
The Dragon caged

Jess takes on a case to stop the supply of a new drug and hopefully find who is responsible for the drugs creation

Riley_Sharp · Ciudad
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

"The crimson cloud is a new drug that's hit the streets it's based on paranormal medicines but has some how been obtained by the same individuals behinde the facilities you and your team shut down recently. We first found traces of it in dive bars and junkie hang outs but it's spread and is now classed as the go to club drug.the drug it's self is a mix of both shapeshifter saliva and vampier venom mix with medicinal herbs and cooked with magic, whoever is making this is getting people strung out with free samples then extorting them for everything they can. And that's only if they don't have a bad trip and end up going be homicidal" said Alex his face appeared more serious than normal,

"Okay so have we got anyone low level that we can apply some pressure on to try and fine the manufacturing facility or any solid leads at all?" I asked looking toward's Alex's guest.

They shared un uncomfortable glance "Miss Jessica your reputation proceeds you, but i didn't expect you to look so young. Alexander i don't think putting her in this situation is going to be a good idea, the fighters they use are dangerous before the take the drug but after they will destroy her"

Who ever this prick is he is really pissing me off " look i don't know who the fuck you are but i will not have you speak about me like I'm not even in the room" i growl through gritted teeth. "Now if there is nothing else i have on going investigations to get on with and if you ever want to test how strong i am just meet me in the gym and I'll hand you your ass you pompous prick..." i stood abruptly and began to proceed towards the exit of Alex's office.

"Jessica please, I apologise for our guest rudeness. But we do have a lead that we need you to follow. This is Paul and he is going to be working as your inside contact."

I raised my eyebrow " and what exactly is he supposed to be connected too that well help our investigation?"

Paul took my question as his opportunity to interrupt. " I'm a sort of event promoter, i specialise in gladiator style contests. I pit fighters from various different fighting styles into battle royal or one on one MMA style competitions."

"Okay but what if anything does that have to do with any of our current lead's" i said

"Because i have recently been informed that contestants have been using performance enhancers. That in it's self doesn't concern me. The even't being what they are. Well they are unfair, so we allow advantages and enhancements as long as they aren't using things like fire arms or explosives everything else is fair game. But these drugs are wrong, i have seen a lot of fights and what these people are doing and enduring is beyond anything i have ever seen. So i managed to get some trace samples of blood after one of the fight's and brought it to Alaxanders attention" he stoped here looking towards the boss but refusing to say anything more.

Alexander sighed " I ran the blood and compared it to anything we had on the system, it's a much more potent and polished version of crimson cloud, the analyst tells me that comparing both compounds it seems that the street drug that we've been tracking is just a knock off of what Paul has brought to us so even if you managed to trace it back to its source it isn't likely that it will lead us to who we are after."

Well that's just fucking peachy " so let me guess you want us to infiltrate this set up and what try and take out who ever is running the drug operation?"

Alex nodded "partially yes, i want you to infiltrate and feed intell back to your team, they will then take down the drug network."

"How long do you expect the operation to last? How hard is this drug network going to take to infiltrate?"

Paul spoke up " honestly I don't know, I've made one enquiries and keep getting stonewalled all I can say is when you fight don't look as though you've had training, I have noticed that a lot off the confirmed users have been underdogs, you are going to have to fight hard but lose most of your initial fight's."

"What the fuck do you mean I have to lose most of my fights. Why can't I just fight to win ?"

"Because if you win every fight, then who will try and sell you enhancers?"

I took a minute to think, shit he was right. But i really wasn't looking forward to the thought of getting my ass kicked on a regular bases, " okay i see where your coming from but how many time's do i need to lose?"

Alex interrupted "Jessica I know this goes against your very nature, but you're the only one that i know can handle it on your team, the others are to well known or aren't suitable to be in an MMA fight."

"I'll do it but I'm really not a fan of just letting some one beat on me"

"We don't expect you to just act like a punching bag, you need to fight back it's just that you need to lose, you need to give the dealers the impression that you could win if you had a little assistance, i have brought some video footage of previous fights of people I'm sure are using the compound so you can analyse the way they fight, how they where losing and the change that takes place after they use the compound. If you are willing to go along with the plan i will have you scheduled in to fight in the next 4-6 week's. that will give us time to get you set with a back story. You will need to cut tie's with anyone from the agency, we will set you up in a flat get you a job and you will need to register to some gym's with an alias."

"Okay I'm going to need some time with my team to ensure other lead's are being followed, how long before we get started with the operation