
Group Activities

I had been warned not to be distracted during the play. I had been warned more than once by Geralt to not look at the rather pretty ladies that would be in the audience or on the stage. I had been warned that Dudu would be in the audience and I was only to keep my eyes searching for anything that would give him away.

Is it obvious that I was easily distracted? Of course I was. By one person. Irina Renarde. Brunette with a pair of gorgeous brown eyes, she was easily the finest actress I'd seen on stage, and certainly one of the most beautiful. I was captivated by her. Therefore, I was distracted. Whether Geralt noticed that or not from his position on or near the stage, I couldn't be sure, but I didn't give a shit about Dudu while I watched her.

The play went off without a hitch, at least, certainly making the audience laugh rather often. I thought the general theme and topic may have caused problems, but most sat there contentedly, and I had a feeling most of them were rather thick and didn't actually get the hidden meaning. Geralt couldn't act to save his life, but I don't think anyone would expect anything else from him.

In the end, though, it worked, as he must have recognised Dudu in the audience, as one of the town guard was eventually invited to join them on stage to escort away the 'prisoner'. The audience started to get a little rowdy at the end of the play, though it was quickly quelled by the ushers, who told them in no certain terms to behave or have their faces caved in.

Once the crowd dispersed, I headed towards the rear of the stage where the actors were gathered around, with the usual group of people hanging around. I noticed Geralt in conversation with Zoltan and who I could assume was Dudu, though I headed straight for Irina. She recognised me, as I had met her a couple of times by now, and I think she knew straight away that I found her rather attractive.

Kissing her cheeks, I whispered, "You were simply wonderful, Irina."

She leaned back and grinned. "Thank you, Ragnar. But I will warn you now. Geralt told me about your reputation." I sighed, surprised she hugged me immediately. "I'm flattered, Ragnar. And you are certainly ruggedly handsome yourself. But I don't want to be another notch."

I couldn't help chuckle. "At least you're honest."

"Did you really think I was wonderful?"

"Captivated by both your performance and beauty, Irina."

She laid a soft kiss on my cheek and hugged me tightly. "Thank you," she whispered, "Compliments don't come as easily as they used to. Even when Geralt said he wanted me in the play, it was due to talent and experience, not looks."

I leaned back and winced. "Ouch."

"Yes. I knew it wasn't meant how it sounded, as I did suggest Priscilla, as she is young and pretty, particularly compared to me."

I leaned closer to her ear. "Oh, I much prefer you, Irina."

She sighed. "God, no wonder…" I couldn't help chuckle as she hugged me tightly again. "You're not making this very easy for me."

"I know. But I will happily take a drink and conversation with no expectations of anything else."

"Ragnar!" Geralt called. I glanced around to see him standing with crossed arms, Zoltan doing his best not to burst into laughter. "For crying out loud, man. Stop bothering Irina and come say hello to Dudu, then listen into our plan."

"He's not bothering me, Geralt."

He turned to Zoltan. "She's already thinking about it. Bloody hell…"

I turned back to Irina. "I think I should leave you alone." I kissed her cheek. "As I said, wonderful performance. And if you ever want that drink, I'm staying at the Kingfisher Inn."

"Might just take you up on it, Ragnar. What would Triss say?"

"She might just invite you upstairs herself."

That made her blush rather brightly, kissing her cheek a final time, before walking towards the trio. Shaking Dudu's hand, they told me in brief detail what had happened with Dandelion, Ciri and himself. Everything they had planned went pear-shaped, as we figured, and Dudu had been hiding in plain sight ever since, shape shifting every few days. But it was the distinctive scar now on his face that Geralt had seen from the stage.

The crux of the plan called on Dudu to assume the identity of Caleb Menge. Remembering that it was only Menge who could authorise the transportation of Dandelion to Oxenfurt, Dudu would have to go to Temple Isle to order the move. He would then be transported from Temple Isle to Oxenfurt by carriage, and it would be there that we'd make our move.

After so much preparation, and finding ourselves diverted from our path as we solved the issues of friends and sometime enemies, we finally had some hope on the horizon. Once Dandelion was in our hands, I knew Geralt was going to interrogate him immediately. Probably not let the poor bastard even catch his breath before being inundated with questions.

Reassuring Dudu again that he would be just fine, that he could certainly act like Caleb Menge once assuming his identity, he agreed the date with us for the transfer before Zoltan, Geralt and I made our own plans for what was to happen. "Triss?" Geralt asked.

