
Damned Ugly

Geralt burst into laughter. "More than one wife, Ragnar? Anyone else would just call you greedy."

Thankfully it was only me and him so I could be completely honest. "I know witchers are sterile, Geralt. Triss told me after the very first time we made love that she's incapable. She thought I would have been worried about it, maybe even walked away if I found a woman who could. Trust me, I wasn't worried and never gave it a thought. But it was Triss who completely understood and it's obvious she already adores Jutta. I do too. She's ever so sweet. Practically devoted to me already."

"I've noticed, Ragnar."

I took a sip of my tankard. "I now have the chance at being a father, having children of my own. It's never been something at the back of my mind, particularly once I arrived here. But when Jutta confessed then opened her heart to me, I couldn't help but gaze upon her and want the same thing."

"So she's coming with us?"

"She's already been to see the priestesses about her vow. I had to explain why I wished her to pick up a sword, just for the time being. She'll remain by my side going forward, no matter what."

"And what about Cerys?"

"Well, I'm hoping she'll become queen, so she'll remain here. Triss has already told her that we will be constant visitors, though I've been warned I'll have to get used to portals as Triss won't put up with coming by ship all the time."

"Sure you're not making your life difficult? I know what went on the Lodge, but this feels different."

"No. Triss and Jutta have already talked a lot. Jutta wants her involved all the way, and Triss… wants to be too. More than I imagined."

"She's always had that instinct," Geralt stated, "Long before you arrived. It's why we invited her to Kaer Morhen when Ciri was growing up. Yen… she loves Ciri like a daughter but… it's a long story as to why she doesn't quite have that same instinct when it comes to raising a child. Hers wasn't pleasant. Completely devoid of love."

"How is she after what happened?"

"She won't admit it but I know she's guilty about what happened. I didn't like it but I knew it needed to be done to get the information we needed."

"And what's this last thing you're doing?"

"No idea. Yen won't tell me. Don't like it but, like usual, she has her reasons. We'll be leaving later this afternoon. I don't think we'll be gone too long. Probably a portal there and back."

"Well, I won't be going anywhere now. We'll wait here until you're back."

Geralt and Yennefer disappeared at lunchtime. Triss, Jutta and I wandered up to Kaer Trolde. The dining hall was busy as always, though the noble families had all returned home by now. I'd asked Cerys about the electing of a new ruler, told that it would be quite some time before that would happen as there were still those in the process of proving their worth. She'd heard nothing from Hjalmar in at least a couple of weeks now. I was tempted to offer my services but, to be honest, our time in Skellige did need to draw to a close.

Introducing Jutta to Cerys hadn't been as awkward as I thought. Cerys picked her rather quickly, to the amusement of Triss, at least. "You love him already, don't you?" Jutta looked at me, smiled and nodded. "Well, can't say I blame you."

"Answer to my prayers," she said.

"Cerys, can I ask a question that is now proving quite relevant?" Triss asked.

"Anything," Cerys replied.

"Do you want children in the future?"

Cerys looked at me, a slight smile but the colour in her cheeks was almost amusing. "More than anything. And I want Ragnar to be the father. I know he can't…"

"Okay," I stated, "Not right now though. Life is still quite busy. Once I'm semi-retired…"

"And when will you actually be semi-retired, Ragnar Dragonborn?" Triss wondered.

"Good question. Obviously need to find Ciri, then defeat the Wild Hunt."

"There's also other major issues that you might be involved in."

"True. Part of me thinks we just head to Kovir and not worry about it."

"Really?" she asked softly.

"I've been fighting at least half my life, Triss. By the time this is done, I think I deserve a break. Been at death's door more times than I care to remember." I took a sip of my tankard. "But I might find myself dragged in regardless. I don't particularly want to be but it depends on how certain events develop, I guess."

With little to actually do, the four of us spent the entire day in the dining hall, eventually grabbing some chairs to sit by the fire where it was warmest. It was amusing the three playfully fight over who would sit on my lap, Cerys winning out first, wanting nothing more than plenty of kisses, before she moved and Jutta replaced her. She whispered some rather rude suggestions in my ear, not as quietly as she hoped, as Triss said, "Well, I'm sure while he's fucking one of us, the other two can please each other."

