

Owari felt it. His heart, his being, was falling apart. His Core was glitching. Sloth is the ultimate technique of the Devil's Core. With the power to cause an opponent's arsenal to glitch and have its efficiency reduced or completely dulled depending on the prowess of the opponent, the King's intuition of a change in his being was right.

Subjecting himself to intense vigorous training, Ihann polished his technique: Sloth to transfer any damage taken or sustained back to the attacker. Further enhancing the technique's worth by merging the call energies of the Chaos King and the Mastermind, the Zenkai: "Misery" grants Ihann the ability to damage any concept and make opponent take the form of said concept as well as to make oppositions take the form of the damage they produce. Misery made the commander practically untouchable and it proved to be the direct counter to the power of the Core of final Judgment.

"Kurogane," Ihann called out. "You're…"