
The Divine Dual Cultivation Art of the Sword Genius

The story of Long Chen, who gave up all his cultivation and life because of the supreme treasure he encountered in the Immortal World, and sent himself to reincarnation through his system.

Daoistyanglee · Oriental
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17 Chs

Slave Seal

Long Chen saw that she was afraid of him and said. ''Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.''

Bai Lu looked at him uneasily and asked. "Really?"

"Yeah right, I just came here to finish off this piece of shit I have nothing to do with you."

"Thank you for saving me"

"It does not matter! How did you came here?"

Suddenly, Bai Lu started to cry, causing Long Chen to wonder what to do.

"I came with two of my friends for the sect entrance exam, but his men caught us and brought us here. Both of my friends died suffering at his hands Waaaa!"

"All right, it's all over, sorry about your friends, I wish I could have come sooner" Long Chen said sadly.

"No senior, how can I blame you, you saved me," Bai Lu shook her head and wiped her eyes.

Long Chen was not surprised that she was called a senior. after all, only people who had reached the 6th cultivation level could use soul sense.

Long Chen actually wanted to clear her memory, but given her current state, erasing her memory might put her in a more difficult situation as she didn't know what to do next.

''What is your name?''

''Bai Lu, senior.''

''Bai Lu what are you going to do next.''

''Bai Lu blankly stared and didn't know what to say for a moment.''

Long chen sighed. "Bai Lu looks traumatized, I will give you two options. The first option, if you want, I can erase your memories right now and make sure you don't remember anything about this moment. If you choose the second option, you can go to take the sect entrance exam, but let me tell you first, if you choose the second option, you have to become my servant."

When Bai Lu heard the first option, she didn't want to do it because if his memory was wiped, she wouldn't remember what happened to his 2 friends and would live with this riddle all the time but when she heard the second option, she was very surprised.

''No need to be surprised, you've seen a lot here and I can't just let you go, so which option do you choose?''

''If I become your servant, what will you ask me to do?''

Nothing, actually I haven't decided what I'm going to do in the future right now I'm pretty confused all you have to do is follow me, you can be free again so don't worry the deal won't last forever.

''I don't understand,'' Bai Lu said as she looked at Long Chen with her purple eyes in confusion.

''What do you not understand?" Long Chen asked, surprised as well, wasn't it obvious?

''You can kill me with one move and you don't have to deal with these kinds of problems. Why are you doing so much?''

Why would I kill you?" Long Chen asked in surprise. ''After all, you are an innocent person and a victim, you did nothing to deserve death.''

''Also, let me tell you this, no matter who is standing in front of you, it doesn't matter if he is very strong, if you don't deserve to die don't hesitate to say it because either way, you will die if you are going to die. But it is very important to raise your head and stand tall when dying.''

Bai Lu looked at him with bewilderment and glowing eyes.

''So which option do you choose?''

''I want to follow you senior''

''Are you sure?''


''Well then,'' Long Chen said, and using his spirit sense, he left a slave seal in her consciousness.

It was the slave seal technique that had been engraved in his brain while he was learning the Sacred Dual Cultivation Art, with this technique he could put this seal on anyone with lower spirit sense and instantly kill him if they betrayed him, but there was no need to try so hard because if he wanted to, he could use the seal to manipulate them and make them completely loyal to him. But of course he didn't use it on Bai Lu.

''How do you feel?''

''I don't feel much, everything is as before''

''Yes, that's fine. I put a slave seal on you if I find out that you betrayed me, I will kill you wherever you are, ''Long Chen said sternly.

Hearing this, Bai Lu trembled, but soon calmed down and shook her head.

''May I know the master's name?''

''You don't need to call me that, my name is Long Chen, you can call me by my name, I'm probably the same age as you, don't call me senior''

Bai Lu opened her mouth in shock and asked

''How old are you?''

I'm 16 years old, are you? said Long Chen with a smile

Bai Lu almost fell on her ass from shock. How can a person use his soul sense at the age of 16? even if he started cultivating in the womb, he wouldn't be able to reach this level. Bai Lu was staring at Long Chen like he was looking at a monster. Besides, this man was the same age as her, and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment at the thought of how she'd called him all along.

''You don't need to look at me like that now that you're my slave I can tell you I'm not even in the first stage of qi transformation.''

Bai Lu's mouth opened in shock again today and she spoke.

''How is it possible? but you can use your soul sense.''

Long Chen smiled and explained.

''Yes, that's true, but it was made possible by a soul art that I found by accident. I have a disease and cannot develop qi at the moment.''

Bai Lu nodded after listening to her, now she understood why she was able to use her spirit power. Although she was curious, she did not ask about the soul art that allowed him to open his soul sense. She understood how valuable this was. If such art emerged, the mortal realm in which they now live would turn into complete chaos. She had no right to ask that.

''Come on, we've been here too long, now we have to go,'' Long Chen said.

''Bai Lu nodded and just as she was about to follow,'' Long Chen opened his mouth.

''But first, you have to put on something''

Bai Lu froze when she heard what he said, and looked down to see that he was still sitting with the clothes ripped apart by Chen Fei. many special areas appeared. Bai Lu blushed with embarrassment and immediately took a new outfit from the storage bag she brought with him and put it on. Since Chen Fei was not interested in these storage bags, he did not buy them. After doing this, she ran outside and started following Long Chen.