"I'm sure Ragnar is perfectly capable of pleasing us all at once," Cerys suggested.

"Why don't we wait until Geralt and Yen return before we do anything like that?"

"Ragnar, the voice of reason?" Triss joked, "What is the world coming to?!"

"Trust me, I'd have all of you on the floor to fuck each of you in turn any other time. Or I'd have you on your knees to service my cock with your mouth."

"Gladly," Cerys stated huskily. Jutta's cheeks simply took on a rather rosy colour. Triss giggled. "Next time, I'm swallowing every drop," Cerys added.

"Fuck it," I stated, gently moving Jutta off my lap, "Prove it."

Cerys moved so fast, Triss burst into laughter. My young lover had my cock out, desperate to please me, it had me chuckling as she didn't even tease me, simply swallowing my cock, her head bobbing up and down, eager to make me cum as quickly as possible. Running my fingers through her hair, she did look up at me, at least, desire, love and devotion all in one glance. I knew she would probably do anything I ask simply to please me. I'd do the same in return.

"Oh god," I groaned, my head rolling back as it felt so bloody good.

"Jutta, just so you know, she was a virgin until a few days ago," Triss mentioned.

"No wonder she's so eager to please him. Rather talented already, it seems."

"Well, I did spend quite a bit of time teaching her. She eats pussy as well. Quite good at that too."


"Do you, Jutta?"

She looked at me before shrugging. "To be honest, I've never given it a thought simply because I've only ever wanted a man. I think you're beautiful, Triss, as is Cerys, but I've never given being with a woman any thought."

"Thank you for being honest."

"Never say never though, Triss. If we were to have Ragnar together, I might find my mind changed."

Cerys was doing everything she could to make me cum. I groaned a final time before I released into her mouth, my hips bucking more than once as it felt fantastic, Cerys practically sealing her lips around my cock to make sure a drop wasn't spilled. Once she felt my cock stop throbbing, she carefully withdrew her mouth, sitting back on her knees with her mouth closed. She glanced at Triss and opened her mouth, earning more laughter from my lover, before showing it Jutta, who giggled, before looking at me.

"Swallow it," I ordered. She closed her mouth immediately and swallowed. Then she smiled.

"Definitely doing that again," she stated happily. Helpfully packing my cock away, she skipped back to her chair, sitting down and taking a sip on her tankard. "Not doing that to get rid of the taste, by the way. No wonder Triss has you eating all that fruit."

"It's why I always swallow his cum nowadays, if it's not in my pussy or arse anyway."

Jutta burst into another fit of giggles. "Is it always like this?"

"I'm always honest, Jutta," Triss replied, "And Cerys has no problem admitting what she's thinking and feeling."

"I can't wait until he fucks me in the arse. Next time you visit, Ragnar?"


"Would you like to watch him fuck me in the arse first?" Triss asked, "Just so you get an understanding."

"Absolutely. I'd love to see it."

"I can eat you out at the same time. And Jutta will be present, so maybe she can sit on your face, have her pussy eaten by a woman for the first time." Triss grabbed her hand. "Only if you want though, Jutta. Never feel pressured to do anything."

"If I'm feeling turned on enough… which I am right now, to be honest."

"I think we're all rather turned on right now. But Ragnar was right, we should wait for the others to return. Depending on their plans, we might be leaving shortly."

I stood up and looked down at them. "Masturbate," I ordered.

Cerys had her hand down her trousers immediately. Jutta looked at me and smiled, then did the same thing. "Someone is getting bossy," Triss whispered, "Love it when you're in this sort of mood."

"If you're turned on, I can't let you sit here unsatisfied. Get those fingers working, Miss Merigold."

"You won't touch us?"



I couldn't help smile. "I know."

Cerys must have had an orgasm within five minutes, and as we were now alone in the hall, she cried out as she did. Jutta was next, a mixture of moaning and whimpers as she shuddered to a climax. Triss teased herself for a lot longer, Cerys leaning over, putting her fingers in her mouth before she no doubt started to talk dirty. Her eyes only looked at me, though, and she couldn't hold her orgasm off forever. Once she did, the three women certainly were far more relaxed afterwards, the sexual tension somewhat disappearing, probably to all our relief.

