
The Disastrous Life of a Transmigrant!

Additional Tags: - High IQ, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Slice-of-Life, Magic, Superpowers, Urban. 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ---~Synopsis~--- Kamiya Yato, a normal person who died without even knowing what exactly killed him. His memories were completely erased by a Transcendent leaving only basic knowledge of life, hygiene and the world he was in, Etc... Being thrown into a world that he thought was just a game, Yato took advantage that that world still followed the rules of the game and took advantage of everything. But that wasn't all, Yato didn't know how long he was there, but he began to gain supernatural powers, such as Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, X-Ray Vision, Cryokinesis, Etc... Thanks to these powers he was gaining, he was losing certain emotions such as a sense of accomplishment, there was no sadness or anger, no happiness or joy. That was his current life. Even though this was so, he had no complaints. For him, living a boring life was not so bad.

Biggubosu · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 15

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And here is the Chapter.



My name is Naomi Saiki and I am an Esper.

I have all psychic abilities like [telekinesis] [Teleport] [Clairvoyance], Etc...

Due to these powers that caused me a lot of problems since childhood. Like reading people's minds, I never wanted to read people's minds most of the time it was annoying and sometimes even disgusting. X-ray was another skill I had no control over, because of this skill I could look under their skin or even look at them like a bunch of bones.

That's why there were no differences between the left and right bones.

They were all the same, bones.

Due to all these problems of reading minds and seeing people under their skin, I ended up moving away from them.

I considered myself a natural antisocial. Because I didn't make friends at school...

Most of my free time I spend watching TV, watching some anime or even reading some books.

Going to theaters was out of the question, going to the venue without receiving spoilers was impossible.

Social interactions were exhausting in many ways because I could subconsciously read people's minds.

There were actually three people I couldn't read minds, Nendou Riki, Nendou was an idiot, so it was simple to understand why I couldn't read his mind.

That disgusting masochist I regrettably had to call brother.

And the source of most of my current problems, Kamiya Yato.

Since I met him, some misunderstandings have been generated because of him.

Not only were misunderstandings created, whenever he was by my side I found him endearing.

In the end, because of him I felt more unstable, irritated, upset with my feelings. Thanks Yato, thanks to you it's been very difficult for me to concentrate...

Who was I kidding?

Yes, I just wanted to fool myself.

I don't know when, but I quickly began to have feelings for him...

I ended up getting upset that he might end up having a date with Shima-sensei and I accepted his request.


Everything got weirder because of what happened yesterday...

Why did I even want to kiss him? Just because I thought it wouldn't be so bad to do that?

'Sigh… I don't want to see his face today.' I pondered to myself.

(No, the two haven't started any serious relationships, at least it would be a while before they started having a more serious relationship. That sort of thing will happen, but nothing much more than that, no intense kissing or groping.)


Class 2-3.


The classroom door opened and the teacher entered the room.

Obviously it was Yato, he carried a small book in one hand and a cup of hot coffee in the other.

He wore his usual clothes, which consisted of a white zip-up jacket and underneath the jacket he wore a thin black coat. He wore baggy black pants.

He had his hair down and was about to tie it up.

''Good morning everyone.'' Yato spoke, he continued saying, ''Sit down in your seats, let's start class.''

''Good morning sensei.''

There was a choir inside the room.

Students quickly began to return to the places where they belonged.

Leaving the book and coffee cup on the little wooden table in front of her.

Yato took the elastic on his wrist and tied his hair in a bun, but it wasn't enough to secure all the hair leaving two fringes loose.

Looking at the entire class, he quickly glanced at Naomi who seemed to want to avoid his gaze, after what happened yesterday, even he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation...

His gaze ended up landing on Kaidou...

Yato grimaced as he looked at Kaidou.


''...Student Kaidou.'' Yato said looking at Kaidou.

''Yes Sensei?!'' Kaidou exclaimed while giving a military-style salute.

''Don't yell like that, it's still too early for any fuss.'' Said Yato calmly, he continued talking: ''Why are you wearing that eye-patch inside the classroom?''

''...This...this is to seal my great dormant power.'' Said Kaidou stuttering.

"Just save it before I decide to confiscate it." Yato spoke. He certainly didn't want to hear excuses.

''Right sensei!'' Kaidou quickly took off his eye patch and placed it in his backpack.

Yato nodded, seeing Kaidou put the eye patch away: ''All of you here already know that the exams are almost here, you're studying right?'' He said.

''Serious? I did not study anything.''

''I barely studied anything.''

''Surely you commoners are idiots to waste time with this thing.''

''Sensei, will the exams be difficult?'' Looking at whoever said that, Yumehara Chiyo.

'No, especially if you studied something, otherwise it's going to be super hard.'' Yato replied, he kept talking, ''You two, Aiura Mikoto and Saiko Metori.''

"You were the only students who skipped class yesterday, I should tell you two to borrow a classmate's notebook about yesterday's class." Yato said, "As we were almost at the end of the semester it would be almost useless. ''

''Serious? Wait! are you our new teacher? Like you're super young, you look our age.'' Mikoto shocked.

"Yes, considering that most of the teachers at the school are around 29 years old or older, I am very young." Yato replied.

"Sensei, how old are you?" Mikoto said.

''24, let's-''Yato replied.

''24?! You're too young!'' Mikoto exclaimed, ''Sensei threatened the headmaster to get the professorship?'' Riu Mikoto.

''Hmph! who cares if this commoner is new? My teachers were much better." Metori said with disdain.

Yato simply ignored Metori as if he hadn't seen him: "Almost that... Let's start class, I'm already late." Yato sighed. '

'Let's start class soon.'' Said Yato, picking up a chalk he started writing on the blackboard, he then said, ''Today's class will be Self-Study, you can ask me anything you want about it. ''


''Hey, don't you think Kamiya-sensei is a kitten?'' Whispered a student.

She co-worker nodded and said in Whispers: ''Yeah, he's super hot, you can see he has a well-toned body, does he have a girlfriend?''

''Should I try my luck?''

Yato was calmly ignoring those two girls and was more focused on the book at hand, [Emotions, for Lay People].

The only person who didn't seem so calm was Naomi... Even on the surface she was very calm.

Yato almost every time had a shiver down his spine. He had located the cause, but it would be better not to say anything.

It would be better not to make things even more "strange" inside the classroom.

He was praying to himself that Naomi wouldn't end up punching them…it wouldn't be pretty to look at.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Biggubosucreators' thoughts