
The Beginning of the End

Alyssa, who just turned 18, Started to attend Iowa State University, as a freshman. But her first experience was not even remotely what she had thought. SHe had lay in bed, for nights straight, Straying thoughts on what might it be like, Her thoughts like storms gathering before a big storm. But the day finally came, when she quietly slipped onto the city bus, preparing to join 29,000 other students. But she never expected an apocalypse that murdered over 2/4's of the world's population, which is exactly what happened.

Chapter 1 "Classes"

As Alyssa walked through the glass doors that separated her from the big wide world of college, she stood for a second, staring down at her schedule. Math, Astronomy, and her favorite, literature. She loved to write, writing allowed her to put her, and others into different stories, different worlds, and she marveled about all possibilities. She walked through the hallway, looking at the trophies. "Quite a lot," She thought. Her old school never had more than 2 dusty wrestling trophies, at least 2 million years old, she thought.

She walked into class, when she saw them. 2 armed guards, wearing yellow Hazmats. They walked down the hall. Fright struck her, as she quickly sped towards her class. The Announcement began later that morning. "ALL STUDENTS, THIS IS YOUR PRINCER WHILLIPS, DO NOT LEAVE THIS FACILITY. A DISEASE HAS SWEPT ACROSS THE U.S, AND WE HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT ITS LIMITS, ATTRIBUTES, AND WHAT DAMAGE IT CAN CAUSE. STAY INSIDE, STAY AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS, AND LISTEN TO YOUR TEACHERS"

The radio feed cut out, and we saw two men, both in Hazmat suits and guns, take pieces of wood and tape, and barricade the exit doors, and our math class Window. I started to panic, Finding cover under a desk some students had knocked over. Some Smiled, jumping outside, seemingly going insane from fright. But I hid behind my desk, eyes squeezed shut, heart beating, Praying to see my family again, But deep down, I knew it was all over.

Chapter 2 "The News"

Now, I may seem weak, unable to protect myself, but I had taken Martial arts, and had a gun permit, for concealed handguns. My father had always been paranoid because he had dealt with Gangs, as a gang unit officer, and he was always warning me to stay on point. But after my father died from a gunshot, it was just me and my mother, who struggled to hold up the family. Most of our siblings and uncles had their own family problems. Wealth didn't exactly run in the family.

But I was lucky enough to have a concealed handgun in my locker. You weren't supposed to bring weapons of any kind on campus but my mom, who had also grown paranoid after my fathers target death, had forced me to bring it. I pulled out a 911 Handgun, with a small suppressed muffler, and placed it in my pocket, I had, when I busted through the pocket, so a handgun could fit in it. That is usually how I carried it, but school won't allow a girl with access to guns, in there school, so that might explain why she has a gun on her

A large knock on the window caused several students to scream in panic. An arm, with unknown bubbles, and decaying skin reached through the wood plated window. I pulled my handgun out, shooting 3 shots at the arm. Something shrieked outside, and the arm quickly removed itself from the space. 2 Guys in the suits, who were called the CDCD, Barricaded the window, now with Metal. When they left, I returned my pistol to my pocket. I had no idea what was happening, but I was more prepared than most students hear.

A boy, Named Henry, ran behind the desk I was hiding behind, a pocket knife in his hand. For a second, I thought he had gone crazy, and was about to stab me, but he set it on the ground. " COncealed gun? I should have bought mine." He said, calmly. " How did you know?!" I hissed. " Well, When those guards came in, I saw you scramble a pistol into your pocket. Easy to see really. But sadly now, all of the classroom kinda saw you shoot it, so we should get out of here, before the CDCD thinks we're gonna hurt them." I nodded my head. " But how? Looks like the…. What is this thing? It's called Deleo CK-29, and it's much like an apocalypse. They will cool down from this place, and then we should go. I wona car outside, so hopefully they have not moved it." Got it" SO there they lay, curled in two small balls, Hoping, waiting, for some sort of haven. Safety…..

Chapter 3

4 Years later

Alyssa slipped her level 5 Access card into the tiny slit, representing the entrance to Exit B23, and Exit A. "D.r Bright. Please accompany us to the 096'd chamber on the 235th floor. That was my name now. Allyssa seemed to them a breach of Security. Of course this was 4 years before the foundation Contained SCP 217.

Currently I was staged as assistant researcher for SCP 096, and head advisor of SCP 106.