
The Drag System [ON-HIATUS]

ON GOING EDIT FOR BETTER CONTEXTS. Thank you so much for your patience. --- "What kind of drag is this, you useless system?!" ^_^ Julian Yang was a famous drag racer in the country. He won multiple titles and trophies and also gained a lot of enemies. His best friend, Lucas, had been convincing him to not continue the race one fateful Saturday night but Julian assured him that he would be fine. Knowing at how stubborn Julian was, Lucas let him with what he wanted and just gave him a reminder of their meeting last Wednesday. Julian nodded to him and went on with the race. A few minutes into the racing, Lucas and his friends heard a loud crash from a far and ran towards the scene. He saw the lifeless body of his friend and the car being totaled against the wall. Lucas screamed and called out to his friend as others called the police and the rescue team. Meanwhile, Julian’s soul went to a place where he met this weird looking duck with a knife on his hand and was wearing a jumper. His voice was similar to a robot and had antennas on his head. He was offering a chance to be reborn or transmigrated to a place where he could start a new life with the duck's help. Bribing him with granting three wishes when he finished his final mission. How can the duck help him to start a new life? And what kind of challenges he would face to get what he wanted from the duck? [The Drag System is now on. Welcome to the World of Drag, young master. Would you like to accept this offer of entering a new life and start a new beginning?] x-x-x-x From a famous drag racer in a world of drag. x-x-x-x Cover edited by yours truly.

docaqui · LGBT+
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14 Chs

The New Features

[The new features will now be discussed in order. First is the <Love Meter>. This feature is activated when your partner in this life would feel his heart beating fast when either you look extremely cute over things or when he is feeling tense about a certain situation.

<Love Meter> is difficult to fill up since according to this world, your partner is rather… cold.]

Julian heaved a deep breath as he listened through. Partner, huh? Julian had never thought that he would have a partner in this world. He thought he would complete all of his missions alone and probably die alone as well.

But a partner? He never thought he could have one.

[If the percentage of the <Love Meter> reached a certain level… like fifty or even seventy percent, the system will reward you with a bonus mission where you could gain another feature that could help you complete your tasks.

With that being said, let's move on to the next feature.]

Julian hummed as he listened through the explanation. He needed to know every bit of information before looking for that partner of his.

[Next feature is a <Break Meter>.]

Julian perked up when he heard of a Break meter. He looked at the system with his curiosity peeking in.

[A <Break Meter> is a feature that would be activated whenever your partner feels any sort of lust towards you. Whether when you are wearing your drag costume or something else.

This meter is one of the hardest one to fill up since your partner is asexual to many people. Or I would rather say, "Demi-sexual".]


The system looked at Julian with his innocent-looking eyes.

[Affirmative, young master.]

Duckie was about to proceed with his next explanation when Julian stopped him and asked what was a Demi-sexual. It was the first time that the younger had ever heard of that term.

[Demi-sexual people are a type of people that will only feel sexually attracted to a certain person when they have an emotional bond towards them. They were called "Demi" which means half since they were half-asexual and half sexual.]

Julian nodded at the new found term and its meaning. He took down notes of that word that he would meet his partner. Plus, asking the same shit that the system already explained would be tiring. Julian knew he needed to be attentive with the details, hence he wrote them down.

[Last, a <Rage Meter>.]


The system looked at Julian whilst blinking his eyes before proceeding to explain the last feature.

[A <Rage Meter> is a feature in which the system would pick up the tremendous amount of jealousy of your partner towards the people that surround you. Whether they would physically touch you or even talk to you.]

"Well, shit! How am I gonna work if I can't talk to people at my workplace? What the hell is this last feature? It would easily fill this up."

The system cleared his throat, showing that he is not done explaining all the features that Julian gained for the past few days.

"Oh, sorry. You can proceed now."

The system nodded and continued with his explanation.

[The <Rage Meter> is a feature in which you should prevent on reaching its highest peak. If the <Break Meter> and the <Love Meter> should be filled up to the highest percentage before you could end every mission thrown at you, the <Rage Meter> is different.

According to the manual, the <Rage Meter> should be filled up in reverse. The host should maintain it at a certain level to prevent your partner going berserk and destroy the world before you could even finish your mission.

Another information is that; the host should decrease the amount of percentage when your partner accidentally becoming jealous or pissed.]

Julian gawked at the other information. He never realized that a feature could exist. This world didn't really give him an easy way out.

He thought that the only problem he had was finding ways on how to complete his every mission. Now that the features were here, he thought he could help them finish every task. He never knew that they could be the reason for his demise.

At this point, Julian was already losing hope that he could ever finish his missions and get those bribed wishes from the system.

The young racer was shaking his head from left to right, already regretting his decision of agreeing to partake of this terrible journey with this weird-looking duck in front of him.

If only he thought the whole thing through, he would've said no.

"That's a lot of information to take in, but I would manage since I am a Yang, even in my past life."

The young man mumbled as he took a deep breath and relaxed his mind. If he would think over this matter for a very long time, he would waste time trying to convince himself that everything would be fine.


His mind was going blank, and he needed some fresh air to detoxify everything for just a moment. His body moved on his own and packed his bags as he was ready himself to go home. He didn't know where to go, but he could feel the tremendous amount of adrenaline in his system that he needed to release.

Leo was outside of the dressing room when Julian slammed the door open and walked in his comfort clothes. The other drag queen was calling him, but Julian looked like he would go somewhere to kill a goat or a person.

The older man took a step back and watched the younger one to get out of the back door and into the darkness of the streets. Whatever his problem was, he hoped it would be resolved soon. Or it could affect his work and the people around him.

[Where are we going, young master?]

Duckie saw how much Julian looked so frustrated after giving him all the information that he needed to know about his new features. He knew they were a lot to take in, but the system needed to give his muse everything.

This could be his last chance to prove to the Universe that this world was worth saving after all.

"Somewhere to clear my head. If you know a place, suggest it now."

Duckie nodded his head and thought for a moment. If Julian would want to clear his head and do something fun instead of thinking of what to do next for his missions, what would he do?

As if in an instant, Duckie thought of a way to give Julian a breath of fresh air and relax before looking for his partner to see whether these features that he had right now could help him save this world.

[I know a place, young master! Hop in to the next taxi and tell the driver the location appearing on your blue screen.]

Julian nodded and took the next taxi that stopped in front of him and looked for the location on his blue screen.

"Where to?"

The younger smiled and answered the driver, "Oakford Mountain."

Hello, lil duckies! Author is gravefully sorry for updating slow. I am currently reviewing for a very important exam that could determine whether if I could survive adulthood or die young and alone.

I will try to update as much as I could in between breaks of my review! Thank you for understanding! Enjoy the new chapter!

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