
The Past, The Present and the Mercenary

They were known but never seen, even in the world of magic and sword. The legendary Divine warriors known to destroy cities on a whim, burn forest and drain oceans. Fought dragons,slay demons and break planets? Where are they now?

The city square, in front of Dragon' Adventurer and Mercenary Corporation (DAMC).

"Ken Arklien is bathing in the city fountain again" shout's the city guard.

"KEN!" Diena Blade shout's furiously then smacking Ken on the head .

Diena is the manager of DAMC and she know Ken long time and keeping him out of troubles, supposed to be.

Inside Diena's office.

"I have a good news for you Ken " Diena seriously talking to half awake Ken .

"What?" asked Ken

"I will let you have work again on the company" Diena continue.

"Are giving me back my Independent license?" Ken ask with sparkling eyes.

"Haaah! no but I'll give you special license, the independent license cannot be reissued to you unless you make good, on this probationary status." Diena explain to Ken.

" bleegh! no can-do independent license or no deal." Ken taunts and he tried to leave.

"Thi-" before Diena finished her thought the city alarm went off and the city guard messenger barge in.

"Manager ! monsters -lots of them- heading towards the city- requesting - immediate mission- emergency mission" the messenger report as he catches his breath.

"Ke- ah " Diena tries to ask Ken but he has already gone out the window but he is still in his wet clothes.He also left his equipment.

" Where's he going?" ask the Messenger.

" Exercise and fund gathering" Diena said as he look at Ken runs towards the northern gate.

" Here sign this documents for the request" said Diena as she hand over some papers.

" But his going the wrong way" the Messenger explained.

"Hey moron wrong way." Diena explain true the wireless magic communication earing on Ken.

" Huh! oops to where then?" said Ken as he slides stop.

"Go south fast" Diena said.

"Ok" Ken replies as he jumps high over the roof.

Ken quickly reach the South gate most soldier are hurriedly preparing for the defense. Ken saw a familiar face.

"Captain I'll go first." Ken shouting at the Captain as he passed by them from above.

The Captain and the soldier have nothing to say but follow with their head.

Ken rushed towards the monsters and saw some mechanical carts on the monsters path. He went towards them and told them to move back to the city wall.

" Go back Monster hoared is coming." Ken explained the continue towards the hoared.

As he comes near the hoared Ken pause midair and start to ready his magic. Ken maybe a failure sometimes but he is quiet capable Magic Knight. He can use sword,spear,bow and arrow, magic Canon(gun) and magic(all type of magic).

As b find his target he aim his bombardment magic (Starfall silent). As the Starfall hit the target all sound disappeared and a bright light engulfs the sky. All monster dead , everything around destroyed . He went down and collected the monster cores the only thing that can be salvaged form the carnage. When everyone else get to the scene all they saw is a man collecting monster cores with a freaky smile.