
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

The First Power Receiving Part - 2

As the days went by, the fateful day from which the life and fate of Ji Ho was about to change has reached.

In these past three years Ji Ho has constantly dreamt about the dragon coming near her and entering her body.

She has told everything which she has seen in her dream to Gong Kim who has just assured her saying that everything which she has seen are only going to bring good luck to her.

But deep down only he knew that the real reason why the dragon was appearing in her.

He knew that the time when Ji Ho will inherit and take the first set of powers of the dragon is reaching soon.

For which he has been preparing Ji Ho in both physical and mental manner and he has been preparing himself to be mentally strong and rready for the moment when Ji Ho will take the steps into her fate.

Only he knew the process which Ji Ho will went through to receive those powers and after that the life which awaits her.

Then just as the day of Ji Ho's power receiving is drawing near the red ball which has the powers which she will receive became more and more active after being dormant for many years.

The red ball started to glow and float in the air with a faint dragon image started to form behind it.

The dragon image which was being formed faintly in the beginning of the third year has now becoming more clear with each passing day.

This image of the dragon is basically working as a timer which was indicating the time when Ji Ho will receive the powers.

The day when the image of the dragon will be completed that will be day when Ji Ho will receive the powers.

Now the time is really near as only the face of the dragon is only remaining to be formed completely other than that the entire body of the dragon has been formed.

Just as the time was going on, a scroll appeared in front of Gong Kim which has some message for him.

Then Gong Kim took the scroll and opened it to read it and then he read the message which was written. In it which is,

"Hello My Dear Friend, how are you ? As far as I know you will be fine and doing pretty well. If you are reading this scroll now it means the time is near for the first power holder to receive my powers. In this scroll I have determined the exact time when power holder will get the powers. Right exactly after two days from when you have read this scroll is the day when power holder will receive my powers. I am sure you must have trained the power holder both physically and mentally to receive my powers. With this power receiving half of your work will be completed and then you have to wait for the second power holder to be born and for the time when he will be ready to receive the powers and after he receives my other powers your work will be completed. Till then take care of yourself, My Dear Friend Gong Kim."

After reading the entire message of the scroll Gong Kim just sighed knowing that there is not much time left before Ji Ho receives the powers.

Accepting the fact that it is the moment for which he has raised and trained Ji Ho.

But still the heart of his which has developed a fatherly side after taking care of Ji Ho was unable to let his dear daughter go through the process which will more difficult for her.

On one side his mind is saying to let everything go by the way it is to happen whereas on the other side his heart is saying to not let Ji Ho go through the process.

After much thinking Gong Kim had a great conflict in his internal mindset which is just bringing more conflicting thoughts for him and at this rate he was unable to decide anything.

In this situation he suddenly thought something and teleported from his own world to the real world.

After three years he was visiting the real world since the last he has visited here with his daughter.

After arriving at the real world he simply headed towards the Beojkkoch to meet Lee MI Ryung.

Sonn he reached at the door of Beojkkoch and then he opened the door and entered the Beojkkoch to meet Lee MI Ryung.

In a matter luck when Gong Kim entered Beojkkoch at that time Lee MI Ryung was on the ground floor taking care of her guests and when she heard the door opening sound and turned her head to greet the guest she saw Gong Kim was the one who has entered Inside the Beojkkoch.

Seeing Gong Kim after three made Lee MI Ryung very happy. Not because she has any kind of feelings for him but she was waiting for him to answer some of her questions.

The questions which were lingering in her mind from three years before from the time they both met with each other.

Then Lee MI Ryung moved towards him without wasting any time and soon she was standing in front of Gong Kim.

Seeing Lee MI Ryung in front of him Gong Kim was also happy and then Lee MI Ryung welcomed him inside and took him to his seat.

After Gong Kim sat on his seat Lee MI Ryung also sat on chair which was place just in front of Gong Kim.

Then Lee MI Ryung asked him,

Lee MI Ryung: "Where are you sir from the past three years ? You haven't visited here from three years."

Gong Kim: "I am sorry Madam MI Ryung for not being able to come her for three years. But I have been really busy with some of my works and with also some of the thoughts which has been conflicting me."

Lee MI Ryung: "Tell me what is your problem, I might be able to help you."

Gong Kim: "I don't think this is the better place for that kind of discussion."

Understanding the meaning behind Gong Kim's words Lee MI Ryung just tapped on his hand and went upstairs and Gong Kim also followed behind her.

Then soon they both have entered in the same room of Lee MI Ryung where they have talked about the real world and it's governing order three Yeats ago.

Then they both took their respective seats in front of each other and then Gong Kim asked her,

Gong Kim: "You seem doing very well after the last time I saw you."

Lee MI Ryung: "Yes I have doing really well thanks to someone who has created a ruckus here three years ago."

Gong Kim: "I only did that three years ago just to protect you but that was also your doing since you acted all weak and cried for help to me."

Lee MI Ryung: "I only did that to test you and I still admit it you have done really very well at that time."

Gong Kim: "Now enough with this tell how are you ? And what have you been doing from the past three years ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "Well I tell you the truth I am pretty much fine as you have seen. But things could have gone pretty bad if I hadn't used my skills and techniques."

Gong Kim: "What do you mean by that Madam MI Ryung?"

