
The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD)

“Why did I start killing?” Once asked this question by a associate, Mark Nathaniel Anderson, Grand Master Assassin had a few answers. “Anger at the world? Revenge for what happened to me? Because I am insane? Because I am a twisted monster? All are correct, but most importantly because it’s fun.” When it was finally his turn to die, by a stroke of luck, he was reborn in a new stolen body that had a treasure in the form of Ddraig. His new friend and mentor. His new path, the path of Dragons and Tyranny was set in stone. (MC is a ruthless hypocrite and a womanizer.)

God_Of_Wolves · Cómic
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115 Chs

A Deal Is A Deal.

(I went back and edited the first couple of chapters. The difference is quite large.)

When the three Justice Leaguers heard Maulketh's question they were momentarily stunned. Darkseid was one of the most powerful enemies of the Justice League and he had calmly asked where he could find him to eat him.

He was already powerful enough, if he truly did eat Darkseid and assimilate his power he would be unstoppable. The Omega Effect and the Magic of a Dragon God would be all but unstoppable. But lying was going to be heard as he had already read their minds.

Diana was the one to speak.

"Darkseid is a New God and does not reside in this dimension. If you want to face him you will either have to enter his Dimension or wait until he attacks again. But I do not recommend you fight him. He is a mighty foe of the entire Justice League who on several occasions has almost conquered Earth.

Maulketh sighed.

"I see. Well, I will give you my word that I will ensure Earth is not destroyed, as I will be living here for a time, I got an idea. Batman, if you ask nicely I can educate you on some interesting things about your Gotham."

Superman was curious.

"What is interesting about Gotham? Please."

Maulketh grinned.

"Two reasons, Gotham is saturated with a dark curse that caused those inside to be more prone to evil. You Batman are no exception. Your soul is tainted by the dark hold of your city. And take it from me, a Dragon God, there is something even darker that has a hold over that city. Far more than that curse."

Batman paused when he heard that.

"My soul?"

Maulketh nodded.

"A normal human soul is normally neutral, your soul though bares Demonic traces in it. From what I can feel of Gotham, all the citizens have this taint. But the villains who call it home are far more saturated causing them to be prone to evil. But you and that Clown you refuse to kill have the most. Your souls at this point can't even be called human.

While you with pure will have it controlled, the Clown who was already messed up, pushed him to new extremes. Quite a fun pair you two make."

Wonder Woman looked at Bruce who was now thinking about this information. The city he fought so hard to protect was cursed. Fighting the criminals was just treating the symptoms. Not the diseases, and he just new he was also sick.

Wonder Woman would speak to her gods to find out more, but first, she asked Maulketh.

"Can you help?"

He nodded as he could eat the Warlock sealed, and draw the curse of the city to himself. His Concept was Tyrrany which could feed off the evil of the city, but he would not say that.

"I can, but why should I? I would gain nothing."

That was a lie as not only was an Evil God looming over the city the curse would be a good boon to have. He planned to eat the Warlock to learn of this reality's magic. And the Warlock was quite strong as his curse had seeped into all of Gotham. A good start as he had plenty of unique beings to devour in this Dimension. Hearing what he said, made Batman frown.

"I will agree to home both of you in a luxury home in Gotham if you help out."

Maulketh shrugged.

"Meh, I can just create my own home wherever I want. I can do the same on any planet. Why should I bother with this planet?"

Wonder Woman knew that gods thought differently from mortals; these two were Dragons. Creatures who were nothing like humans needed to feel they would gain to do anything.

"What do you two want?"

Maulketh pointed at Wonder Woman and Superman.

"I can do it for a drop of both of your blood."

Superman and Wonder Woman were not dumb. These two could use magic, many things could be done with the blood of people. Not to mention they were not humans, but a Kryptonian and a Demigod Amazon.

Their blood was valuable to many people as Superman already had been cloned before. Just giving their blood to Maulketh was a foolish thing. Superman refused.

"Pick something else."

Wonder Woman also did the same.

"The same goes for me."

Hearing that made him groan internally. He could take it by force, but that would immediately make him the Justice League's enemy too soon. Runeas was the one who was a big fan of DC and Marvel, he only knew the basics.

So until he got a better understanding of this world, that would have to wait. Trihexa broke her silence.

"Then no deal. You can just leave and go back to your Demonic City. We don't have to do anything to help you."

Maulketh smirked.

"You heard the lady. We will take our leave them."

Maulketh and Trihexa stood up and prepared to leave. With a thought, space was torn open as a portal opened in front of Maulketh. He was about to step through the portal, but a firm hand held his shoulder.

He turned around and saw Superman holding him back. Superman decided to do this against his better judgment to help Batman and Gotham. If it reduced the amount of suffering of the people of Gotham it would be worth it.

"A drop of blood right?"

Maulketh gently pushed Superman's hand off his shoulder. Being touched was not enough to anger him, but he rather be touched by a hot woman like Wonder Woman than a burly man like Klark.

"Yes, just one. If it makes you feel better I can ease your burdens. I Maulketh Imperator Tempus swear to not use it to clone, curse, bind, or kill you."

Eating it and absorbing and assimilating it did not count so he would not be breaking his oath. Superman though asked one thing.