It was dark by the time Geralt walked in to find us about three or four tankards in having surprisingly behaved ourselves. He didn't explain what they'd done, at least not there and then, but did ask if we'd like to join them back in their room. Even Cerys was invited, so the five of us carefully headed back down the hill. Hitting the cold air almost had Cerys on her arse, though she stated she was otherwise fine. Even I felt it a little bit though.

Walking into their room, Yennefer was sat on the lounge. My eyes immediately went to the unicorn in the corner and I burst into laughter. Geralt took it in his stride, but I was fairly sure Yennefer was trying not to blush. Geralt hadn't told me, she'd let slip one night after a few drinks. Just enough that I knew exactly what they did with it.

Once we were all sat own, Yennefer explained what they'd been doing. "We were searching for a djinn," she stated, "Has Geralt ever told you about his last wish?"

I nodded. He'd told me nearly everything about their relationship, except for the physical stuff. Triss seemed to have an idea. Cerys and Jutta obviously had no idea. "It's a long story, but the end of it is that Geralt made a wish that effectively bound us together. The reason we went looking for this djinn is that, for a long time now, I've been worried if the love we share is due to his wish, or if we would feel love for each other regardless."

"The djinn was obviously powerful. Bitch of a fight," Geralt growled.

Yennefer took his hand. "It was, but we succeeded. The djinn could see the effect of the wish that bound us, and I asked that he undo the bond. The djinn agreed and I freed it in thanks." Yennefer then gazed at Geralt. "I felt no different. The love I've had for this man for so long is true. It's always been real. Yes, we bicker and fight, and we sometimes spend a long time apart, but the fact we always ended up together was fate. Maybe the wish had something to do with it, but in the end, it was the love we shared that always led us towards each other."

"That's so sweet," Triss stated.

"So together forever then eh?" I asked, half in jest.

"No doubt I'll continue to wind him up, and Geralt will never change, but he's the man I fell in love with. I wouldn't want him any other way."

"Geralt?" I wondered.

He just glared at me. Yennefer laughed to herself. "Stop teasing, Ragnar. I know how he feels. He's told me often enough. No public displays of affection, which is fine with me."

"So… if that's the thing you wanted sorting, I assume we'll be departing shortly?" I asked.

"Yes. We need to do a couple of things. First, the Emperor will require a report from us." Geralt and I both groaned. "Complain all you want, but it is necessary."

"Look, why don't you go make the report while Geralt and I focus on other things?"

"Agreed. We need to head back to Velen and that creature at Crow's Perch. There is no doubt Uma is the key to all this." He paused before lowering his head and shaking it. "Still can't believe it might be Ciri."

"The fuck?" I asked.

"I'll explain later, Ragnar." He looked at the others. "Triss and Jutta, I think it best you head straight to Kaer Morhen for now. Ragnar and I will grab Uma then ride north. We'll be a while but that's how things are."

"I used a portal to get here. I can certainly escort Jutta to Kaer Morhen."

"Where's that?" Jutta asked quietly.

"A long way away," Geralt replied, "But Triss will get you there instantly."

"How are you getting to Velen?" Yennefer wondered.

"Ragnar and I are going by ship. We'll be sailing first thing in the morning. That means an early night, Ragnar."

"Ragnar, you're spending tonight with Cerys before we go. Jutta and I will head off tonight."

Yennefer just looked at me and laughed. "Vesemir obviously won't be expecting you, Triss," Geralt stated, "Though I'm sure he'd be overjoyed to see you. Jutta, you will be made to feel very welcome by Vesemir and any others that might be there right now. If you're with Ragnar, then consider Kaer Morhen your home as well."

"You have my thanks," she stated politely.

"Ragnar, don't be late to the docks. We must get to Crow's Perch as quickly as possible. I just hope Uma is still alive."

Triss and Jutta wasted no time preparing to leave as I think the quicker they left, the easier it was going to be for them. Once they packed their belongings, Triss sent her things first before we headed outside. I hugged Jutta first, sharing one hell of a kiss, already putting all her feelings for me. "Definitely in love with you," she whispered. I caressed her cheek and kissed her again.

