
Buissness Deal and Calling Back The Dead.

Azazel brought them to his office which was just as luxurious as a Supernatural Faction leader would have. He sat on one couch and across from it on the other wall was another one. On this one Maulketh and Valina sat which made Azazel miffed she chose him over Grigori.

Azazel clasped both of his hands together and leaned forward.

"So, what did you wish to speak with me about?"

Maulketh on the other hand leaned back, with his arms crossed. He was the one that held all the power here as not even all of Grigori could stop him. No, not even the Three Factions could as they had done so to Ddraig and Albion.

"One thing, join my side. Very soon I shall be killing Zeus and taking over as ruler of the Greek Pantheon. Several of the gods are on my side already so in two weeks the Greek Pantheon shall be mine to rule.

I want to offer you a place at the table as I am gathering allies. Already Odin has agreed to ally with me and I have spoken with Shiva. I am family to the Gremory Clan, and I am offering Grigori this same offer."

Azazel asked one question.

"Would we be allies or subordinates?"

"Allies. If I wanted to enslave you, I would just have to say it, but I value free will. Besides, you are the adoptive father of Valina, my apprentice."

Azazel turned to Valina who spoke up.

"Azazel, this is a good offer for Grigori. You already saw how powerful Master is. His power is monstrous and he is recognized by both Ophis and Great Red. Grigori would be its own faction as always, but be an ally to new Olympus."

Maulketh would need to think of a name for his new mountain. He did not like New Olympus, but knowing his terrible naming sense he would have to think it out. Maulketh would even sweeten the deal.

"Hephestus is my personal blacksmith, he can make Divine Weapons which he has been making for my allies. You can work with him in your Sacred Gear research. Do what you want, research what you want, I don't care. All you need to do is not make me an enemy."

Azazel sighed.

"One thing, I heard you attacked Heaven and took something. What was it?"

Ddraig and Albion answered.

[Our bodies. As our current host, Maulketh was entitled to have them returned. Very soon he will break us out of these Gears once and for all.]

{Your lucky we have had time to relax otherwise our vengeance would have been bloody.}

Azazel held his hand out which Maulketh instantly shook.

"The deal is done."

Azazel felt as if an oppressive feeling came from Maulketh. He did not make a pact and yet he felt he had just made one. Maulketh stood up and walked off.

"That was the Principle of Tyrrany by the way. In 4 weeks, I say we have a grand meeting among Grigori, my Olympus, the Norse, Devils, and Shiva. I say such a meeting will be quite fruitful."

Azazel wondered why Heaven was not involved.

"And Heaven?"

Maulketh shrugged.

"They can come, but within a month I expect them to begin to pull their religion out of my territory. My lair is in America, which shall become mine over the next couple of years. I can't allow worship of their God in my territory. Only worship of my Divine allies shall be allowed.

Which, I know how it sounds, I must hate humans and look down on them, but I know what it is like to be human. I shall guide them to better themselves to not stay weak. The world is dying Azazel, and humans are good at what they do.

But, under my rule, they can be better. And all of North America shall become land for humans and the Supernatural. But more importantly, I shall unite my kin under me, and North America shall be our territory."

Azazel had just one thing to say about all that.

"The humans will fight you know. They don't like what is different."

Maulketh did not mind.

"I could wipe them out with a sentence, but I shall not. It won't happen overnight or even in a year or three, but in time improvement can open minds. And I have powerful allies, they shall aid me in me taking control of my territory."

Azazel sighed.

"Count me in, you say your territory shall be open to all?"

He nodded.

"Of course, if they follow the laws of my new country which I have to plan out."

Valina only had one question.

"But don't you hate Angels?"

He nodded.

"I do. I can't stand angels, the mere thought of them sickens me. It was my former humanity that kept me from blowing up all of Heaven while my draconian self demanded their deaths."

[You are not alone, Angels are the opposite of Dragons. Dragons represent freedom, Nature, and we are more sinful than demons. Angels meanwhile are the furthest thing from free, they can't have free will or they turn into Fallen Angels, and they push their values on others and purity."

But this is mostly the fault of God, his hatred for Dragons was so extreme that all Dragons hate Heaven as well as an answer. Like a natural answer for his hatred of us. We hate his creations.]

{Very true, that day we fought I killed more Angels on purpose as they drew my ire.}

Azazel hoped that Michael could fix this issue otherwise what stopped Maulketh from destroying Heaven? With that said, Maulketh stood up and began to leave.

"Valina, you want to come with me?"

She thought about it and shook her head.

"Not right now, I want to catch up with Azazel. I will be back home by midnight. What about you?"

"Resurect someone dead."

Valina instantly wanted to come, but she had just said she wanted to catch up with Azazel. She thought about it for 5 seconds before she got up.

"It can wait, I am comming."

Azazel felt like he had been rejected by his child which he had been. He sighed as he also stood up, if Maulketh could bring back Shuri, maybe he could even bring back his dead friends."

First they met back with Akeno and Baraqiel who were still catching up. It had been years for both of them since they could just sit as family, but this was the day for it. When they both saw Maulketh enter they turned their full attetion to him.

"I need to know Baraqiel, where did you burry Shuri?"

