
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Ciudad
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13 Chs

hope are you less?

The sun wanna smile, but cloud siblings won't let sun laugh. Are they enemy!

Resi was on her way to visit that abandoned site of her city. She wanna find again that fortune tellers office. She hates monsoon though, but today she doesn't feel bored while walking on watery street. She can't wait for meet that old lady.


a kid voice attract her eyes, a little girl passing the street with her dad and bubbling a lot.That little girl was having a funny conversation with her daddy.

"how beautiful scenery!" Resi thinks. She suddenly feels so emotional. She never have any chance to get know who is her daddy when she even don't know who is her mother was!

"Hah! there's still lots of parents on this planet who adores their babies!" Resi thinks.

"might my useless fortune makes my life this much miserable" she takes a deep breath.

Resi remembers when she was in school people often asked her about her name. Every one has their fathers last name after main name, but why she didn't?

She feels so embarrassed that time anyways.

She was already an adult now, so her fear about parental issue has been already gone. She doesn't care whatever people think about her. "I wanna have babies, I wanna adore them as decent parents do" she thinks.

"Oh! I won't get married, how could I will become a mother!" she asks herself.

"Also who will like my bare face!, even anybody likes I won't get married" she thinks.


Oh while thinking she almost get near her destination. But, wait what it is?

The whole abandoned area seems under construction, she can't understand what's going on. But she doesn't stop walking.

"Excuse me miss?" an police man asks her when she about to enter that area.

"I wanna have a walk here" she explains.

"this area is under a government project, avarage public doesn't allowed to enter here" police man says.

"Oh sorry" Resi feels so hopeless...


"What a shame! my hope always walk against me!" she feels so stressed. She wanna return home. Resi remembers, when she was living with her foster parents, she never want to go home after school, but she has to.

People says, old is gold, old memories presious as gold. Resi doesn't feel that way though.

Oh no!, it's started raining again, Resi forgot to bring umbrella. She hates rain but she have nothing to do now.

Heavy rain gives her a shower within few minutes. For first time Resi get a rain shower. It's seems so cozy, like this cold rain water decline her stress level for a little. She started walking in heavy rain.

"Rain was so kind" Resi thinks.

"She gave everything a free shower, she wash dusty leaves of trees without out any rewards, she is a kind person," Resi compare rain with a kind lovely woman.

Suddenly a thunder appears nearby. "Why he is so cruel," She thinks about thunder. Thunder seems like an angry uncle who scolding mighty rain auntie.

Everything in nature have their own personality. They are all meaningful. Resi smiles when ever she deeply thinks about nature.

"Why life was so meaningful" Resi wonders.

Once in her mid teenage, Resi got a huge crush on a boy of her school. He was her first crush. Resi still remembers how handsome he was. But she never confess her feeling because she was afraid of rejection. She doesn't have a cute face that can attract anybody. But she keep cherish little sweet dream about him, until she finds out he was interested in someone else.

Once in a rainy day, she was waiting for bus at bus stand. Suddenly she saw, that boy was passing road with a girl from their class. They both passing road through under same umbrella.They seems so close. She feels jealous for first time. Her first love ended up that day.

She never have anybody interested in her bare face. She got male friends, but she never had a boyfriend. She got crush on handsome mens often but she can easily forgot them. So seems like she doesn't have a painful love life.

"My perfect match might not borned yet" she thinks. "Actually I'm lucky to be single"

She was a ugly princess who doesn't have anybody at home who can call her "ugly"

So from this side she feels so lucky.


Resi almost arrived home. Suddenly her phone buzzed. It was Denia, her colleague from hospital. "Should I pick the call" Resi thinks for a moment.

"I won't" she takes decision.

She enters in her apartment. She needs to change the clothes. "It's so cold" she feels like a frozen ice cube. She gets into washroom for change the clothes.

Oh! her phone was ringing again. Resi stops drying her hair. It's her, Denia, Resi receive the call this time.

"Hello, Resi" Denia sounds so worried.

"Who else out of me?" She tries to talk normally.

"Hey bitch are you okay?, why don't you pick my call earlier?, is everything ok? she sounds crazy.

"listen Den you questioned a lot, which one should I answered at first, ok I'm not died yet," Resi speaks soberly.

"Okay, bro are you home, I wanna meet you after work," Denia asks Resi.

"Do what ever you want, bye" Resi hang up first.

Denia and Resi joined at hospital in same time. They are little similar. Denia was a brown woman who was so friendly. She always tries to cheer Resi up. To Resi she was a great friend more than a colleague.

"Why you are always unchanged?" She thinks about Denia.

"Oh! Den thanks" she smiles alone. A warm call from her friend changed her mind in a bit. True friends really good for immunity system.


It's already evening, Resi was waiting for Denia. Waiting for someone seems like the time won't run as usual. She wanna make some food for her friend.

Oh! the fridge seems so empty. luckily she had some eggs. As they both quite heavy, so she wants to make some fat less food. She opened her kitchen pantry, She have some pasta.

Red sauce pasta, scrambled egg and salad is todays menu.

Resi happily arranges her little dining table with handmade food. As she usually ates instant noodles, it's like she has cooking food after a long time.

"Ding Dong"

Her door bell buzzing....