
Agree Or Disagree

Whitebeard: Good Wine. Red Hair looking at you makes my wounds ache. But I'm interested how did you lose your arm

Ryan: Pfft Ahem. Pfft


Shank's face became dark looking at Ryan who held back a laugh. However the other Disaster Pirates didn't. They laughed boldly after hearing Whitebeards question. A few people even reenacted the scene.

Whitebeard looked at this and then at shank's. Shank's looked coldly at the Disaster Pirates and said with a smile holding his arm.

Shank's: I bet it on the new era.

Whitebeard just nodded and said

Whitebeard: So why are you two here?

Shank's looked at Ryan who lay against the gourd and drank with no intention of speaking. Then said

Shank's: I hope you won't agree to his insane idea.

Whitebeard: What idea.

Shank's: He wants to make a systematic way to increase people's strength. To do so he wants to make a book with the strong of the world sharing their growth, training and journey. All this will be put in that book.

The eye's of Whitebeard shifted to Ryan and said

Whitebeard: How bold. But it won't work. Will people work hard if not pressed

Ryan only smiled he was confident in convincing Whitebeard. Shank's and his crew may neglect the heal fruit and even pure gold. Maybe even Whitebeard as well. But can these sons of Whitebeard ignore it.

Obviously not. A chance to heal the injuries of Whitebeard and even extend his lifespan. These sons will definitely strive to convince Whitebeard to agree. Whitebeard who is young may decide to ignore the nagging of his son's. But old Whitebeard will not.

Shank's: He wants to use Pluton to threaten the world. You should know of his broadcast he plans to host in three months. He plans to use that broadcast to show the world he has the ability to really defeat the WG. Thus with Pluton as a threat he'll convince the world to enter an era of instability. With the people he has now it may indeed be convincing but if you agree it's entirely different. I really hope you won't agree to this.

Shank's even bowed his head at Whitebeard. Such a scene reminded Whitebeard of the time Roger did the same to grab Oden from him. He was both nostalgic and angry. But said to Ryan

Whitebeard: You even know where Pluton is?

Ryan: That's right.

Whitebeard: Who actually agreed to such an absurd plan.

Ryan: Kaido, Big Mom, Redfield, Hawkeye, Douglas Bullet, Bundy Wald, Doflamingo, Bartholomew Kuma, Jinbe, Scopper Gaban, Rayleigh and Zephyr.

This time Shank's and Whitebeard looked shocked.

Shank's: Impossible. Rayleigh and Gaban wouldn't agree. Not to mention Zephyr as a marine.

Whitebeard: Yeah Zephyr doesn't seem to fit.

Ryan: I captured Zephyr, Tea Dolphin when attacked the research bases. Kong was also recently captured. I originally planned to kill him but in exchange for his life Zephyr agreed to write. As for Rayleigh and Gaban. Well pure gold is very enticing to woman. As for Gaban he sucks at gambling.

Shank's: You captured those three.

Whitebeard: You didn't use them to flaunt your power but kept them hidden. Why?

Ryan: I plan to rule the world not turn it into a pirate's paradise.

Whitebeard: I see no wonder the Marines have been lax on you and have instead focused on the rest of us. That guy Sengoku and Tsuru must realize this and don't want to risk provoking you or you might really kill them.

Ryan: I won't. So what do you say Old man. I give you a heal fruit and seven pure gold rings.

Marco: Heal Fruit? What Heal fruit?

The captains of course listened to the conversation but just didn't speak. After all this is a captains meeting. they shouldn't interfere. But the words Heal fruit touched every single one of them. For this Ryan Smiled and looked up and said.

Ryan: Kuro.

A body, a sword and a box fell from Jack The Ripper.

Marco: Marine?

The body fell and Ryan used wind to bring them down safely. Grabbing the sword he slashed the arm of the marine soldier that was bound by rope.



Ryan took the cloth from his mouth and then stuffed his mouth with an orange Fruit from the small box. The marine who forcefully swallowed stopped yelling and looked shocked. Then everyone saw the arm of that marine began to regrow.