"I'd rather not involve her in this. Once we have Dandelion and the information, I can only guess the next step is Skellige. Do you really think she's here or in Velen?"

Geralt shook his head. "But if she's not on Skellige…"

"We'll find her, Geralt," Zoltan stated. The first time any of us heard real emotion in his tone, looking a little embarrassed when we looked at him. "I think there are plenty of us around who care about her, right?" Geralt and I both nodded. "Good. Then let's get thing organised, that idiotic bard rescued, and then we can get down to real business."

In the end, the plan was rather simple. Dudu, posing as Menge, would have Dandelion transported in two days. We would wait on the main road between Temple Isle and Oxenfurt, where we would stop the transport, kill the guards, and take Dandelion with us. Dudu would stop posing as Menge, and that would be that. Or so that's what we all hoped anyway…

The play had taken place during early afternoon so it still wasn't that late. Irina invited us to join the rest in a drink to celebrate the success of the play, and coin was soon being handed out to the actors and ushers. Even Geralt received a small pouch full of coin, but soon enough, people were heading off home. Zoltan would be heading back to the Rosemary and Thyme as always, while Geralt suggested he might go spend his new coin.

"Passiflora or Crippled Kate's?" I wondered.

"There's this gorgeous elf at Kate's," Geralt replied, causing me to raise my eyebrows. "You're not the only one to find them incredibly attractive, Ragnar."

"Just not like you to admit it so freely."

"I haven't seen Yennefer in weeks. Every man his limits, and she knows, as you know."

"Go have some fun, Geralt. I'll see you in the morning."

He glanced at Irina, stood with a couple of people, as he looked at me. "And you?"

"I'm going to head home to Triss."

We both thanked Irina for all her help, and I didn't leave without finally kissing her properly. It was enough people cleared their throats and walked away, feeling her mould herself into my body. Even when kissing her, I was laughing at myself, as I knew I was being a little foolish, but being a travelling group, I knew I might not see her too often before her group moved on anyway. I left with a suggestion she would visit me at the Kingfisher sooner than I might think.

Triss was downstairs enjoying the entertainment when I walked in, taking a seat next to her. She took one look at me and giggled. "Ragnar, you've got lipstick on your lips and your cheek."

"Ah…" That embarrassed me a little bit.

"So, who was it?"

"Irina Renarde. No, I haven't…"

"Wouldn't mind if you did. Ragnar, if you like her, then she's special."

I cleared my throat. "Well, she said she might stop here for a drink." I met her eyes and noticed the smirk. "I know it's been a while…"

She leaned towards me, giving me a soft kiss. "I remember each time vividly," she whispered, "We certainly ended up having a lot of fun."


A few years earlier…

Once I'd slept with Philippa, that seemed to set things into motion. I have no doubt the others had their ideas on why Triss seemed to have no problem with me sleeping with them all. While it was about influence, we also just wanted to have fun. Back in Vizima, we were intimate every night without fail, and I'm not exaggerating. Our sex life was sensational. But when we were in Montecalvo, we live by the proverb that variety is the spice of life. The amusing thing, to me at least, was that we both enjoyed being with different women. I'm still not sure how I would have handled Triss being with another man, simply because it never happened. I know it would have been hypocritical and one hell of a double standard, but while the idea of her with another woman didn't bother me in the slightest… let's be honest, I found the thought erotic… the idea of a man… well, it never happened…

The first threesome I enjoyed took place no more than a couple of nights after my first night with Philippa, Triss and I being invited to her room. We enjoyed a couple of drinks before I found myself centre of attention. When Triss started to suck my cock, Philippa showed interest but admitted she hadn't done it in a very long time.

Triss sat on her knees on the ground between my legs, inviting Philippa to join her. They made out a little bit, helping each other out of their clothes, which simply made me harder. Triss turned her attention to me, standing me up for a moment to ensure I was naked as they were, before I was sat back down, Triss turning her attention to my cock.

As she blew me, I could see Philippa showing ever more interest, and it didn't take long before her tongue was running up my shaft. I leaned forward to kiss her, trying to increase her confidence with some kind words. Triss practically instructed her at the same time, and the first time I watched my cock disappear into the mouth of Philippa Eilhart, I almost blew my load immediately.

"Think he likes that," Triss giggled, leaning up to kiss me as Philippa quickly had her head bobbing up and down on my cock. Once she was over that initial concern, she seemed to remember exactly what felt good. "Bet she hasn't sucked cock in years," Triss whispered.