Triss tried to put a brave face on it, but we hadn't been apart in weeks now, so when she fell into my arms, the light sobbing wasn't a real surprise. For someone who had kept all her emotions in check for so long, she had no problem showing me any longer. "I'll miss you," I said, "And we won't be apart too long."

"And you have me," Jutta added, hugging us from the side, "We'll get to know each other a lot better."

"That sounds nice," Triss whispered through her sniffles. I kissed her for a long time, moulding her body into mine. When we finally broke apart, her cheeks had a lot more colour, and the look in her eyes suggesting she leave quickly, or she wouldn't at all. After a quick hug from both with Cerys, Triss took Jutta by the hand.

"I love you," I stated, looking first at Triss. When I looked at Jutta, her bottom lip immediately trembled.

"I love you," Triss replied, "See you soon."

"You will."

In a flash, the pair of them disappeared. I couldn't help the sigh that escaped me, running a hand through my hair. Turning to look at Cerys, she stepped forward and gave me a hug, before I took her by the hand and led her towards the tavern. "Let's have a drink and bite to eat first," I said. She thought that was a good idea, though I noticed while I had a beer, she stuck to juice, stating she'd had enough to drink earlier in the day.

Our room was nice and warm when walking inside, having let the fire remaining. The door into Geralt's room was shut, figuring they were probably enjoying some time together before they too split apart. Realising this was the last time, Cerys and I took our time undressing each other, though we ended up naked together, relaxing back on the bed, making out as I caressed her body. "Part of me doesn't want you to go," she said quietly.

"I know. I'll return as often as I can. I don't do this often, but I promise you that."

Certainly earned a smile… then I earned a larger one as rolled her onto her back and kissed down her body before she whispered, "I want to please you at the same time."

I knew how that would work, so I laid down and lifted her to sit on my lap before gesturing for her to spin around. She figured it out rather quickly, moving up to basically sit on my face before leaning forward, groaning as she ran a tongue up my shaft. As she started to blow me, I buried my face in her pussy, revelling in her taste once again.

Eventually relenting, she made me cum quite quickly, already proving to know exactly how to push the right buttons, she turned around and happily showed me the contents of her mouth before swallowing. "Sit on my face," I suggested.

Holding her thighs, she was soon gyrating on my face, crying out quietly as I focused on making her orgasm again and against. She loved every second, begging me to touch her in certain places to bring her off. She almost fell forward and smacked her head against the headboard when her first orgasm arrived, though she still whimpered for me not to stop. I doubled down on what I was doing, focusing on her clit, which I knew would be incredible sensitive by now. Though it was, she seemed to love it, feeling her almost force her body down into my face.

"Fucking love you," she whimpered, "Don't stop."

She eventually had to get off my face after a couple more, breathing deeply and giggling away as I turned onto my side and gently pulled her into my body. Feeling her slowly but surely calm down, she flipped over so she could meet my eyes. "Still need a few more minutes, Ragnar. My god, that was wonderful."

"Thought you might like it."

"Like it? I loved it, Ragnar." She leaned forward to kiss me softly on the lips. "I'm so glad I waited for you."

"So am I, to be honest. The fact I was your first… means the world, Cerys. And can I be honest a second. I'm so… proud of our open-mindedness, regarding Triss and now Jutta."

"I don't care who you're with, Ragnar, as long as you're with me too."

"You sound just like Triss."

"I am a little surprised, considering how long you've been together."

I couldn't help chuckle. "Cerys, the stories I could tell you...." I trailed off. "Hmmm, maybe they won't surprise you considering. Have you heard of the Lodge of Sorceresses?"

"Of course."

"I fucked all of them." She burst into laughter at that, cuddling me tighter. "I might have a thing for sorceresses," I added with humour.

"And now for women from the islands, it seems. You now have two of us." Then she leaned back and grinned. "Yet one of them isn't a redhead. Growth, Ragnar."

"Ah, you've realised that, have you?"

"Triss, myself and I believe Shani are redheads, yes?"

"It is my weakness."

