
The world of dragons

The leader of the fire country was watching the finals of the element dragon tournament.

In the academy of the dragons a small 8 year kid trying to make a water wall a d suddenly the water blast from the glass bar and the water fell on his shirt and pant.

"Oh man looks like someone peed his pants " said a boy and everyone burst into laughter. The kid got angry and ran out but was burnt by the teacher " Ace I think it's time for your punishment" and laughed. Then another teacher came and took the kid away and the class continued. "Always whenever anyone made a mistake they would be forgiven because they had parents but Ace and myself don't know our parents so the teachers take advantage of that " whispered a boy with white hair to himself. "Ray, you are next so shut and come down here ". The boy with the white hair went down and made a perfect sphere of water. At evening Ray and Ace, both were talking "they did it again, again the hit me until my face was covered with blood" said Ace "yeah, yeah, I saw you, man they literally will change your face pattern only by hitting you " said Ray. Ace stood and caught rays collar "oh you are just the topper and that's why you never know the feeling of burns and bruises" Ray replied " man I am serious so les just get the hell out of the country ". "Are you freaking serious " Ace shouted. "Yeah who do you have in this country except jasmine who don't even know you love her and by the way you never talked to her, this world is nothing but a hell in itself if you want to survive this freaking world you need to be strong and you think any of these people will ever help you " ray shouted

" but it is not my mistake that the teachers are not helping me and don't state jasmine in my matter ". " Thats it you are coming or not , with me your one and only friend or staying in the country of fools where no one even cares about you" Ray said "Right I am coming with you "said Ace. "Right come here at 3 00 at the night and pack all you need " and ray dissapeared. Ace then felt happy and went to pack his luggages