Philippa stopped, resting her head against my leg, looking up at me with nothing but a grin. "I've thought about doing this since I saw him naked the first time," she whispered, "Ragnar, I want to…"

"You want to swallow, Philippa?" Triss asked.

"More than anything. Then we're heading into my bedroom, where I'm enjoying you in return, Triss. And I think Ragnar can return the favour on me."

"I give myself two minutes," I stated.

Philippa resumed blowing me, Triss sitting down next to her, and they were soon alternating blowing me. It was far too much, warning them when I was getting close, as that's when Philippa took control, warning her again when I was just about to blow. "You're swallowing every drop," Triss ordered. Philippa simply moaned and that set me off, groaning loudly as I no doubt filled her mouth. She gulped audibly, earning giggles from Triss beside her. Only when was I empty did Philippa release my cock, immediately turning to kiss Triss. I simply leaned back and watched, noticing hands caress the body of the other before they moved towards a certain point.

"Miss Eilhart, did blowing my lover turn you on?"

"I'm so excited, I almost want to cry!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I can certainly feel your excitement. Ragnar, did you enjoy it?"

"Please let this happen again."

The rest of the night was spent with my head between the legs of one or the other, my cock buried in one or the other, and occasionally laid back, with one on my cock, one on my face. And when I needed a moment to recover, Triss and Philippa had no problem having fun together. We must have spent hours pleasing each other, and by the time we needed to sleep, I had Triss snugging into me on one side and Philippa on the other.

There were few times I felt like a king, but that was certainly one of them.

Certainly one of the fondest memories of sharing two women at once would be more than one night with Francesca Findabair and Ida Emean aep Sivney. Triss was well aware how attractive I found elven women and even encouraged it. I was never sure why, but what I figured out quickly is that both seemed to like me quite a lot in return.

I enjoyed watching Triss and Philippa together. Watching Francesca and Ida together was something else entirely. Definitely the most beautiful and one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen. They were very good friends regardless, but once they added sex to their relationship, they were ever so close. Funnily enough, they only started sleeping together after enjoying their first threesome with me. And after our first one, we enjoyed plenty more during the existence of the Lodge. I adored both of them deeply, almost as much as I adored Philippa. Triss was aware, so simply made sure I had fun with them every time we journeyed to Montecalvo. If one wasn't present, I would simply enjoy some alone time with the other. Not sure who I liked more out of either. I never liked choosing anyway…

It amused me that, despite the serious work that took place at Montecalvo, the meetings and conferences, the discussions about all things magical, it seemed to be the presence of myself that helped the sorceresses relax. They seemed to enjoy my company, in or out of the bedroom. I think it helped that I was just there for Triss, and had no real ambition myself, nor wanted to interfere in whatever they were doing. Once they received word from Philippa that I was willing to help them, I was definitely the most popular person in the castle.

I'm not sure what led to the night I remember most vividly. I had a feeling Philippa and Triss would have led the discussions, but no doubt they all would have agreed anyway. The only reason I knew something was up when I was sat one afternoon in the library, reading one of the hundreds of books on offer, when Triss walked in wearing absolutely nothing.

Sitting on my lap without a word, knee to either side of me, she took the book from my hands, placing it down on the table beside the chair, before she kissed me. One hell of a kiss too. "Love what you see right now?" she asked softly.

"You naked is always a win. Got to ask why though?"

She took my hand and rested it between her legs, smiling as she felt incredibly wet already. "I'm rather excited, Ragnar. Would you like to know why?"

"I'm sure you'll tell or show me soon enough."

She kissed me again as I slid two fingers inside her, immediately making her whimper. "Fast," she whispered, my fingers immediately pumping into her as she requested. No idea what had gotten into her, but I wasn't going to complain. But while I always enjoying sliding anything inside Triss Merigold, I much prefer something else, making her giggle as I lifted her up, lying her down on the rug by the fireplace, and practically buried my face.

Her orgasm was surprisingly quick, a definite sign that something had turned her on big time. Once she'd calmed down, I was asked to stop as she quickly sat up on her knees, kissed me hard again, before rising to her feet. Taking me by the hand, she led me towards Philippa's rooms. The living room was empty, Triss continuing to lead me through to the bedroom, where I was greeted by quite the sight. Something that I knew would live long in the memory, for the rest of my life.

