" I say before sending Flint off to prepare. Tomorrow is going to be a good day. The game has only just begun and nothing will stop me from getting my throne and queen, nothing at all.

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