
Prologue: Ente Isla(2)

Alex gave a grin, "One of the skill of the most Over Powered Slime Demon Lord in existence, I want the Origin Skill: Magicule Breeder Reactor."

He actually heard the voice choke for a moment before their communication was cut off. It took a few minutes before he once again heard "the voice".

[Damn. I was not expecting that. In all of these "giving gifts" job I did, you are actually the very first one to ask for that skill. Most of them actually just ask for inheritance of some Anime characters like Madara Uchiha, or bloodlines like Uchiha or a Saiyan—]

"No need to tell me that." Alex decided to stop the voice from talking any further. "Can you give me the skill or not?"

[Heh, you really are impatient. That skill is just at the very limits of the limitations I can give, so I can still give it to you. Be prepared. This skill is quite powerful so it might cause some...complications]


An overbearing and extremely powerful magic power bursts out of Alex's body. It destroyed the entire hall and caused the entire castle to shake.

(AN: In the Manga, Lucifer said that Maou demolished an entire city just to have a space to build his castle. So I'm assuming his castle is as wide as an entire city)

And the magic power showed no sign of stopping, it grew stronger and stronger every passing second.

Dark clouds gathered above the castle, with crimson lightning dancing around the clouds.

Alex gave a pained grin as he tried to control his overbearing magic. 'Shit, I couldn't do it. What the hell, who knew that having your magic reserves gain a sudden increase will make it almost impossible to control.'


{Master's Magic Power going out of control. Entering Forced Deactivation...}

{...Initiating Demon King Safe Mode}

And just like that, the overbearing magic power that bursts out of Alex's body disappeared in an instant.

Alex immediately gasp for breath. He was covered in sweat as he took several breaths to calm himself.

After a few minutes, he let out a sigh of relief before using magic to wiped his sweat away, and also fixed everything he destroyed when his magic went out of control.

"Thanks Judecca, I don't know what will happen if I didn't have you."

{Judecca is happy to be of help to master}

"Thanks." Alex caressed Judecca with a smile for a few seconds before immediately narrowing his eyes.

"Origin Skill: Magicule Breeder Reactor, a skill capable to supplying the user an endless amount of magicules, and giving them an ability to use the densest energy in the world; the Stardust Energy. This skill really is..."

He sighed and shook his head, "Alright, that's done, can I ask for my third and last gift now?"

[...Have you foreseen this outcome? Is that the reason why you chose Judecca as your first? Indeed, if you have her, not only will you gain a weapon used by Demon Lords to destroy the world, but also have someone capable of stabilizing your magic if it goes out of control]

With a smirk, Alex answered, "I don't know what your talking about, I just chose Judecca because she can transform into a beautiful woman."

{Indeed. If Master so wishes, Judecca can transform herself into a very beautiful and very busty woman}

Alex once again caressed Judecca, "No need to do that now Judecca, maybe later. But for now—"

[Yes, yes, you can tell me what you want as your third and last gift]

"Then, I want the Concept Mag—"

[Not possible]

Alex smirked, he expected that. Concept Magic from Arifureta is a very Over Powered magic. As long as you have enough desire or wish, you can do anything.

The main ability of concept magic is that it allows one to interfere with the laws of the world and impress concepts upon it.

Like Hajime's "Denying all Existence" allowing him to erase everything he wanted. He obtained that concept when he lost Yue and wanted anything and everything to disappear, because a world without Yue is "unneeded".

It should be noted however that concept magic requires the user to concentrate on raising up their wish in order to materialize the concept, as such it wouldn't be useful in a battle where the user is under attack.

[You know how ridiculous that magic is. Even Gods and Immortals will flee if they face someone who has that magic. That magic is actually the reason why the World where that magic originally came from was destroyed. Many feared that magic and banded together to destroy it. Gods, Devils, Immortals, and many more]

[Though if you like, I can separate that Magic into Seven Parts, just like from that world Tortus. But of course, I'll put a restriction, not allowing you to combine them into Concept Magic. Is that alright with you?]


[What are you even hesitating for?! This is super bargain for you already! You get to have seven different magic at the level just below the Concept Magic! You should be happy instead!]

Shrugging, Alex replied with a smile. "Oh well, I guess I should already be grateful. Alright, I'll take your offer."

[Ah, whatever. Here you go]

Then, a flood of information went to his brain, giving him a massive headache. But he already expected this and, and the pain isn't as bad as when he received Maou's 300 years worth of memories.

After a few minutes, the pain already subsides, as he sighed in relief.

He has received the Seven Age of Gods magic from Arifureta, the Creation Magic, Gravity Magic, Space Magic, Restoration Magic, Spirit Magic, Evolution Magic, and Metamorphosis Magic.

[...Well, then, enjoy your new life Alex Xander] with that, the connection between them was broken.

With a grin that would make even a Demon King shudder in fear, Alex glared at the night sky and red moon of Ente Isla.

'As expected, even Gods can be fooled. I already expected that he won't give me the Concept magic, and even if he did he will split it up and gave me restrictions. But that restriction is only limited to me, not Judecca.'

Judecca can be used to channel one's magic, and if they both work together, there's a chance that they'll be able to use Concept Magic.

"Hm?" Alex turned towards a certain direction as he felt a large demonic energy going straight towards his castle in an incredible speed.

"Alsiel?" Alex muttered, before narrowing his eyes. "There's people following him...this large amount of Celestial Force, is it Emelia? So the Hero and Company is already on their way to my castle huh."

However, despite knowing that the enemy who almost defeated the Maou in the original story is coming, Alex just let out a carefree smile.

Alex stood up, took a single step and disappeared.

Appearing in his garden, he looked at the table at center of the garden, where a small plant in a pot can be seen.

Slowly, he approached the plant and caressed its leaves, and smiled. "Yesod Fragment, Alas=Ramus...Just wait for a bit, I'll wake you up from your slumber."

'If I remember correctly, Alas=Ramus woke up after getting exposed to Emilia's Sword, or rather, the Yesod fragment in Emilia's sword. I don't really remember the details, but I think that's the gist of it.'

"Hey Judecca, what is the probability of someone detecting the energy inside this plant if I released it?"


{Probability is 100%}

"Damn." Alex cursed, "So those Angels will come here if I'll take the Yesod Fragment from this plant?"

Its not like Alex was afraid of them, but getting into fight with a First Generation Archangel isn't a laughing matter.

"Ah, what the hell." Alex snapped his finger and conjured a concealment barrier, "...Now, let's try this....Evolution Magic."

However, Alex was using the Evolution Magic for the first time, so its a bit hard for him. Especially since the evolution must be done step-by-step.

It took him, a few minutes before he felt satisfied with his barrier.

"Judecca, how strong is my barrier?"


{Not even Master's Magic Power will be felt outside the Barrier}

Alex grinned, "Good. Now its time to wake my daughter up."