We made love a little later, but after I'd cum, she admitted to feeling rather tired, and simply wanted me to hold her for as long as possible before I had to go. So that's what I did, sensing she was happy just being held in my arms as we drifted off to sleep. Geralt woke us the next morning with a polite knock on the door, getting up and dressing, heading out with the first rays of daylight starting to appear on the horizon.

Walking hand in hand to the docks, the village was already alive, fishermen preparing their boats to head out, while the boatmakers were already hard at work. Women were already up preparing food for the day or doing their early morning washing, taking advantage of the dry weather. Geralt was waiting on the docks, our ship nearly ready to depart as they would want to catch the tide that would take us out into the open sea. He took my pack and sword, leaving me alone with Cerys.

Caressing her cheek, I'll admit I thought she might cry. Instead, she simply gazed at me with a smile on her face. "I love you so much, Ragnar."

"I love you just as much in return."

The smile simply broadened as I leaned down to kiss her. I don't think she cared who noticed, and even with all the noise, we could hear a few comments from those nearby. We only broke apart when Geralt cleared his throat, announcing the ship was getting ready to cast off. Looking around, there was a small crowd watching, Cerys glancing back and immediately blushing, burying her head in my chest.

"Better come back soon, Dragonborn," a guard stated, earning plenty of laughter.

One last brief kiss, with a promise I would do exactly that, I let her go and walked up onto the ship. As soon as I touched the deck, the ropes were unfastened, the sails hoisted, and it was surprising how quickly the ship started to move. I stayed on deck at the side, Cerys walking to the edge of the dock, simply watching the ship slowly but surely move away. I waved a few times, she did the same, and once we passed the headland, I noticed she finally turned and walked away.

I sighed and headed towards our cabin, Geralt already lying back on his hammock. I leaned back into mine, hands behind my head, staring at the ceiling. "Hopefully this goes better than the trip here," I muttered, "Where are we headed anyway?"

"Novigrad. We'll head south straight to Crow's Perch."

"Are we going to Vizima?"

"You want to see the emperor?"

"Do I fuck."

"That's what I thought. So we get Uma and head north. Long ride ahead."

"Aye. I remember. The words ball and ache come to mind."

It was a peaceful journey back to Novigrad, the sea remaining rather calm, the ship making the usual noises, and the crew simply left Geralt and I to do what we want. We spent most of the time either sparring or playing gwent. Otherwise, it was rather boring though that was simply due to my life having been rather pleasant for almost weeks on end.

I missed Triss… and Cerys… and Jutta… and plenty of others. Geralt was just as miserable half the time. We walked long into the night during our approach to Novigrad, as he went over the trials and tribulations of his relationship with Yennefer. But it was also obvious the relief that the love they shared was genuine. Geralt wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve but I think there had always been that element of doubt in his mind about just how much their love was true and how much related to the djinn and his wish.

We were both relieved to pull into Novigrad docks safely, and once disembarked, we immediately walked through the city towards the stables where we would find our horses. It wasn't hard to miss that the burnings had continued, but in addition to that, we noticed the pile of books that had been burned in the main square. We could only walk past, shaking our head in disbelief.

After paying for our horses, we stored our packs and mounted, both of us immediately groaning as we settled in our saddles. "This is going to hurt," I murmured.

"You'll be used to it again in no time."

Kicking our horses into gear, I was feeling it within around five minutes as Geralt wanted to make it over the Pontar by nightfall, suggesting we would camp just on the other side and complete our journey the next morning. It was the most sensible idea, avoiding the refugee camps, which seemed to never lower in people, eventually heading towards a nearby wooded area, camping a couple of hundred metres within for a modicum of privacy.

Next morning, we mounted up early, circling around Crow's Perch once. There were no guards at the bridge leading across into the settlement itself, Geralt and I remembering that we had spoken to the Nilfgaardians about protecting it. Approaching the bridge a second time, we crossed into the village, looking around to see little had changed except for the fact there were a couple of soldiers in black armour. They watched us with curiosity as we rode past, heading up the hill towards the main building.

All the bodies had been cleared away and it seemed some reconstruction had taken place, particularly of the barn. A guard stopped us after we'd dismounted. "Who are you?"

"I'm Geralt of Rivia. This is Ragnar Dragonborn."

