
The Devil King

Suddenly, a 27 yr.old neet named Xildon Clear has been sent into the abyss while on the way back from the convenience store . With the biggest crisis of his life being sent out of nowhere, and with no sign of the one who summoned him, things become even crazier when he met the 6 lords of hell within the abyss. But when he is about to go on an panic attack, Xildon found out that the lords of hell are not what they seem to be.

DarkLordXildon · Fantasía
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7 Chs


I should be panicking right now and also the way Mammo said it a while ago I've been in this place for trillions of years? The hell?!

This isn't funny I feel like it was just 10 years or so but more than a trillion years?

Oh god wtf is wrong with this place. While thinking about all of this I am still chased by these grotesque looking flies.

"You should stop now Beel since in this place he can run for all eternity if he wants and still those flies of yours can't catch him."


The little girl ordered her minions to stop chasing me and then I look at them and asked.

"Who the hell are you guys?"

I'm quite amazed by myself for not freaking out after seeing them, probably because they are all female and I watched too much anime...yup that's probably be it.

At this point after being stuck in this place, I am now happy seeing living beings besides myself.

"Who are we?" the loli fly or fairy Beel looked at me amused by my question.

"Your bible has records of us and you don't know about us?" the serpent lady Levia told me with a mocking tone.

"By my guess about your names should be like this, Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Belphegor, Beelzebub and Satan? why Saty for a nickname? would have been cuter if it was Satanya."

"Pffffffffffffffffffffttttt.....Wahahahahahahaahahhaahahah!" Mamo was laughing hard after hearing it.

Saty looked at me brandishing a weird looking trident it has eyes, dragon like eyes on her trident looking at me with extreme bloodlust.

I began to back out slowly. Though I know I'm like immortal in this place but it feels like those trident of hers will give me excruciating pain.

"That's correct, though those name are actually what you humans given to us except for Saty since Satan was actually a title given to her after she rebelled against that old man who calls himself god." Belphe explained while touching her glasses.

I didn't realized they changed their size to match mine.

"Also this place where you are now is actually the place where the very first gods and demons were born the primordial beings"

"wow.....now I'm quite interested since I'm quite a fan when it comes to mythology especially new ones like the cthulu mythos and foundation mythos."

"Cthulu and foundation....huh..." Belphy looked somewhere far away then began to look back at me.

"They are real though....much like us."

"What the f?"

"Come on. When the Cthulu mythos first appeared it wasn't even that famous or well known and the foundation on the other hand came from a video game, so how?"

"Hmmmm the Cthulu mythos or as we call them the eldritch gods are actually fucked up gods whose dominion reside in insanity and madness which us demons from the bible our dominion lies around the seven sins not only of you humans but also every living creatures in the universe as for the foundation they are actually humans who found out the truth and three of their founder is actually humans that wasn't created by god, they are same as us, They are humans born in the heart of chaos or you can call them primeval humans."

"They created the Foundation not because 001 or someone ordered them, but rather those three primeval humans wants revenge against the gods that betrayed them by gathering unholy and supernatural beings from different places and planes of existence."

"Whoah. So am I created by god or chaos?"

"You were created by god but your soul is not since souls are actually a unique form."

"The chaos created us demons, angels, gods, primeval humans and lastly sentient form of energy that we call human souls, that's why us demons always have contracts with humans in exchange of their souls."

"Angels, gods and demons and every so called entity doesn't have a soul but we have what we call origin core."

"Once a demon collected enough human souls we can create a demon soul which can increase our capabilities to unimaginable levels, only one demon managed to make one and that is Beelze but her demon soul was stolen by Lucifer."

"My head hurts....too much info..."

"Kakakakaka I know a human like you could not comprehend Belphe's brilliance!" Saty proclaimed.

---Time Skip-----

3000 years later

After knowing these girls a bit more, they are actually the real deal demons from the bible, funny thing is despite Asmo being called the demon of lust she is actually a virgin though all of them are. That is quite a sensitive topic to them. Also I'm in the same club as them.

I asked them why Lucifer isn't here. They told me he wasn't part of them to begin with he was a spy sent by god to stop the demons from uniting against heaven.

Though Satan or rather Saty was actually an angel, formerly the gate guardian and arch general of the arch angels she rebelled because heaven was too boring and too strict in their rules.

She wanted some fun and that is why she wreck havoc in heaven thus led to Lucifer using that opportunity to enter hell by becoming a traitor which is a lie. God approved with his plan since they don't want the demons to unite against them its better to fight amongst themselves rather fighting them head on.

It seems the seventh seat was actually meant for a human since humans can indulge to all sins and desire. Lucifer is indeed prideful but he isn't worthy for the seat, since the throne of pride is meant for a human except for the six other thrones.

At this very moment I'm in a six pointed star or hexagram created by Beelze and Belphe the other girls are now standing at symmetrical manner while I am in the middle.

This was a ritual to crown me as the seventh demon lord or the king of hell, The devil king. I was against at this first since I am not a prideful person myself but Beelze and Belphe told me they know how to bypass it, the others just agreed as long they can escape this place.

They told me that they will send me to a different world, Isekai world(another world world lol) because earth right now is a danger zone for us especially me since I'm a young demon lord who has zero experience, though throughout the years they taught me to fight and everything especially magic, we don't use mana, chakra or ki rather we use demiurgic energy this is the form of energy used by angels and demons its a "all in one" type of energy.

Also this is the only way to escape from the abyss. Once I am crowned as king I have access to all of their powers and legion also not only that I will have my own legion, the pride legion and all of these legion are inside a coin.

Pride Legion - Superbia Knights, Hyperēphania Devourers and Pride troops.

Envy Legion - Invidia Krakens, Hasad Sea Serpents and Envy mermaids/mermen

Lust Legion- Luxuria Succubus, Fornicatio Incubus and Lust slaves

Greed Legion- Avaritia Wolves ,Philargyria Merchants and Greed gores.

Wrath Legion- Ira Dragons, Orgē Berserkers and Wrath Titans.

Sloth Legion- Acedia Anrdroids, Akēdia War Machines and Sloth guards.

Gluttony Legion- Gula Eaters, Gastrimargia Flies and Gluttony demons.

These are the beings that I can summon with a legion coin.

Now it's time for the ritual to start.