Every member of the Lodge presence was sat on Philippa's bed, sans clothes, Philippa sat in the middle, her legs spread nicely, surprised to be greeted by a pussy without a hair anywhere on it. When I looked at each sorceress, I was greeted by a smile and a slow spreading of their legs to reveal a completely bald pussy. They knew I liked a bit of pubic hair so I guess this was for themselves more than for me.

"I'm sure you have questions, Ragnar," Philippa stated.

"Aye, one or two."

"Things are soon to be put into motion and the chances of us all meeting here might prove more difficult in the future. You have obviously enjoyed sex with all the women on this bed and are in a relationship with the woman beside you, correct?"

I chuckled. "Philippa, I don't think the fact I've slept with everyone in the Lodge is a secret to anyone within these walls."

"That's why you're here tonight. How would you like to sleep with all of us tonight?"

I glanced at Triss, who simply kissed my cheek, before looking back at the bed. Francesca was the first to crawl towards me, looping her arms around my neck before leaning up to kiss me. "Would you like to join us on the bed, Ragnar? Once you're naked, of course. I'm not the only one who wants to suck your cock and then have you fuck me afterwards."

I glanced up. "Dibella, I thank you more than you can ever imagine."

Soon as I was naked, I was invited onto the bed, surrounded by the beautiful sorceresses of the Lodge. It took about thirty seconds for the lips of someone to wrap themselves around my cock, glancing down to see it was Sabrina Glevissig of all people. I'd slept with her a few times, but hadn't enjoyed any relations with her and someone else at the same time. She wasn't the only one, finding my cock shared by at least three women at once, while my mouth met the mouths of others, and breasts were soon offered me to kiss and suck.

While I may have been centre of attention, I could see pairs of women also enjoying each other at the same time, smiling to myself. Philippa had remained lying next to me, her fingers trailing up and down my chest as she nibbled at my earlobe. "Ragnar, I want you to do something for me this weekend," she whispered.

"Right now, anything," I moaned back, as whoever was blowing me was incredibly talented.

"I want you to fuck my arse in front of everyone."

I heard a giggle from my crotch. "Philippa, whatever you just said turned him on," Sabrina stated.

"Would you do this for me, Ragnar?"

"Of course. Are you the only one?"

"No. You're in for a treat this weekend, Ragnar. Some will want you to pleasure their pussy, filling them up like you normally do," I chuckled at her description, "But there are a few of us who want to feel you in our tight little arses."

"Dibella, I really thank you for my girls." Turning to kiss Philippa, I whispered, "Did you plan this?"

"Triss and I did. We all adore you, Ragnar. This is our treat for you and for us."

I eventually looked down to see Sabrina was now the only one blowing me, the hands of many others caressing my body. Looking up at me as she blew me, her eyes were as gorgeous as any other time I'd looked down to see her blow me, but for her to do so in front of everyone else was rather exciting, and I'm sure she enjoyed it just as much. I warned her I was close, seeing the smile in her eyes, as she kept going until I erupted in her mouth.

"Fucking hell," I groaned, feeling my face turned to give Philippa one hell of a kiss.

"Want to lie back while you one or two of us sit on your face?"


Soon as I was in position, Philippa was immediately on my face and I happily ate her out to more than one orgasm. While that was going on, I felt lips around my cock again, only to get me as hard again, before I felt myself slide in the pussy of someone.

"Rita," Philippa moaned, "Never thought I'd see that."

"I had to have him fuck me again, Philippa…"

There were ten women there that evening, the only one missing being Yennefer, as although technically a member, she'd never really been accepted, and wasn't generally invited. That evening and into the next day, I fucked all ten of them. I'm sure there was an argument over who I'd fuck last. To my slight surprise, the last were my two elven lovers, Francesca eagerly sliding down my cock, Ida happily sitting on my face. I was exhausted by this stage, but still able to get hard, and Francesca must have ridden me for what felt like at least an hour. Ida had to hop off my face after her third orgasm, allowing Francesca to lean forward, slowing riding me as we made out.

"Well, certainly see why she's after him so often. Look at this view," Sabrina stated.

"Does she feel that tight, Ragnar?" Sile wondered.

"Every damned time," I stated, my eyes not deviating from Francesca.

"She had got a great little butt on her," Triss added with a giggle.

"This is just the start, Ragnar," Philippa whispered into my ear, "We'll relax during the day, then tonight, you get the pleasure of my arse. And maybe some others."

"Mine. Definitely mine," Francesca whimpered.