Lee MI Ryung: "After you left that day, Kim Rang came here again but he didn't came alone. Rather he had brought his father, the most powerful and prominent aid of the emperor of this country and some soldiers."

Gong Kim: "So he brought his father and soldiers here. Then he must have been looking for me. Did he or his father has done anything wrong to you just tell me and I will teach a very good lesson."

Lee MI Ryung: "Sir don't be in a hurry I have told you already that I have taken care of that perfectly and his father Kim Seok Ul has already taught him a lesson which he will never forget in his entire life and after that he will never mess with me."

Gong Kim: "What did you do to turn his own father against him."

Lee MI Ryung: "Sir I think you are forgetting who am I and what I am capable of doing."

Saying this Lee MI Ryung smirked at Gong Kim and Gong Kim who is a millions of years old being clearly understood what she meant by those lines.

Gong Kim: "I clearly can think of what you might have done but still tell what Kim Seok Ul did to his son."

(A/N - My fellow Men and Women of culture can clearly understand what Lee MI Ryung really have done.)

Lee MI Ryung: "After witnessing my skills and techniques Kim Seok Ul became really kind to me and he also paid for the damages which his son has caused here. Then I told him that his son is harassing me and causing trouble for me for which I can't run my business well."

Lee MI Ryung: "I also told him that his son is making use of his name which is just adding mud to his name and his reputation in the public is being tarnished by it."

Lee MI Ryung: "After hearing my words he became really angry with his son and then he came out with me from my room and then we both came down where his son was waiting for us. And when hebsaw his father he smiled and came near him thinking he will aveng him but in reality his father started to scold him in front of me, my people and all of my guests."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then he started to beat him with a very large and thick wooden stick and after beating him they all left my place and then the very next day he sent his son to the largest and prestigious Iron Armor Sect where many cultivators and soldiers get trained for the country and he is still in the sect and haven't returned yet."

Gong Kim: "It looks like your skills and techniques other than cultivation energy techniques are very dangerous."

Lee MI Ryung: "You bet it is. Now tell me what is your inner conflict for which you have become really tense and stressed."

Gong Kim: "Actually I want to decide something but I can't decide what to do."

Lee MI Ryung: "Tell me what is the thing upon which you want to decide something."

Gong Kim: "That matter is very confidential and I can't disclose it to you."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then if you don't tell me that matter then I can't help you."

Gong Kim: "Then I have an idea for this matter to be solved by you."

Lee MI Ryung: "Tell me."

Gong Kim: "Consider a situation where you have to get a big tressure for the well being of people but to get that tressure you have to go through a very excruciating pain. Now tell me what will you choose will you get the tressure or will you decline the tressure fearing the pain ?"

After hearing this situation from Gong Kim, Lee MI Ryung made a fist and then put her cheek on her fist and started to think about this situation very deeply.

She thought about this situation for about thirty minutes and then she took a deep breath and said,

Lee MI Ryung: "I will choose the tressure."

Gong Kim: "Why did you choose this option ? What is your reason behind it ?"

Lee MI Ryung: "I have thought about this situation. It is true that in this situation to get the tressure the I have to go through excruciating pain but that pain will only lead me to the tressure which I will use for a greater good which is to give people a very good life."

Lee MI Ryung: "Since I have to use the tressure for the greater good of people then I can through any pain to get that tressure and this is my reason to choose my answer."

Hearing Lee MI Ryung's answer ans reason, Gong Kim thought about it and started to analyse his own situation with this new angle which he has never seen before.

Than after thinking for while Gong Kim looked at Lee MI Ryung and smiled at her brightly and then said,

Gong Kim: "Thank you so much Madam MI Ryung for helping me. I knew that only you can solve this problem of mine. Thank you so much and since you have helped me to decide my answer, I will give you a reward which will help you very much in your future."

Lee MI Ryung: " I am really happy that I can solve your problem and what will be my reward ?"

Gong Kim: "I will give you that when we will meet the next time."

Lee MI Ryung: "Then when we will meet again ?"

Gong Kim: "We will meet again after four days and on the fifth day when we will meet, I will give you the reward. Till then bye and take care of yourself."

Lee MI Ryung: "Okay by-.."

Before Lee MI Ryung could finish her words she saw something which made really shocked.

She saw Gong Kim being teleported right before her very own eyes.

She just couldn't comprehend what she has seen in front of her. She only heard about the teleportation cultivation energy technique from her deceased master but she has never thought that the technique which her master was not able to learn is being used in front of her.

She just couldn't believed what she has experienced just now.

After teleporting from the Beojkkoch, Gong Kim reached at his own world where he saw Ji Ho was still practicing her aerial martial arts with a sword.

Seeing Gong Kim appearing out of nowhere, Ji Ho landed in front of him and asked where he went and then he told her about visit Lee MI Ryung.

Then Ji Ho asked him about how he appeared out of nowhere in front of her to which he replied that he has used the teleportation cultivation technique.

Hearing about this technique Ji Ho became very curious about it and wanted to know more about it. Understanding her curiosity Gong Kim told her to wait for two days and after that he will tell her everything.

Then Ji Ho also agreed with her father and resumed her aerial martial arts practise but this time Gong Kim also joined her to better her attacks.

Then Ji Ho diligently practised all her martial arts and cultivation energy techniques for two days.

And then the day has arrived when Ji Ho has to receive the powers.