
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Birth Part - 1

Meanwhile inside the small world of Gong Kim and Ji Ho, they both ppeared out of thin air which made Ji Ho very shocked since it was her first time seeing and experiencing teleportation cultivation technique.

Ji Ho couldn't comprehend the thing which she has witnessed now. This is just something which she has never witnessed.

Because at one time she was in front of Lee MI Ryung in the Beojkkoch and that to inside her room.

But now she is right in front of her mansion and in their own world. This technique of her father really made her shocked.

This cultivation energy technique is very fascinating for Ji Ho since she never heard of this or seen it before.

Then Ji Ho looked at her father and asked him,

Ji Ho: "Father what kind of cultivation energy technique is this ? I have never seen or heard anything about this. I mean just a few seconds ago we were with Madam MI Ryung and now we are here in out world. How is this possible father ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter this technique which I have used to brought us here is called teleportation. In this cultivation energy technique we can go to any place in this planet in an instant without using portals. This technique is very powerful and advanced than the portals which I have used before and you have also learnt."

Ji Ho: "Father does this cultivation energy technique can take me anywhere without using portals ? Is it really true father ?"

Gong Kim: "Yes daughter it is true."

Ji Ho: "Then father please teach me this technique. I want to learn this technique."

Gong Kim: "Sure daughter I will teach you. I have already shared this technique with you when I have given many techniques in your head and this teleportation technique is in your head but it is sealed."

Ji Ho: "Then father please unseal the technique."

Gong Kim: "Sure daughter I will unseal it. I have been waiting for the moment when you will get the powers of dragon. And now that you have gained the powers of the dragon the time has come for you to get that technique."

Ji Ho: "Okay father. Please unseal the technique and teach me."

Gong Kim: "Sure. Now daughter please kneel down on the ground."

Ji Ho: "Sure father."

After this Ji Ho kneeled down on the ground and then Gong Kim went near his daughter. Then moved his hand towards her forehead.

Then he touched her forehead with his hand and closed his eyes. Then he channeled his cultivation energy into her brain which started to unseal the teleportation technique in her mind.

Soon Ji Ho's body got covered in a red light for few seconds and then it disappeared and then Gong Kim took out his hand from her forehead.

Then he looked at his daughter and told her,

Gong Kim: "Daughter I have unsealed the teleportation technique in your head. Now sit down cross legged and study the technique."

Hearing the words of her father Ji Ho opened her eyes and told him,

Ji Ho: "Okay father."

Then following her father's instructions Ji Ho sat down cross legged and closed down her eyes and started to learn the teleportation technique.

While Ji Ho is busy in her learning of technique, Gong Kim went inside the mansion and got busy in his work.

After fifteen minutes Ji Ho opened her eyes as she has fully learned the technique of teleportation and then she got up from the ground and went inside the mansion as well.

When Ji Ho entered the mansion she saw that Gong Kim is searching something. So she went near him and asked him,

Ji Ho: "Father what are you looking for ? Please tell me and I will help you with it to look for it."

Gong Kim: "Daughter I am looking for a scroll. If you want to help me then that would be great."

Ji Ho: "Okay sure father I will help you. Now tell me what this scroll looks like. I mean does it have a special symbol carved in it or not."

Gong Kim: "Yes it surely has a symbol in it. On the scroll you will find the carving of a dragon lying in the water."

Ji Ho: "Okay I understood father. I will search for it now."

Then both the father and daughter started to search for the scroll together. They both divided their search area between them.

Gong Kim went to search in his room while Ji Ho is searching in the living room area. Just as Ji Ho was searching in her space, a thought popped up in her mind.

She thought that why not go inside the room of knowledge and check there for once.

Thinking about this she head towards the room of knowledge alone. Soon she reached in front of the room of knowledge.

Since the room of knowledge has acknowledged Ji Ho as it's master. So when Ji Ho reached in front of the door of the said room it opened automatically.

Seeing this Ji Ho also understood why this thing happened.

Then she went inside the room and started to search for the scroll. Just as Ji Ho is searching inside that room she saw a box which is placed on a rack is glowing from the inside.

Seeing this thing Ji Ho became very surprised and then she moved towards the box to check it. After reaching near the box Ji Ho opened it and saw thing which is inside it.

She saw that a scroll is inside the box and with an art of dragon lying in the water carved on the outer part of the scroll.

Seeing this glowing scroll with the same symbols as her father had told her made Ji Ho hundred percent confirmed that it is the same scroll.

So without wasting a second Ji Ho picked up the box and took it to her father. When Ji Ho came back to the living room she saw thst her father is not there.

So she thought that he would be in his room. So she went to his room straight. And just like she has guessed he is indeed in his room.

Then she went inside his room and handed him over the box which has the scroll he was looking for.

Then Gong Kim opened the box and saw that the scroll inside the box is the same scroll he was searching.

So without wasting anymore time Gong Kim took the scroll in his hand and opened it quickly. Just as he opened the scroll... it began glowing with a blue color.

Then the scroll went out of his hands and started to float in the air in front of both of them. Then Gong Kim and Ji Ho both started to read the contents written inside the scroll.


After they both completed reading the scroll, it suddenly got disappeared right in front of their eyes in the thin air.

After reading this Ji Ho became very confused. So she looked at her father and asked him,

Ji Ho: "Father what does this mean ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter I have already told you that apart from you another person will also get the powers of the dragon."

Ji Ho: "Yes I remember father."

Gong Kim: "So daughter this scroll is for us to know when the second power holder will born in this world and where."

Ji Ho: "Okay I understand father."

Gong Kim: "Now we have to wait for one hundred and five years for the second power holder to be born and after that we have to go and bless him."

After that they both just nodded their head together signalling each other they have understood what the meaning the scroll carried for them.

Then Gong Kim cooked some food for both of them and they both ate it and went to sleep.

Then the wheel of time started to move in it's speed and it started to convert the the seconds into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months and months into years.

In these on going years Gong Kim trained Ji Ho in many aspects like martial arts, weapon training, stealth attacking, spying, politics, warfare, arts, literature and some other things.

He also make sure that Ji Ho always do her cultivation regularly and there is not a single day when she didn't indulge in cultivation.

Whenever they get time both father and daughter went to meet Lee MI Ryung and she also became happy to meet them.

All of them will talk for hours and also will go on to visit the different countries in the real world to gather some information on those countries.

And just like this one hundred and four years have passed and now the one hundred and five year has arrived in which the second power holder will take birth in the cover world.

From the beginning of this year a strange phenomenon started to happen in the room of Gong Kim.