"You sure?" I asked, nothing but concerned. She wasn't frail, but like most elves, much slimmer compared to my broad frame, and even when sliding my cock into her pussy, there was always slight concern I was going to hurt her. The very thought hurt my heart.

"I want nothing more," she whispered, running her soft fingers down my cheek.

"Girls, I think we should leave these two for now. We could probably do with some sleep."

"Philippa, this is your room!" Triss exclaimed to the chuckles of others.

"There's a spot in your bed available, isn't there?"

"Ah, so I guess we're not going straight to sleep?"

"I don't think Ragnar will be sleeping anytime soon, so yes, I plan on something first, Miss Merigold."

I received a kiss from the rest before Francesca and I were left alone. Though both of us were exhausted, neither of us wanting to stop either, resting on her forearms, but still finding energy to slide up and down my cock, resting my hands on her cute little butt at the same time. "I shouldn't feel this way for a human," she whispered.

"How do you feel?" I wondered.

"Ragnar, I'm not the only one who… wishes things were just slightly different…"

I ran my fingers up her face and through her hair. "I care for you deeply, Enid." Using her elven name provoked such a smile, I had to add, "I utterly adore you."

That earned such another smile, I made sure it was locked away in that part of my mind where it would never leave. What surprised me within a couple of minutes was Ida walking back into the room. Though utterly worn out, I couldn't say no to her either, making love to her while she pleased Francesca at the same time. By the time we were finally drifting off to sleep, early morning sunshine was filtering through the windows.

We didn't wake up until past lunchtime, a polite knock on the door from Philippa letting us know food was ready. Walking into the dining room with a naked elven woman on each arm was fun, and walking into a room full of naked sorceresses was even better. To my surprise, everyone behaved while they were eating. I was rather distracted the entire time, Triss sitting rather close, her hand quickly stroking my thigh before moving to my cock. "How are you still managing to get hard?" she asked with a giggle.

"The day I fail to get hard for all of you is the day I walk into the sea, Triss."

I was left alone after that, at least for a few hours. I did ask about the whole naked thing, Triss simply explaining it was something Philippa suggested and everyone readily agreed. I retreated to the sanctuary of the library for a few hours. Triss wandered in once it had grown dark, once again sitting on my lap, but as I was naked this time, she happily slid down my cock though didn't move after that. "I love you," she whispered.

"I'm still amazed you say that considering…"

"Ragnar, didn't you enjoy group sex with at least half a dozen women on this Skyrim you're from, and all six loved you as much as I do?"

"Well, that's true."

"I know how much you love me. You've shown me nearly every day since that day back in Kaer Morhen. To be honest, I enjoy seeing you with my sisters in the Lodge, because I can see the delight you bring them. They can look at me and know I get to enjoy it every day. And they understand why I'm so… happy."

She couldn't resist having a little ride of my cock, simply running my hands down her back to her arse, not moving an inch otherwise, as she rode me ever so slowly, her lips almost clamped to mine. Our absence was eventually noted as Triss eventually broke the kiss, looked over the doorway, and I noticed her immediately blush.

"We have company?"

"How many?"

"All of them, Ragnar."

I glanced to see the other nine members of the Lodge standing by the doorway. "Don't stop on our account, Triss," Philippa stated, "Just don't wear him out too early. Come on, girls, we'll go have a little fun to start the night and leave the two lovebirds alone."

Triss rode me to a very slow, but rather large orgasm. I think it caught her by surprise, as she moaned loudly, and I felt her squeeze my cock ever so tightly with each shudder that seemed to rip through her body. Resting her head next to mine, I held her as she needed to release a little emotion. After all this time, she still felt it necessary to apologise sometimes. I assured her that even I felt it occasionally when I enjoyed my own powerful one. "Don't deserve you," I whispered, "But I try every day to prove I do."

I made her giggle by standing up, feeling her legs and arms wrap around me, as I slowly carried her towards Philippa's room. We walked into what can only be called a lesbian orgy or at least all female group sex. Setting Triss down on the floor, she cuddled into my side as we simply watched. "Want me to join in, Ragnar?"

"Triss, I know you want to. The only question is who?"

"Hmmm… I'm thinking Fringilla might need some attention."

With Triss occupied, though I could see pairs of eyes glancing in my direction, I grabbed a glass of wine and sat down by myself. The show was not for me. Although there were glances my way, they were simply of interest in what I would do next, otherwise, the focus was on whoever they were with. I'm sure anyone else observing would have just seen ten women fucking, but I could see the friendships and relationships that had formed. The Lodge, despite the fact they were ten sorceresses with their own personalities, their own personalities and their own ideas of what the Lodge should do with their power and influence, at heart they were united in a common goal.

