
Madness In Love

Maria was in a room with Queen and various other ladies of the tribe. Hinata's mother was colloquially called as "the Queen" in the native language and everybody seemed to be complying with this entitlement of Hinata's mother. His mother was dear to everyone. She was such a lady who supported every entity, young or small , of the tribe, in the day of crisis. When Hinata's tribe was at the verge of dying off of conspiracies against their Lands, their people, in that era, the queen was such an empathetic support to everyone. She managed food, shelter , livelihood of various people. She kept herself at the service of people and made her self available for mass irrespective climate, atmosphere or external parameters.

Hinata's father Su Li was the chief of tribe few years ago. These were such people who had always avoided the urban way of living . They used to keep their livelihood mainly nomadic or like those people who destined themselves to live in the remote areas, on those lands where their peers had once spent their life living.

They had their lands enriched with mineral resources and natural gifts but their lands were farther away not only from the general countryside but they were seemingly cut off from the main population for ages.

Natural Ambience and pure environment had transformed the manoeuvre of these people. They used to eat organic food, had shared every meal with each other. They had a community to celebrate or to sit with. They had people to go on journey with and they had lands to cultivate. Thus fortress was inclined on mountains. It took too much passion and hard work to carve such forfeited castle on these lofty mountains. People of Yayoi tribe felt a sense of pride while looking down in to the valley. Women smiling at watching their men working in the fields of Piedmont plains.

Maria had befriended the Queen as she was so friendly and empathetic. She never had complained about any thing in front of her. In the beginning, she was as hard as rock on this uninformed shower of love but gradually she adapted to respond to her compassion. After a therapeutic session with Chan Su, she was constantly thinking and was continuously pondering over something.

She was surrounded by these thoughts when Queen asked her whether she would like to go into the valley and would take a stroll through it. She didn't even took a chance to think over it and said yes. She appeared ready to go to the valley and Queen seemed so happy over her instant reaction. She took all other ladies along her. Maria and Queen were walking ahead of every one. They needed to cross a bridge and after crossing that, descending the mountains was easy. Maria was cherishing her the green floor drawn to the limits of focal range. She was happy. Hope was there and she was playing with it. Once she bore off the burden of being exploited or violated, various surprising reasons to live freely into the slavery surfaced. She submitted to the fact that she cannot run off. Hinata made it too obvious for her and she had already played all her chances of pleading freedom and asking solace from her kidnappers. Now she was merely a hostage but she could divert herself from this grave truth of being someone's slave by feign submission, mocked obedience and masquerade compassion on order to prove her trust on them.

She never knew when her feet became so uncontrollable, and she literally slided from the lower slop of the mountain and landed into the various feet-long grass of limitless meadows.

She cachinnated so loud that other ladies, who were descending the mountain carefully, impulsively stopped their descent and looked into the direction of grass where Maria was lying in a Laid-back manner. Few young girls, out of them Was Chika, advanced her supporting hand to make her stand up on her feet ,but out of nowhere, she pushed her hand towards her and she fell on ground too, a bit closer to her. Chika was the daughter of one of the servant, designated to serve the Queen. Usually Queen had always been up to accomplish her task on her own but Chika and her Various companion stayed around her ,never letting her do any chores, whether personal or related to fortress.

Chika fell and all her companions piled over her as if they all were sacs and they needed to sacked one over another. Shrill voice of Chika, accompanied with an uncontrollable laugh and frequent moans made everyone notice them. Soon a middle aged ,heavy women appeared coming towards them. She was nagging them for behaving so ill, in front of Queen but Queen seemed to be bemused herself. She was happy at the sight of blossoming flowers, among them few girls appeared to be taking a deep laugh of life. Indeed, this was the best depiction of nature, purity, juvenation.

Queen headed forward. She tried to look busy as she appeared to be searching for something, maybe a wild plant for one of her medicinal experiment.

She kept on laying down on the floor, her eyes closed politely, her arm folded back around her neck. She felt herself in the heavens. Already!

She heard Queen saying to a group of ladies " the pink one, only pink one with an amalgamation of citron in it. She turned back in the direction of the voice and saw different girls searching for a particular kind of herb. She was smiling inattentively and she rushed towards their direction. She inquired about the herb , why it is so important for the Queen and Queen said it shall serve the purpose of "antidote" to some kind of poison. Her eyes widened as she took more interest and as she was involved in this process of learning and probing, gateways to her mind were opening to the meadows. Those meadows were farther away from this land. That meadow was more bright, more brimming with energy.

Soon they were heading back to the castle. Sun was setting and they were ascending the mountains again. Maria was confound. She was heading very slowly towards the destination. They spent a good day looking for something very useful and possibly " chain- dissolving". She was in her thoughts, strolling on the wider porch of the castle when she heard some whispers coming behind the cone tree. She saw two expressions through the leaves. Two distant images appeared to be passionately loving each other under the tree.