"You may take it from me, but not Wonder Woman. Is that fair?"

Maulketh nodded.

"Of course."

Superman brought his finger up to his mouth and bit down hard. A small cut appeared on his thumb from which a drop of blood leaked out. Maulketh held his hand out to Superman who allowed the drop to drip onto Maulketh's open palm.

Trihexa looked at the tiny drop wondering why Maulketh wanted it. Then Maulketh shocked the three Leaguers by licking the drop of blood off his palm. The instant the Kryptonian DNA entered his body, his Dragon God physique and Concept of Tyrrany got to work.

This was useful material that would allow him to keep on Dominating others and Superpacing them. The two aspects of his Concept. He no longer had real cells as his entire body was made from his Concept. However, he felt how his entire body began to change. His body began to assimilate powerful aspects of the Kryptonian DNA.

For one, the Kryptonian cellular structure was far more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than regular tissue. Superman though was a peak individual for his long life living under a Yellow Sun.

His DNA was far more pure than others of his race, and that was what he was working with. He felt his body grow several new organs that were unique to Kryptonians.

His Domain of Tyrrany suddenly gained a few new perks. A unique bio-cellular matrix and deeper control over his own Electromagnetic field. He also felt that his body began to absorb the Solar Radiation of the Sun, but it was mixed in with his Divine Energy.

Each of his cells which were already small engines become far stronger. But he also gained a few more unique abilities without the weakness of Kryptonians. When he was done, he opened his eyes.

"I thank you for your blood Superman. As a noble Dragon God, I cannot lie or break my word. I shall offer my a-"

He was about to say aid, but Trihexa pulled him down and bit his neck like a vampire. He was stunned for a moment, but he could feel her drinking his blood. She could feel he got stronger and she wanted that as well. He reached out and grabbed her right hand and pulled it up to his mouth.

He bit her wrist and he returned the favor as they began to drink each other's blood. This display was a bit gorry for the taste of the League members. Both Dragon Gods did not do this for long as they stopped drinking each other's blood.

Trihexa licked her lips as she also could feel the unique aspects of a Kryptonian. As for Maulketh, he felt his unique body stabilize under the blood of Trihexa. They both healed and the blood that did not get drunk was reabsorbed.

"Sorry about the gorry display."

Superman squinted his eyes.

"What did you do?"

Maulketh patted his shoulder.

"Assimilated your Kryptonian Physiology. Thank you by the way. As promised, I will help you in treating the curse of Gotham. Of course, if you offer the blood of the Amazon, I am sure I can do some more good. What do you say? Care to trade?"

When Superman heard what Maulketh told them, he cursed. Already these two Dragon Gods were deadly beings and he just made them even stronger. Wonder Woman swore to herself to keep her blood away from these two.

As for Batman, he wondered if they also got the weakness of Kryptonite. Trihexa though broke his thoughts with a smirk.

"Keep dreaming. We would not keep those silly weaknesses. For now, we will take our leave with the Bat."

This time, Trihexa teleported just herself, Batman, and Maulketh directly to Gotham which was in Jersey. Once they arrived in the city, Maulketh took a deep breath. The air was deeply saturated with a Demonic Aura.

"Yup, just as I thought. This place is truly a den of curses. Treating this won't be easy or done in one day."

Batman squinted his eyes.

"What can you do though?"

Maulketh would not lie, but he would not say the full truth.

"I will make my home here in Gotham. It will absorb the Demonic Aura that covered the city which will reduce the influence it has on the people. Slowly I will drain the curse that has seeped into the soil, and over time I will even be able to remove the taint on the people's souls. But if I do it all in one go everyone will die and the city will crumble."

Batman could not allow that.

"Do it. You will follow the deal you made with Superman won't you?"

Maulketh nodded.

"I already said that I would do it so I will. Oh, and I will be living in your mansion. You don't mind do you?"

Batman did mind, but he had an idea.

"If I make a pact with you, you have to follow it right?"

Now this was interesting.

"Yes, to the letter. I shall not break my oath if you make one with me. But what do you have to offer me? Superman offered his blood which was very valuable. What can you offer as a human? Money? I have no need for that, but there is one thing I want.

I want you to be my student. I want to see what a peak human like you can do with an understanding of magic. That Demonic soul of yours is well of untapped power. If you agree to be my student for just a year, I will protect your Gothom and even train your sons to better deal with the threats until I can fight Darkseid. Deal?"

"6 months."

Maulketh accepted as he could slowly feed on the Demonic Aura of Gothom. And he would also be eating the sealed Warlock soon, but his goal was the Evil God that had it's hold over the city. When that would happen he did not know, but when it happened, the power he would gain would be astronomical.

"I can accept that. It will be an experiment for me to see what is different in this Dimension than my home one. Now, Bruce Wayne, will you be my student for these 6 months?"

Bruce did not want to, but for his Gothom he would do it.

"I do."

Instantly the pact between Maulketh and Bruce was formed. Maulketh was a scheming person, but he was not a monster. He did not slaughter his subjects back home and he would do the same in this dimension. Not unless it benefited him directly as humans always had potentiol. What mattered is if you could make use of it.

(Because of popular demand from one of my most loyal readers. Raven will be in the harem. You all can send your suggestions of who you want in the harem on the condition they make sense.)