Philippa eventually noticed I was sitting by myself on a chair, though as her pussy was currently being attended to by Rita, I could understand why she was a little distracted. She watched me intently until an orgasm ripped through her body, her cries joining the moans and cries of all the others, before she sat up, giving Rita one hell of a kiss, before she whistled, bringing to a halt the activities.

"Girls, why is Ragnar sitting by himself right now?"


"I do believe some of us had agreed to getting our arses fucked tonight, Ragnar. It is not correct that you should be sitting there alone instead of having that fabulous cock of yours buried in the arse of a sorceress."

"Why not yourself?" Triss asked, Fringilla cuddled up next to her, fingers fondling her pussy.

"Because I intend on being the last. The question is who is first?"

"I will," Francesca stated.

"Hang on, all of you?" I wondered.

"No, Ragnar," Philippa replied, "Myself, Triss, Francesca, Ida and Sile are the only interested in having their arses properly fucked by the Dragonborn." I chuckled at her tone.

Seeing Francesca on her knees a few minutes later, arse in the air, oiled up nicely in preparation, my cock had rarely felt harder. Slowly burying it in her tight little arse, Ida sat behind me, feeling her breasts at my back, her hot breath in my ear. "Neither of us have ever had a man in such a way, Ragnar," she whispered, "To think you're the first man to ever fuck the arse of Enid an Gleanna. An elven woman such as her is letting a human man fuck her arse. How lucky you are."

"It feels wonderful, Ida," Francesca moaned, "Just… not too hard, Ragnar."

I have no idea how I lasted longer than five minutes. I had to lift her up and just hold her against me as I slowly thrust into her, Ida moving around to kiss her then me, her fingers gently fondling those of her often elven lover. When Francesca enjoyed an orgasm, I think it was more due to Ida than myself, but my own following barely a couple of minutes later. Francesca wanted to do it again, though later, so she moved and Ida was very eager to try next.

She wanted to lie on her back, insisting we would be making love but differently, Francesca lying next to her to provide encouragement. Philippa, Triss and Sile were watching as well, the other five having agreed to disappear and continue having fun of their own. Ida liked it a little faster and harder than Francesca once she was comfortable, and I certainly lasted a lot longer the second time.

Sile wanted to go next, having me lie down so she could ride me, thinking if she controlled the tempo, she could have it as slow or as fast as she wanted. While I had offers to sit on my face, I wanted to watch Sile ride me. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she whispered ever so excitedly.

"Neither can I, in all honesty, Sile," Philippa stated with a chuckle.

"Says the woman taking her first cock is decades."

She gestured at me. "It's him. Do you blame me, Sile?"

Sile met my eyes and smiled. "You know, Philippa, this was set up for magical purposes, but the mix of magic and sex has been fantastic, particularly the last couple of times we've been here."

"I blame Triss for distracting us, of course," Philippa stated with humour.

"Try living with him. I'm distracted all the time."

"Triss, most of us are jealous that he goes home with you every time," Francesca stated. I looked at her, I'm sure in complete surprise. "Oh please, don't look at me like that. I think it's safe to say how much we all adore you now."

"Well, yeah, but still, hearing those words from you, Enid."

"And that is exactly why I like you so much."

"I've tried learning elven… It's not an easy language."

"The effort alone is appreciated. Now, focus on Sile, because she appears to be having a wonderful time."

She was, bouncing away with a broad grin on her face, moaning and laughing away in equal measure. I generally tried to make time for every sorceress each time we visited, and it wasn't just about sex. I'd listen to them talk about their daily lives, many of them attending a royal court around the Continent, listen to their research and experiments, or sometimes we'd just sit and regale each other with stories of our lives.

Of course, sometimes, we'd end up naked and just enjoy some really hot, passionate sex. I didn't mind either, to be honest.

The five must have come to some sort of agreement that they would all be fucked until I'd cum, as Sile rode me for ages, impressed she was able to do so, enjoying a couple of orgasms along the way before I finally came inside her. As she rested on my chest, I had to whisper my admiration. She giggled as she explained. "I obviously live alone and have to rely on other methods. Let's just say I like to experiment, Ragnar."

"Sile, I am shocked," I joked.

"You're the first real cock, at least, but I knew what to expect."

"Well, well, it appears our innocent little Sile de Tansarville isn't as innocent as people think," Philippa murmured with humour.

