
Chapter 1: First Day Of Highschool!

Yui Un:

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been at the top of my class. I don't really have the freedom to do whatever I want, since my parents expect to much from me. I'm shy but if you get to know me, I'd be one of the craziest persons you'll ever meet! I'm prohibited to do a lot of things like going outside my house alone, hanging out with my friends, and especially, having a lover. Don't get me wrong! I'm not lustful, sometimes I just think about what it would feel like having someone by your side....

I study at a school called Saint James the Lesser Academy, I've been studying there for as long as I can remember. It's actually my first school. There, all my memories with my friends existed...


Hey Wake Up! It's already 7 in the morning! It's your first day of highschool! You don't wanna be late!

Yui Un stood up and looked at the clock, it was 5:00 in the morning. Damn it I fell for it again, she thought. Yui ate her breakfast, took a bath, then went to school with her three bros. After 20 long minutes of walking, they arrived at Saint James the Lesser Academy.

HEY FAT PIG! someone shouted at Yui

"Hey! Who the hell are you calling fat Mary?" Yui answered back

They hugged each other and went to their new classroom. Everyone was so happy to see each other again, it was a long summer vacation.

After all of the students orientations were finished it was almost dismissal time, Yui didn't even notice the time.All of the students had fun in their first day, especially Yui, but she noticed something odd.

"Hey Mary, who's the guy over there?" She asked,

"Oh that's was one of the students from the other section last year, Warui Rain, Why'd you ask?" Mary replied,

"I think he was staring at me the whole time, he's wierd" Yui said while staring at Warui

"You? stop kidding, maybe he's staring at you because you're so fat and ugly" Mary said in a laughing manner

"Shut up! Nevermind, let's go, it's almost dismissal time"

And that's what happened in their first ever day of Highschool...

To be continued....