"Your business here?"

"Can we discuss that with your commanding officer?"

He looked between the pair of us. "I'm aware of who you are. Keep your weapons sheathed and there won't be a problem. Commander is in the main office upstairs."

It seemed we were expected as Geralt barely had to explain why we were there. "The freak? Yes, he's still here and you are welcome to him. I will admit, we haven't been sure what to do with him. He seemed happy with his little room so we just left him there, ensure he's fed, given water and kept warm. Keeps to himself otherwise."

"Your men leave him alone?" I wondered.

"Of course. We are not cruel. The thing is clearly a freak. We don't understand it but we're not going to put him on a pyre, if that's what you're wondering. One or two are perhaps curious about it at most, but other than that, we let it live."

"Mind if we just grab him and go?"

"By all means."

We were escorted downstairs, past the barracks and the kitchens, towards a wooden door that was kept open. I thought it would have been locked, but I was proven wrong again. Geralt stepped inside and I could see Uma had been given light, so at least he wasn't kept in darkness. I looked at the Nilfgaardian. "Thanks," I stated, bowing my head in respect.

"He's not a monster. Just… a freak we don't understand. No reason to mistreat him. And he's harmless to us. We open the door to let him wander around, but he rarely does."

Geralt had taken Uma by the hand. "You certainly treated him better than the previous occupants."

"Ah… were you responsible for the bodies?"

"You bet we were. We rode into the village below. The peasants are not living in fear."

"We did the right thing," I added.

"Between you and me, I agree. Garrison commander wasn't particularly pleased at first, but seeing we were given control of this place, and with it the local area, he found no reason to actually complain. In fact, he joked about sending you his compliments for taking care of them, aware that Strenger was no longer in command."

Walking outside, Geralt took Uma as I mounted my own horse, trotting back down the hill, quite a few peasants stopping and pointing as we passed by. Wasn't really a surprise, and all they did was stop, have a look, then go about their day.

Word must have spread, as we were barely a couple of hours away when Geralt held up a hand, gesturing to stop. He glanced at me and sighed. "Shit," he muttered.


"Six horses. Heavily armoured mounts. Guess the garrison commander heard of our arrival."

"Probably had spies watching Novigrad docks. Surprised we weren't stopped at Crow's Perch."

Turning our horses around, we saw the dust billowing as the horses appeared. He was right, of course. Six horses, all in armour, and the men riding them were wearing thick black armour. They didn't surround us, at least, though formed up in a line, and I think would use force if necessary. One of them lifted their helmet visor to show his eyes.

"You are to go to Vizima at once," he ordered.

"Two against six might not appear to be great odds," I stated.

"Don't remember working for the emperor either. Don't take orders from him too," Geralt added.

"Gentlemen, I am a reasonable man. If you come with me now, it will be a comfortable experience. If you choose to be difficult, I will have no choice but haul you back to Vizima in chains and you can make your report to the emperor that way."

Geralt and I shared a look. "You know I don't like using my Thu'um against men, Geralt. I mean, I think we could win but we might end up losing a limb for it. Plus, do I want to make an enemy of the man right now?"

Geralt sighed. "Fine, fuck it. Lead the way."

We rode south, putting our horses through their paces, barely slowing for minutes at a time. We made it to Vizima after dark, but it amazed me, at times how quickly we could cover miles upon miles following some rather poor roads. Despite our gifts, even Geralt and I would admit to being safe behind some sturdy city walls, and I figured we might even enjoy sleeping in a half decent bed… if the emperor didn't see fit to throw us in cells for an evening.

Led towards the royal palace, we were immediately escorted inside and straight towards his office. He was having a conversation with General Voorhis, and I'll admit to listening into their strategy. I knew the war was almost in a stalemate at the moment but it was clear the emperor hadn't finished just yet. As Geralt and I stood waiting, Yennefer walked in, glancing our way, quite obvious that she was unhappy though also relieved to see us.

I shook hands with Voorhis as he walked by, as I'll admit, I liked the man. He wished us good luck before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. I had to laugh to myself, as Geralt and I were both armed. We could easily cut down the emperor if it took our fancy. Getting out of the palace would be almost impossible unless I used my Thu'um…

"Report," Emhyr stated.

