
The Domain of All

In a world where all come together, and all fight for survival by lying, scheming, killing, and doing whatever one can do to win, clash! Monsters, Demons, Angels, Gods, and many more fight to survive in this beautiful world, known only as ‘The Banished.’ Where some see it as hell, others see it as a tranquil and beautiful world. Will anyone be able to reach the ever expanding strength of this world or will they fall before they even start? Due note that this is a FANTASY novel and that there are certain things that won’t make sense or will, completely take a left turn. I will do my best to explain but, for fucks sake it’s a fantasy novel and not realism. This is my first novel. Please be kind (if you can) and try not to troll (again, if you can) but, criticism is gladly accepted and will always be welcome. Also note again that this is also a harem meaning the MC will have multiple women, I know that this is not a very favorite genre for some but, I don’t care if you don’t like it because it’s my novel and not yours. Read it if you want or don’t. Cover is definitely not mine all credit to the original and no I don’t remember the creator

DeathWalker · Fantasía
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87 Chs

Arrogant Speech

The sun was high in the sky bringing warmth to all who were under its powerful rays. As the sun's rays fell upon the sands those who were touched by them either felt warmth, comfort, discomfort, or irritation. To the beasts that felt the sun's rays they felt emboldened and powerful as a feast of corpses were in front of them. The decaying corpses were rotting under the sun's strong and powerful rays but, to the Red Horned Bearded Lizards saw them as an appetizing feast.

They weren't the only one who saw them as a feast as Gold Crowned Vultures also made raspy drawn-out hissing noises in glee while they fought with the Red Horned Bearded Lizards for the feast.

Both Alyan and Ashern had scowls on their faces as they silently watched as the Gold Crowned Vultures and Red Horned Bearded Lizards roared and called for the mangled and disembodied bodies of the fishing slaves.

"How much bait do we have left among the rest?" Alyans scowl slowly formed into an arrogant expression as he asked Ashern how many slaves or as he always saw them, bait remained.

"Less than half of the bait remains, and we haven't even reduced or made a dent into the packs of Red Horned Bearded Lizards. And even worse is the Golden Crowned Vultures." Asherns deep and sunken eyes were squinting as he stared at a Vulture that just pecked the skull of a slave breaking it open as it gorged on its brain.

Before Alyan could respond to Ashern he heard a weak and high pitched voice from behind him. When Alyan heard the voice his face trembled in anger, he spun around as he backhanded the slave that rudely interrupted him before he spoke.

When he saw the individual who was holding a swollen cheek as blood slowly trickled down from his lips as tears formed in the corner of his eye, disgust and fury started to build.

Ashern just looked at the individual as a ugly and sadistic smile formed on his face as he found it hard to control himself as a tent was starting to form in his pants, as his breathing became irregular.

If Polemos was here he would have hardly recognized the individual on the ground as it was Number 32!

Number 32 looked completely different from when he handed Elder Spears' spear to Polemos. Besides his swollen and bloody face, he was missing half of his other arm and missing one eye as well.

When Alyan saw the bait in front of him, disgust filled his face, as he took a deep and slow breath trying to calm a fury that was starting to form as he was interrupted from something he viewed as nothing but bait.

"What do you want? What could bait who's already near death's door possibly share." He placed his hands behind his back as he spoke. Alyan had undisguised disgust and annoyance in his voice as he spoke. As a haughty look was in his eyes.

Before Number 32 could respond Ashern spoke up with a hungry and disturbing look in his deep and sunken eyes.

"Just give him to me, Alyan. Such a tasty and beautiful body. Just give me five, no ten minutes Alyan please, he looks so good."

When Number 32 heard Ashern he paled further than what he currently was as his remaining eye shook in fear.

This wasn't the only time Ashern couldn't control himself as eight others were targeted for his play time.

But when Number 32 saw the hungry and even lustful look in Asherns skull like face when he glanced up he lost control of his bladder as he started to piss himself. The only thing running through his currently shaken and terrified mind was, why me?

When Alyan saw that the bait wasn't going to answer him and saw that he pissed himself he scowled in disgust. He could no longer bother to look at the bait as he responded to Ashern with annoyance.

"The bait is all yours Ashern, just don't have your disgusting play time near me. And when you're done, gather the remaining bait as I have another plan for the remaining ones."

When Number 32 heard Alyan he shrieked in fear as he tried to flee as he even forgot what he came up to inform Alyan about.

