
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Feeling falling......

"Oh! isn't it that fortune tellers place, where is everyone, why it's so quite out here!" Resi wonders. She just walking around on this alley without any plans, suddenly she found that fortune tellers loyal office that she already has been forgot about!

"What should I do, should I just enter here to meet her?" she thinks.

"oh no! what if I meet some weird people out of her, this alley was weird enough. I'm alone though" she says herself.

"It has been fifteen years I've never came here, everything might changed a lot" she thinks again.

But she feels like she should just enter and look around. Resi missed so much her classmates, who bring her here. early teenage is a crazy age. She reminds how curious they were all, while they visit this place!

They egarly wait for hear about their fortunes. But that fortune teller woman call them one by one, and told them to not share with anyone, what she tells them. So they did what she told.

Resi smiles widely while reminding old memories. "how fool we're in our early age"

Another time they visit an weird wizards place. They got their for watch magic, but when that wizard says that, he can cut any of them into pieces, they run away from there. She lough whenever remembered that day.

"why my time at middle school is so precious!" her sugar less life tastes what is sweet that time. But after entering high school all of her friends become disconnected from each other. Resi started working part times, so there was no time to make that kind of friends again.

"how was they are all, does they already forgot about me?"

"might" she thinks.

"Oh! I wanna enter this place no matter what it become now" she says herself.

It was an mysterious hundred or something years old building, a bit murky inside but not totally dark. Main collapsible gate was opened, there's different corridors after the hallway.

"is anybody here?" she shouts. OMG! her voice seems back to her. Might the building was empty. She feels so horrible, "I should go back, god!"

"are you Resi Rose?", an old voice asks her from her back. Resi turned around, oh no, it's that fortune teller woman!

Resi was so surprised, she becomes an old lady within 15 years. But it's definitely her.

"Okay" she tries to smile bigger.

"how could you still remembered me!" fortune teller woman asks her.

Resi started feeling comfortable, " oh, I'm just passing by and found your place again, I feels like I should meet you"

"but how could you still remembered my name!" she asks the fortune teller.

"you have a strong personality that makes me remember you always, all those kid asked for their future, but you asked me when will your anixity leave. I just surprised at first, but I gave you an answer with my heart." fortune teller woman smiles.

"Thanks, can we talk more?" Resi asks her.

"Of course!" the old lady seems so happy.

"Please follow me" the fortune teller asks her. This building has two floors, She takes Resi on the rooftop. There's ancient smell every where, every wall of the building was an whole different mystery. Hundred years old roof says many, it's out look says how old it is.

there was a table and four chairs in a corner,

"Please have a sit," fortune teller asks her.

"Thanks" she says.

"let's talk, how have you been?" fortune teller asks.

"Well, are you live alone?" Resi try to start conversation.

"Yeah, I have been living alone my whole entire life"

"are you alright kid?" fortune teller woman asks her.

"Yes" Resi tries to smile.

"about your job don't feel so sorry, do you know you are a great human. l can say one thing, don't stop believing in miracles. it's definitely happen by it self. You can't make miracles happen by yourself, cause it's miracle" she smiles.

"oh! how could you know everything!" Resi wondering.

"Kid, sun only rise after a black night"

"you still have to live more, you have to live better."

"Believe me you will gonna have a beautiful life in future. No matter what happened, keep remember, soon or later it all gonna be better" old fortune teller speaks like an wise philosopher.

"Kid wait a little, I wanna treat you some tea" she says Resi.

"no it's okay" Resi says.

"don't be formal, please wait a bit" she gets up and went down stair.

Resi stand up for look around, oh there was a lake behind the building. This area is an abandoned site of her city. This area used to be quite. But today its really mysterious silent. Resi came near to the railing, she looks on the green water of that ancient lake.

Suddenly she feels like the wooden railing shakes and sounds like "crack"

Resi tries to save herself, but she starting falling down.



Resi woke up from her dream.

"it's really a dream or not", she surprised. Resi feels so dizzy.

"I meet her for real or not"

"no it can't be a dream, those wise word!" she says herself.

it's take her a few minutes to came into reality. whatever it was a dream or not, she feels so better after hearing such wise words from that fortune teller. But she was so surprised, if it was only a dream, than why she saw that fortune teller aged a lot. And seems like that old lady knows everything about her!

"Oh! is it a message from miracle!" she smiles. "Oh I can't drink her tea," Resi missed her warm welcome.

Goodness, it's already morning. The sky is still gloomy. Weather seems so sad. Resi doesn't have any rush for work. Everyday she get into her workplace at 6:30am but it's already 9:00am. First day after quitting own job. It's definitely an bitter day today. But she feels better after that beautiful dream. She got up from bed, she have to take a shower.

"I should enjoy today" Resi said herself.

Resi really wanna have a walk through at that alley.....