
The Doll Collection Book 1

After the death of her maternal grandmother, Mila Anderson and her mother, Amy McNeil-Anderson, returns to Perth for her funeral. Three days after the funeral, Amy and Mila go to clean her mother’s childhood home, but Amy stumbles upon a room that wasn’t there before. Curiosity took over the mother-daughter duo; they unlocked the door to see a room filled with various porcelain dolls—each dressed in Victorian-style clothing. Mila took one of the dolls, then it said, “Free me, please!” the beauty said. Mila placed the porcelain doll on the shelf and told her mother for them to leave—---the doll looked at her with pleading eyes; “Don’t leave me; I want to go home!” it said. One week later, Mila kept hearing a little girl screaming—--while ignoring and not telling her mother. Finally, Amy notices her daughter’s dark circles—-and proceeds to ask; Mila finally comes clean~~~Amy hires an exorcist. But will the exorcist be able to get rid of her maternal grandmother’s misdeeds? Or Will the dolls seek revenge due to the trauma they endured?

FatouTangara98 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 1!

Mila stood there holding her grandma's black journal. The lady gave her a mocking smile while she stared into Mila's soul, which was processing what she meant by suffering the same fate as Agatha. Mila noticed the woman would grab the book and quickly hide behind her. "Answer my question: What do you mean to suffer the same fate as my grandma?" Mila questioned. 

The woman's eyes darkened, and Mila could see her veins standing up; her pale skin didn't do great at making them unnoticeable. "Your grandma is the reason; my little sister is no longer with us," The woman said. 

Mila's curiosity peaks, and she looks at her with bewilderment. "Your sister? Was she one of those Victorian dolls?" Mila asked. 

"Oh, so you're not clueless?" The woman said. Mila scoffed, and then, she contemplated what she wanted to offer the pale woman in front of her—-- "If you tell me how it all started when Grandma Agatha started to trap the souls of little girls," Mila said. 

"And why would I help someone like you?" the woman asked. Mila held out the book and smiled. "Because you want this, and I can burn it, making sure your sister never gets justice," Mila threatened. However, her threats didn't scare the woman, and she laughed aloud. Mila looked at her weirdly because soon, her laughter turned into a maniac and creepy grin. 

"Little girl, do you know your threats don't affect me?----If your grandmother couldn't tame me and keep me locked up, then what makes you think you can," the woman said. 

"Fine, but first, tell me what your name is?" Mila asked. 

"I'm Marlene Caldwell, the firstborn of the prestigious Caldwell Family," the lady said. 

Mila couldn't believe someone could be so selfish, as she would've said something—--Amy barges into the study; "Who are you talking to?" Amy asked. 

"I'm talking to her, Marlene Caldwell," Mila said, pointing at Marlene. However, Amy didn't see anything, but her daughter said, "Mila, if you got what you need, let's go home because your father is waiting for us," Amy said. 

"Okay, mom! I'll be down in a sec," Mila said. 

"I don't want to come and get you again," Amy uttered, then left. 

"How come my mom couldn't see you, Marlene?" Mila asked. 

"Maybe because I'm already dead—--so now, give me the journal," Marlene said. 

Mila's eyes and mouth widened in shock because she didn't understand how she was able to see a ghost, but her mother couldn't. 

"If you're trying to scare me, it won't work," Mila said. 

Marlene's pupils disappeared; when she opened her eyes, they were black as night. Mila stood there frozen in her spot, unable to move. Then, Marlene entered her tiny little body and began to cause chaos, making Mila feel a cold sensation all over her bones. 

"Marlene, Get out! I'll give you the journal," Mila said. 

Marlene stepped out of her petite body without hesitation, but Mila took this chance and ran outside—-sticking her tongue at Marlene. 

"See you never, Marlene Caldwell," Mila screamed, leaving her grandmother's house. 

Marlene stood in front of the study window with an evil grin; "We will meet again, little girl!" Marlene said. 

"I will teach you no one ever tricked Marlene Caldwell!" Marlene said with an evil smirk.