I glanced at Geralt. "Did you hear a 'please', Geralt?"

"Don't believe I did, Ragnar."

Yennefer sighed. I did sneak a glance her way and couldn't help smirk. Emhyr thought he'd approach closer, still amused that he had to look up to meet my eyes. "If you wish to play games, perhaps I'll order in my guards and they can escort you downstairs… They will certainly find many ways to keep you amused."

"Been tortured before. Like riding a horse. You never really forget," I retorted.

He glared at me. "Report. Now."

I glanced at Geralt again. We exchanged a nod and relaxed. Emhyr seemed to sense that, as he took a couple of steps backwards. We both glanced at Yennefer, noticing she was still unhappy but relaxed too. When Geralt suggested that Uma was the key to finding Ciri, it wasn't a real surprise that Emhyr seethed with anger. I stepped in where I could as we explained. Emhyr dismissed most of what we had to say but at least had the patience to listen to what we had to say, as it was clear we'd been quite busy trying to find Ciri.

He took an interest when it came to a curse and the fact Uma could be Ciri, or at least might be the key to finding her. Asking if we could lift the curse, that's when Yennefer finally stepped in, offering a brief explanation of what was required. Emhyr didn't really care about the details, happy to hear that Uma could be the key and we might be able to lift the curse.

To our surprise, he then opened the drawer on his desk, returning with two bulging coin pouches. "You have no returned with Ciri, so you don't get it all."

I'll admit to feeling a little dirty taking the money, but I knew how much was in the pouch. I would have been a fool to refuse it. Geralt no doubt felt the same, but was a pragmatist at the same time. "You will receive the other half when you return here with Ciri."

I didn't say anything. I'm sure Geralt bit back numerous replies before grunting, "Fine."

"This audience is over. You may leave."

Geralt and I turned around, taking Uma by the hand, Yennefer joining us out in the hall. Geralt didn't look happy, neither did Yennefer, and I was ready to just take Uma so they could have their almost predictable argument. Then… he stepped forward and hugged her. Yennefer was so taken aback, she actually looked at me in surprise for a couple of seconds, before hugging him back.

"I understand why. It's fine," Geralt stated.

"And I could say something but… I'm tired of arguing, Geralt. I understand too."

They were only a few words, but there was no missing all the meaning behind them. Geralt was unhappy she'd stayed quiet. She was unhappy he decided winding up the emperor was a good idea. But instead of having it out, Geralt took the unusual option. When he finally leaned back, Yennefer smiled.

Even I could admit that, when she did, no wonder he loved her. "Now, this curse. How do we cure it?" he asked.

"We must go to Kaer Morhen. I'll explain more when you get there." She looked between the three of us. "I can't teleport all of you there so…"

"Ragnar and I will stay here this evening then begin our journey tomorrow. We keeping Uma?"

"I think it's best. He seems to trust you. Do you… wish to stay with me tonight before we leave tomorrow?"

I took Uma by the hand. "I'll see you in the morning, Geralt. See you at Kaer Morhan, Yen."

"Thank you, Ragnar," Yennefer stated softly.

Having Uma with me would have made finding lodgings difficult, so I found Morvran nearby and asked if I could grab a bed for the evening. I thanked him for giving me a private room with two beds, Morvran stating he would have food sent to our room straight away so we wouldn't have to mix. Once we'd eaten, I helped Uma up onto his bed and he pretty much drifted off straight away. Getting into my own bed, I was left wondering who was stuck in his body. I'll admit to praying to the Nine that it wasn't Ciri. Not sure any of us could deal with that.

Yennefer had already departed when Geralt knocked on the door next morning. I dressed, grabbed Uma, and we headed outside, Geralt offering a roll for breakfast, giving Uma the other third. After grabbing a few supplies, some food that would keep us going, we headed to the gates and mounted up, pointing our horses north.

"How long, you reckon?" I asked.

"We're looking at a week, at least. Can you handle that or want to call in Triss to teleport you?"

"Any more of that lip and you're riding with Uma while I enjoy the pleasure of some female company."


"I know."

Digging our heels into the ribs our horses, we began our long journey north.