Baraqiel closed his eyes and sighed.

"Not far from our old home, I held her funeral there."

Maulketh wondered about it.

"Are you ready now?"

Baraqiel nodded.

"Yes, I shall take us there."

He held his hands out and a large teleportation circle opened under their feet. In a flash of light they all appeared in front of a large grave. Seeing her mother's grave once more made Akeno tear up so she hugged her father tighter.

Azazel patted Baraqiel's shoulder as this was the first hope he had. However, hope could burn you as if Maulketh failed, that hope would just bring pain.

"I hope you know what you are doing Maulketh?"

"I hope so too. I need some things first."

He walked toward Akeno first and he reached for her head. She met his eyes expecting something like him to pat her head, but he just pulled out one of her long hairs. He reached out toward Baraqiel and pulled out one of his beard hairs.

That took them for a loop as Maulketh did not explain. He walked toward the grave and stood over it. The Boosted Gear, and Divine Dividing appeared as he waved his hand. From the ground the skelaton of Shuri rearanged itself perfectly.

Akeno and Baraqiel looked away for this as Maulketh kneeled over the remains. He placed the hairs of Akeno and Baraqiel in his right palm. He bit his tounge and a drop of his blood fell onto the two hairs causing them to be disolved into the blood.

Through his careful control he removed his affinities except for fire in the drop of blood. He dropped this on the skull which caused it to be absorbed inside causing his draconian Life Force to flow through them.

The bones began to look more alive as vitality flowed through them. He exhaled pure steam as he got to work.

'Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost.'

Already his power was 64 times more than his current level which was more than enough, He gathered all this power as he looked to the sky. His Draconian eyes glowing with the full power of a Dragon.

"I, Maulketh Imperator Tempus, Dragon Emperor of Tyrrany, heir of the White and Red Dragon Emepror's, call on the soul of Shuri Himejima. Mother of Akeno Himejima, wife of Baraqiel, the Lightning of God. Return to this mortal coil."

He gathered all of his power and held his hand out. The soul of Shuri who resideded in the otherworld was suddently pulled out and into his hand. He held her soul for only a moment as he placed it back into the skelaton.

Instantly flesh began to cover the skelaton in a wave of life as his attemtp of resurection had worked. He watched as muscle, organs, veins, arteries and the like returned before all of it was covered in white skin.

He reached down and picked up Shuri who opened her eyes. Bright golden eyes which crackled with fire. The first thing she saw, was Maulketh's own black blazing eyes. When she looked at him she knew who he was.

His dragon blood contained memories so she picked those up just by having it.

"You actually brought me back? Sir Maulketh."

He nodded.

"I did. Here, some clothes."

With a thought her naked body was covered in some Shinto clothes. Something she liked to wear in life which she much appreciated. He held up to her feet, but Baraqiel and Akeno were frozen in place. They had hope, but to actually see their hope mean something was shocking to them.

When Shuri saw her husband and daughter after so long she wept with joy. She walked toward the both of them and embraced them tightly.

"Baraqiel, Akeno, you have no idea how much I missed you two."

The entire family fell to thier knees as they embraced in a giant hug. However, Akeno could not stop weeping. After loosing her mother as a child to finally having her back caused her emotions to show in her tears.

Baraqiel and Shuri both wrapped their arms around their daughter and each other to allow them to let all her pain out. As for Maulketh he crossed his arms and leaned against Shuri's former grave with a smile watching this.

Azazel walked over to him and stood with him.

"You did a good thing you know."

At that moment Valin walked over toward him and she leaned on Maulketh's shoulder. .

"He is right, every now and then, we should all do some good deads. And this was for sure a good dead."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a happy smile on his face. He was considered evil by normal people, but doing a act of kindness did feel good at times.

"So am I. Even I can do a good act from time to time don't you think? But this reminds me, what about your mother? Do you want to meet back up with her?"

Valina smiled as she looked up at him.

"I do. Once I find my grandfather and father, then I can safely tell her who I am. She does not remember you see, my father wiped her memory and sent her on her way to Europe. He did the same for me in the Underworld, I think something snapped in him.

He wasn't always abusive you know, he was a good father, right until my grandfather got into his head."

Azazel agreed fully with that statement.

"Once you kill him, mind giving me his body?"

Valina nodded.

"You want to make him a Sacred Gear or something?"

Azazel laughed.

"You know me, if I can work with Hephestus I might make something good."

While they spoke Akeno got up and left the hug. She rushed toward Maulketh and gave him a big hug.


He sighed as he wrapped an arm around her. He could be a softy at times, well when it to women at least. He was confident enough to admit that.

"It's alright. You don't owe me a thing, just get stronger and serve Rias the best you can."

She let go of him and nodded.

"I shall."

Shuri smiled as she held her husbands arm.

"Sir Maulketh, would you join my family for a meal? Azazel, Valina, you of course can come as well. I am starved."

They all had no reason to deny so they all agreed to join her.

(I can't have Grayfia in the harem, I should have written that she is not married, but I forgot. Instead, maybe I can resurect her dead family and have her sister or mom or something take her place. Also, taking Maulketh to God of War would be fun.)