
Chapter 17 Purpose

At night, in Mage School's infirmary.

Lo didn't know how long he had been in a trance, but he just felt a little itchy in nose.

Vaguely, he opened his eyes and saw a pale grimace, which frightened him.

"Ouch! What happened?"

"Ha ha!" The pale ghost face burst into laughter. It was easy to recognize that it was Lebel. "How is the 'surprise ghost face' I ordered recently?"

After confirming his identity, Lo felt relieved and wiped the cold sweat on his face.

"Well, I don't know if it's good or not. Anyway, I'm scared."

Then he sat up and observed the surrounding environment.

It was dark, but perception could tell that it was still in Mage School, but it was not in the teaching building anymore.

"What am I doing... where? Why, it was already evening? "

Having no idea what had happened, he began to try to recall, trying to piece up the fragments of memory in his mind.

"Let me give you a hint. You're exploding."

Lo pointed at himself and asked in confusion, "Me? Explode?"

Suddenly, he recalled the last moment before he lost consciousness.

When the huge fireball was about to be released from his hand, he suddenly felt a diaphragm, a barrier, which blocked all the fire elements that were about to pour out.

It seemed that after ninety-nine meters of sprint, there was still a thick wall between the finish line, so he could only return in vain.

"Miss Catherine asked me to imagine the scene of pouring water into a bottle, and then let fireball release it. Everything went well at first, but for some unknown reason, there seemed to be something wrong at the last step..."

Lebel reached out and touched the back side of Lo's head.

"Remember, to control some kind of power, you need to rely on your own efforts and exploration. It's inevitable to make mistakes just by relying on the experience of others."

To rely on myself? Would it be wrong to rely on others?

Lo recalled that he was standing on the platform, meditating on how to gather the fire elements. At the beginning, he had no idea what to do, but later, he gradually mastered it, but it only took a short time.

After that, he learned from Catherine's experience and released them. Although it went smoothly at the beginning, the final step seemed to meet a solid threshold and he could not walk over it.

"Well, you will gradually understand it later. Compared with that, drink this first. It's a good thing I have carefully prepared for you."

Lebel took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, which was filled with fluorescent green liquid and looked very strange in the dark environment.

Lebel unscrewed the cork at the mouth of the bottle, and the stinky smell instantly came out.

Suddenly, a shaky voice came from behind him.

"Hmm... Although it didn't smell good, it was indeed a great tonic for this little fellow. "

Obviously, Lebel had been mentally prepared. He was not surprised at the sudden voice behind him.

"I knew you must have been awakened by the noise just now. I'm sorry, Ms.Marina."

Looking at the sudden appearance of Marina, Lo had more questions in his mind.

Who was this old lady? Why does she seem to be familiar with him?

When he was suspecting the relationship between the two, Lebel passed a bottle of fluorescent liquid to him.

"Come on, drink it. I have something to talk to this granny."

Lo took the bottle, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it. A more violent rotten stench came, making him almost retch.

"What, what's this? Why does it smell like stirring a large basket of rotten sea fish into another large basket of rotten crabs then putting them in another month?"

Feeling his strange metaphor was a little funny, Lebel comforted him, "Don't worry. It took me a lot of effort to get it for you. Drink it, and we can see each other tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow? Why?... " Before Lo finished his words, he saw that Lebel reached out his hand quickly and stuffed the glass bottle beside his mouth into his mouth.

The thick and strange liquid went into the stomach bag along the throat and the esophagus.


As long as the liquid passed by, a strong burning sensation spread out, as if it was bitten by thousands of ants from the inside. Not long after, Lo, who had just regained consciousness, fainted again because of the pain.

Looking at the falling Lo, Lebel scratched his head.

"Is it because of the stronger effect of the drug..."

Marina, who was standing behind him, leaned over and said, "Is it thick? I think it's just right for this little guy's body."

Then she raised her head and stared at him. Her tone became serious and questioned him.

"Well, now let's explain the origin of this little guy and the purpose of you and Edgar."

Sure enough, Ms.Marina won't let it go... Thinking of this, Lebel spread out his hands.

"I don't know where this little guy comes from. In fact, no one has been able to explain it so far."

"Then what's your purpose?" Marina asked in a stern tone, "You can't tell me that it's also a mystery, right?"

Through the mask, she could not guess the expression on Lebel's face. Lebel turned around and sat on the edge of the bed. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth

"My purpose has always been very simple..."

...Late at night, Sophia Pub no longer had any new customers, leaving only some old drunkards shouting "one more glass", and the drunken men who had completely collapsed on the booth and bar counter.

Suddenly, the bell at the door of the pub rang, and a man in a mask and a kraft cap came in.

Sophia, the boss, raised her head and glanced at him.

"How's Lo? Is he all right?"

The man, of course, was Lebel. He shook his head, walked to the bar counter, poured himself a glass of ginger juice and began to drink it.

"Don't worry. You have seen his body before. It's just medium stage magic."

The worried look on Sophia's face softened a little, but soon it was brought up again.

"What about Marina? With her character, after she finds out the secret of the little Lo's body, she won't let him grow up in Mage School, will she?"

He drank up the ginger juice totally in his hand and poured another glass.

"She is indeed stubborn, but when I swear in the name of Professor Edgar that we will never do anything harmful to Mage School, even Marina can't say anything more."

He said in a relaxed tone and gulped another glass of ginger juice. The spicy feeling filled his stomach.

"Wow, it's so cool!"

He handed the empty glass to Sophia, turned around and waved his hand.

"I went away. I'm so tired today."

Looking at his receding figure, Sophia sighed deeply and mumbled, "Well, if only it was as simple as you said. You must have taken a lot on your own..."