Ashern moaned out in pleasure when he heard Alyans reply as an immodest and hungry look formed in his eyes as the tent in his pants was fully formed. As he pulled out a hook from his waist as he rushed to the scared and fleeing toy.

He easily caught up to the fleeing toy as he licked his lips and swung his hook just under his collarbone. When he pierced his hook into the toy he savored his high pitched scream as his bottom lip trembled as he released a breath of hot air.

"Ahhh, so, so, sweet, you're making it harder and harder. More, fill me with more." Ashern was finding it hard to not have his play time right then and there when he finally caught his toy.

But Number 32 couldn't hear what he said as fear and pain took over his mind. He was slowly losing consciousness until he felt a yank that brought him back. As Ashern was dragging him like a lump of dead meat. When he saw that he was getting further and further from where Alyan was he started to mumble what he was supposed to tell Alyan.

"Centipede, centipede, centipede...…"

Ashern was too focused on getting to have his play time to pay attention to the mumblings of his toy as he continued to drag his toy to his tent.

The moment Ashern left, Alyan looked out towards the medium water source with pride and a sense of superiority.

"When I finally claim what is mine no one will be able to stop my rise, no one. Captain will fall before me as Mesakyle will become my bitch. Everything that should've been mine will be mine as I'll become the new God of the desert. Wherever I point will become mine and whoever I lay eyes upon will become mine also. Beauties, Queens, Empresses, even Goddesses will fall and become mine." He spoke as if everything he said was a fact as nothing could refute him as he thought himself as a Primordial God above all.

When he was finished with his glorious and arrogant speech he grinned in a self righteous manner, raised his hands and continued his impassioned speech.

"Ah, I can see everything and everyone bowing and prostrating before me. Whatever I say will become law and the truth. Monuments will be built in my image as I will forever reign as the only God in the world. If I see something I want no one can refuse as it'll be seen as a blessing that I even wanted it. This world shall become my plaything just like it was in days past." Then his face twisted in fury as he spoke with venom. "All who have purple eyes will be slaughtered and tortured for my amusement and if they have any loved ones I'll have my way with them as I force them to watch and suffer. And if anyone decides to protect or help them they'll suffer the same fate as the ones they helped. Ha, haha, hahaha....."

Alyan laughed in a self righteous and prideful manner. His laughter continued to get louder and louder as he kept imagining everything and everyone succumbing to his word and law.

Alyan continued to daydream as he looked over the rotting corpses of the fishing slaves as he had no idea that his most hated enemy was already near.

After he had his fill of indulging himself in fantasies Alyan placed his hands back behind himself as he smiled with a vicious look in his eyes as he waited and watched the group of beasts. His wait finally paid off as a Red Horned Bearded Lizard fell on its side.

When he saw that his smile deepened.

'Finally the poison the damn Witch Doctor gave me took effect. It's a good thing that we spiked their food with a slow acting poison.'

Alyan never liked combat as he was afraid of pain and preferred to use poisons or have others fight for him.

But when he saw that poison wasn't working on the Golden Crowned Vultures he furrowed his brows as he sneered.

"Since you won't die from poison then I'll allow you to feast upon all the dead as a gift. I'm only here to kill off all the pathetic beasts who dared to take what was mine in the first place."

He continued to watch as groups of Red Horned Bearded Lizards started to fall from poisoning as the Golden Crowned Vultures continued to hiss and even bark like a dog fighting over the feast that continued to grow.

Alyan watched the whole process as he waited for a long time before he heard footsteps from behind along with an excited and amorous voice.

"Ahhh, that toy hit the spot, such soft and broken flesh. You should've joined me, Alyan, it was perfect." Ashern spoke with satisfaction as blood covered his face, hands, and even near his crotch.

Alyan didn't even look at Ashern as he spoke with disgust.

"Pass. Did you gather the rest of them?"

"You're no fun but, yeah all the bait has been gathered." Then his voice went slightly hot. "Just let me select two no, three of them for my play time before we get rid of them." Ashern couldn't care about the operation as his play time was the only thing he could think of to distract himself from his shaking.

"Fine. Go and choose your new toys and when you're done I'll explain my next plan." Alyan replied as he took another look at the pathetic beasts in front of him as he turned around and with slow but steady steps as he walked to their camp. As an evil and vicious smirk spread across his face.

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