
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Ciudad
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13 Chs

why hurt was so full.......

It's might a sunny day after a week. Street seems like it had a fresh shower. Resi and Denia walks on the street. They already arranged their Uber.

"Hey Den, where does we're going," Resi asks.

"Okay, somewhere," Denia says.

"You're mysterious" Resi loughs on her. Denia always liked to make her happy by surprising way. Their Uber is already arrived.

The sky is so clear now. Seems like a sick person gets recovered after long time.

Resi thinks about her life. Even though she's enjoys today what about yesterday. Why life is so guarantee less. Why our life has no warranty. Every moment gone by itself.

"I have to build myself, but how?" she couldn't find any way to restart her life.

"Hey Den, what should I do now, should I start working part time jobs again?" Resi asks Denia.

"Baby, today we shouldn't discuss about it, we have lots of time, don't we?" Denia comforts Resi. "You are a genius, you gonna have great job," she tries to cheer her up.

"Oh, we're arrived, let's get off the car," Denia asks Resi. "Where it is," Resi wonders.

It was a tiny cottage near a forest like area. This area seems far away from town but not totally village. There's some house but every house was far away from each. Might this forest doesn't perilous. This area is so quite.

Resi can't understand Denia,"where we are?"

"Just follow me inside" Denia doesn't seems like always. Her smiling face seems so sad.

They knocked the door, Oh! it wasn't locked. Goodness! who's the hell living out here, it's so dusty inside. After main door, there was a little living room. All the furniture says how old they are. Every thing was so dirty!

Does any human being living inside here. Oh! it's like the hell. There's two rooms after the living room.


"Are you Shelley? Mr. Dick has died again," haha...

someone cames out from inside. An old man. He doesn't seems okay. His shirt was so dirty.

" Polly meets Henry at the hell," he keeps talking nonsense!

"Who are you, two of you, are you police,"

"wanna eat buffalo dung,"


He seems like an mental patient. Resi feels so afraid. "What's wrong with Denia. Why she brings me here!" she feels so worried.

"I'm Denia, Denia Nelson, don't you know me?" Denia tries to talk with that man."I've bring some food for you" Denia gives him a large bag full with confectionery foods.

"Who is Denia, aren't you live in the hell," he doesn't recognize her. " Linda wanna eat grass, but cows won't let her"


He is really a mental patient!

"Do you have kids?" Denia asked him.

"No, I don't, I wasn't borned yet,"

hahaha..... he was totally crazy.

"Ok, have a nice day" Denia is about to leave.

I always have been great, cause I'm eats cow dung"

hahaha...., he can't stop laughing.


Denia wipes her eyes. They are walking on the street. Resi can't ask her anything right now. For first time Denia seems so upset. It's rediclious, who is that old man?

Resi feels so surprised. Actually at first she thinks that they are going to an amusement park, but how it was ended up!

"Ah, Den" she tries to talk.

"Are you wanna know who he was" Denia was sober now.

"Oh, if you wish, tell me please," Resi won't make her embarrassed.

"He was a decent police inspector once", she starts talking. "He had a happy family, two little daughter. He was so honest about his job. He never treat his wife badly. His wife was a nurse. His younger daughter had asthma since born. He lost his dearest youngest child after two years of birth. After losing his adorable little girl, he was so upset. After several months, a woman murdered in her own house, she was a decent civil servant. The home minister give this serious investigation on that police inspector cause he was famous for his honesty. But the murderer was very daring. He gave another police officer a large portion of bribe, who was that police inspectors colleague, and order him to kill the inspector. That officer put some poison into that police inspectors food but fortunately he can't fully poisoned the food. An police man came into that room when he just put a few drops. He said that police to just keep shut his mouth otherwise he was dead. That inspector has ate that poisonous food and he was become mentally disable after few days. That few drops of poison can't kill him but it killed his brain. His family struggled a lot for him, they tried to recover him from this. But doctors failed about his issue. He only recognize that little cottage where he borned in and he moved there. He completely forgot his wife and daughter. But after many years that officer and that police have a problem and that police opened up this issue. Government investigate this case and punished the criminals." Denia takes a deep breath.

"oh! I feel so sorry about him." Resi feels so bad about him. He is a decent man who was living a stressful life now. Why hurt was so full for some people.

"So, Resi aren't you have a better life than him!, you are not only the most saddest person. All have stress, anixity, tension, disease which multiply called sadness." Denia tries to understand her that she was not only saddest ever.

Yeah, absolutely I got it, I'll never say it again.

"btw, do his wife still visit him?, she might so hurtful as they had good relationship" Resi asks.

"Absolutely, she still visit him every week, but he didn't recognize her. He always talking nonsense, no matter who it is." Denia wipes her eyes again.

"Den, do you know him a lot, does you had a relationship with him, you seems so hurtful" Resi feels so sorry for her. "She had such a great heart" Resi thinks about Denia.

"Do I, I might absolutely" Denia takes another deep breath.

Than she says, "do you know who he was?"

"he is my father...