Sile rested her head on my chest to look at Philippa. "I think it's safe to say that Ragnar is the first man many of us have trusted in any way in a long time."

Philippa, Francesca and Ida all nodded. Triss didn't need to. "And that's why I brought him along," she stated.

"Ah, so was that your plan, Miss Merigold? Prove that at least some men aren't idiots or driven by their most base desires?"

"Oh, I'm still driven by that second thing from time to time," I retorted, earning chuckles from the five of them, "I like to think you don't believe I'm an idiot though."

"Far from it, Ragnar," Philippa said softly, leaning over to kiss my cheek, "Now, once Sile gets up, Triss is next, then I'm going last. And I'm going to invite the entire Lodge in to watch you fuck me."


"I'm not sure, to be honest. I've just got this urge…"

Sile eventually lifted herself up off me, giggling about feeling a little tender. Offered a drink, I sat up and relaxed for a few minutes, though Triss was giving me the eye I knew well, that she was really in the mood to be fucked. Not make love, but to fuck. I did enjoy it when she was in that sort of mood.

And I knew the exact mood when she asked Philippa to get her arse ready, getting on her elbows and knees, Philippa certainly enjoying doing just what she wanted before she practically demanded I fuck her. Getting behind her, I teased her by running my cock along her crack before giving her arse a good slap. "Wow," Philippa whispered, the other three looking on with interest.

I gently slid inside Triss to start with, though I could feel how eager she was as she almost pushed back to take my cock quicker. I gave her other cheek a slap, and when I heard the soft moan she released, I knew she was perhaps also putting on a show. Once my cock was buried, I let her get comfortable before I positioned myself, leaning forward so she'd feel my hot breath in her ear. "Ready?"

"God yes," she whispered.

"You're showing off, aren't you?"

"A little. But you haven't really fucked me like this in quite a while. Two birds, one stone."

Philippa, Sile, Francesca and Ida watched Triss Merigold have her arse well and truly fucked that night. It was just what Triss wanted. I know it hurt her a little bit, but she enjoyed it, the mixture of pleasure and pain. When it got too much, she'd ask me to slow down, and I'd do that, leaving gently kisses everywhere, giving her time before she was ready to go again. I eventually leaned back but grabbed her hair, pulling it back as I really started to slam her. That made her cry out in delight, begging me to fuck her even harder.

"Holy shit!" Francesca murmured, "His cock in my arse felt enormous. How…"

"I love it so much," Triss whimpered, "Please don't stop…"

"Triss, you're…"

"Happy tears, Philippa. A little pain, but the orgasm I'm going to have in a minute…"

She wasn't lying as when she did orgasm, she pretty much passed out. I knew enough to stop immediately, making sure she was relaxing on the bed as I gently pulled out and lay beside her. Running my fingers up and down her back, the other for just watched and waited until she opened her eyes and grinned. "Ragnar, you haven't cum in me yet."

"Give it a minute, Triss."

"Just slide back inside and fuck me. Were you close?"


"Then finish the job, Ragnar. And keep fucking me just like you were. Love it when I'm lying like this and you're just utterly pounding me."

"Fucking hell, Triss, where has this side of you been hidden?" Philippa asked.

"No point hiding it once anal was on the menu, Philippa. We don't do it very often, as we much prefer making love, but there is the occasional night when we both want to enjoy it, and when we do, we make sure it's like this."

I finished within five minutes, relaxing above Triss afterwards before she did quietly ask me to pull out. She immediately turned onto her back and started to giggle. Philippa gave me such a look, I almost gulped. "I want that," she whispered.

"Seriously?" I asked.

Philippa nodded so eagerly, I couldn't help grin. "I mean on my knees, with you crouching over me, just… making me yours entirely."

"Are you sure, Philippa?"

"I've had things… fingers in my arse before… but…"

"Give me a few minutes, then…"

"Sile, go get the others. Everyone on the bed around Ragnar and I. Just to watch. Nothing else is to go on."

Lying next to Philippa, her back resting against me, I had an arm wrapped around her, underneath her, bent so I could fondle her breasts, my other hand gentle fondling her tight little arsehole, eventually sliding a couple of fingers inside her. Once the others were in the room and gathered around, they watched as I slowly got her ready, Philippa turning to kiss me constantly. Triss eventually lay in front of her, her fingers starting to fondle her pussy at the same time, but it was the dirty talk that certainly heightened the mood, going into great detail of how much she was going to love my cock in her arse.