Marine: This

Ryan then grabbed him and tossed him into the sea. Then he grabbed the box and pulled out another Orange Fruit and seven rings.

Ryan: So what do you say Whitebeard. Do we have a deal. You and your commanders write the things down and get this to heal all your wound's and boost your lifespan.

Jozu: Pop's

Shank's: Don't be fooled by him. If you do this it'll plunge the world in real madness.

Marco: So what? We have a chance to heal pops and you want us to ignore it. Pop's even if you don't agree I'll still agree.

Vista: Mmh

Satchi: Mm

All the sons of Whitebeard also nodded and looked at Whitebeard with pleading eye's. Whitebeard looked at this with softness in his eyes. Of course he knew why these son's are so tough. Doing everything to find a way to fix his internal injuries with no way. Now a chance is right in front of them. How can they not take it. Sighing he said

Whitebeard: You brat never intended to ask me anything. Your confidence from beginning to end knew that these silly son's would agree.

Ryan: Thats right. He and his crew can deny it because he's a two faced guy with a ghost heart. You may also deny it. After all you're Whitebeard. But you're not young. You can ignore the pleading of these guys twenty years or even ten years ago. But not now. These eye's to you are like knives to the heart. You can't disappoint them who have been looking desperately to find a way to heal you. After all you're the father that gave them the reason to live on. If he understood that he wouldn't have shown up. Or maybe Beckman told him but he still wanted to try it. Nevertheless I knew even if you disagreed they would definitely contact me secretly and obtain this fruit.

Whitebeard: What a calculating brat. I agree.

Shank's: Sigh.

Ryan put the fruit and rings away and tossed it to Marco. Standing he said.

Ryan: I hope to have it in a week or two. Also those fruits cost 1 billion to make if you want more. Five billion for a ring.

Ryan then floated up and landed back on Jack The Ripper. Shank's and Whitebeard looked and then Shank's also got up and sighed.

Whitebeard understood his emotions. He's trying to guard the era of pirates for Roger and the Prophecy. Who'd expect that a guy like Ryan who knew of the prophecy but didn't care about it would appear.

Marco: Pop's

Looking at Marco he saw him holding the box open revealing the fruit. Looking at the urging eye's of his other children he took the fruit and ate it. After eating he felt cool all over. Then Marco and others saw the wounds that accompanied Whitebeard for a long time disappear. Not a single wound remained on his body.


An overwhelming spirit erupted from his body as he opened his eyes and laughed.



The sea rose and fell with each laugh he made. Shank's looked at the MobyDick and sighed. Like Ryan said Beckman had indeed advised him not to but he still wanted to try.

Shank's: Will Captain Roger's Era end?

Beckman: Hard to say. It depends on just what he'll say and his confidence in defeating the WG.

Shank's: Let's go

Jack The Ripper

Desire: Captain. It's Dragon

Grabbing the snail phone he said

Ryan: Finally. So Dragon. Has Kuma told you of my plan.

Dragon: That's right. Your plan will make this sea turbulent. It may not be now or even next year. But in time it will cause several powerful guys to erupt from places.

Ryan: Don't get high spirited or start advocating for justice with me Dragon. I'm not a good person and don't pretend to be. I just need to know if you're willing to put your knowledge into the book.

Dragon: it'll cause Chaos.

Ryan: It'll also make your little revolution stronger when entering certain kingdoms. After all if the people are stronger in those kingdoms they'll better help you destroy them. And may even join you. Pumping in stronger fighters. The world itself will also raise the level of strength all around.

Dragon remained silent as he contemplated. Ryan didn't try to convince him more. He already has Whitebeard. Even without Dragon it would mean nothing.

Dragon: What do I get if I agree?

Ryan: What do you want.

Dragon: I want Kuma's Serephim. And to talk with Vegapunk In person.

Ryan: Deal I'll also throw in a fruit for you.