Once I was sure she was ready, Philippa eagerly, very eagerly, got onto her knees, resting on her forearms, glancing back and wiggling her arse in my direction. Sliding inside her slowly, I let her get used to my presence before burying my cock entirely, crouching over her and resting my head next to hers. "I need this, Ragnar," she whimpered.


"Because I need to lose control. And… I want to give myself in this way to you. I… I'm not the only one to have strong feelings for you after all this time."

"Definitely not," Francesca whispered.

I kissed her cheek and gave her a hard thrust, making her whimper. "I won't ask, Philippa. I know you really want this," I said softly, "But if it gets too much…"

"I need this, Ragnar. I need you." Then she grabbed my wrist and held it to her throat. "Don't squeeze too hard."

"Wow, I'm impressed, Philippa," Triss stated.

The shudder of breath was a surprise even to me. "I'm in control of my life. I have this Lodge. I have all of you. But for the next few minutes, I don't want control at all. I just want Ragnar to… dominate me."

"Fuck her, Ragnar," Triss almost demanded, "Fuck her as hard as you can. Make her cum so hard, she passes out."

"Please," Philippa whimpered. In all the time I'd known her, and been sleeping with her, I'd never heard her say please in such a manner. It was almost a desperate need for it.

So I did exactly what she wanted. I started with a series of hard, slow thrusts, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming my cock back into her. I thought it would make her wince, cry, even beg to stop. She… loved it. Triss lay next to her, watching her face, and she smiled at me. "She's loving it."

I upped the tempo a little bit, just as hard, but a little faster. That provoked a slightly different reaction, feeling her lower her upper body, making sure my hand remained at her throat. "Keep going," she begged.

I glanced at around at the others as I fucked her. I received nothing but a smile in return. And I think most of them were rather impressed at what Philippa was receiving. I'd been hard and fast with Triss earlier. I was making sure I was giving Philippa even more, simply because it sounded like that was just what she wanted.

After a few minutes, I was utterly pounding her, the only sounds apart from her moans and whimpers being our skin slapping together as I was fairly sure my cock must have been a blur by now. I eventually moved my hand from her throat, resting on my forearms, leaning down to leave soft kisses on her cheek. I could see her wincing from time to time, but she made not a single complaint. When she did open her eyes, she would smile at Triss. "Okay?" Triss asked.

"No wonder you love him so much," she managed to reply.

Philippa enjoyed an orgasm. That utterly delighted her. That's when she let emotion show, Triss leaning closer, running fingers through her hair. "Big moment," Triss whispered, Philippa not trusting her voice, simply nodding her head, "Keep going?"

She nodded. "He must cum," she moaned.

When I did, I knew that was it for me that night, as I practically collapsed on top of her, feeling Philippa lower her body to the bed to lie flat, still resting on my forearms as I made sure not to squash her. I made to pull out, Philippa reaching back to hold me in place, so I settled down on top of her until she asked me to move. Triss remained lying next to us, continuing to stroke Philippa's hair.

She did eventually ask me to pull out, turning onto her back and making sure we shared a hug and a kiss before it was suggested we clean up. An hour later, Philippa, Triss and myself were in bed together, once again in the middle with a woman in each arm snuggling into my side. Triss was fast asleep, but Philippa was still awake, I think still feeling exuberant over what we'd done earlier.

"I trust you like no other, Ragnar," she whispered, "I can't say a particular word, because of the other woman you're holding right now, and it wouldn't be right saying it. But it's been decades since I've felt this way about anyone."

I glanced her way and left a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I adore you too, Philippa."

She ran a hand down my cheek, her eyes glistening in the candlelight. I rarely saw this side of her. I think no-one saw it at all. Like usual, the women I enjoyed being with seemed to eventually lower their defences around me, I guess our way of making each other feel special. I always told them the truth. "Promise me one thing, Ragnar." I nodded. "Never lose faith in me, no matter what happens."

It did sound ominous, but I adored and trusted her. "I promise," I whispered. That earned me a soft kiss before she snuggled into my side and slowly drifted off. I lay awake a little longer as always, almost in disbelief at the weekend I'd just experienced. I'd had numerous lovers in Skyrim, but had never believed I would have had a second chance at the same sort of life. And considering the sorceresses of the Lodge, the fact they all seemed to adore me in return, nothing short of a barbarian warrior at times, made me feel incredibly lucky at times.

I could only hope that it would continue for a long time to come yet.