
The Devil's

AJ was just an ordinary guy, who recently lost his father due to car crash. His mother started to drink heavily. He got chase out of the family for not being perfect enough in his mother's eyes. He was picked up by a lovely looking couple who has some hiding background identity. Will his life change after that? Or will he found the life he wanted?

MissLiana · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Devil's - Chapter 1

"You are a disgrace to this family, why can't you be like your brother and sister? They both have never disappointed me."

I silently sat there in front of my mother. Mother has changed lots since our father past away. I look up blankly at my mother, who's still full of anger.

"Do you hear what I say, young man?" I fight the urge of sadness that overcomes me and give several nods to my mother.

Mother suddenly makes her move directly to my closet and starts taking my clothes, and throws them on my bed.

"What are you doing mother?" My sister shows up at the doorway - looking confused.

Mother ignores the question and starts folding my clothes. I decided to break the silence. "Mother." The mother stopped folding the last shirt of mine.

Suddenly mother raised her voice in a demanding voice.

"Victoria go to my room and grab the bag that sat on top of my wardrobe now." My sister looks at me. I can see her eyes start watering, as she finally realizes what's mother doing.

I feel nothing, emotionless and empty. "From now on you are not part of the family, Adrian." After everything had been put inside the bag. "I don't want to see your pathetic face anymore." I took the bag and went downstairs.

My sister rushed to me and hand me some money. "Thanks." She hugged me tightly and I just walks out of the house.

Crossing the bag over my shoulder as I walk down the street. As I make my way to the bus station, with no plan or even direction to go once I arrived there. I start noticing a car following me about five minutes ago.

I decided to stop halfway, the car stops right next to me. A lady is sitting in the back while the front, looks like a couple.

"Where are you heading young man?" The woman asks me, while the man in the driver's seat watches me. "Now here, ma'am." Hey, eyebrow raised as she hear my answer.

She then turns her look to the man. He nodded and she turn back to look at me. "Why don't you come with us?" I do a little thinking and decide to join them.

As I sat next to the lady, she seem to be young around twenty. The car drove to seem a very silent place with seem like a place full of violence.

These cars broke down almost everywhere, with windows and tires missing in place. Some of the cars seem to be crowded with lots of men, smoking cigarettes as we drove by each one of them.

The woman starts talking by introducing herself as Rachel and the man as Mike. The lady that sat next to me was known as Elena. Her name is so beautiful. Rachel asks me what would I prefer to be called.

"My name is Adrian Justin." Rachel and Mike nodded in agreement and give me a nickname. "Why don't we call you AJ, that will make you, the new you. If you want."

I started thinking again and reply. " Maybe that will make things easier for me." I agreed with the new name they gave me.

After several minutes, we arrived at a very medium house with gates taller than me. Rachel got off and walk to open the gates for us. Once we pass the gate, she shut the gates back.

From the outside the house looked empty no neighbor, I sat my eyes on one of the opening windows on the second floor. Then a lady came into the picture, she stares at me for a few seconds before she turns her looks away and shuts the window.

Rachel grab the bags I'm carrying and said, "Welcome to your new home, start from now on, I'm your mother and Mike is your father." I nodded. "Whatever you need, just come to any of us." I took deep breaths as I followed them entering the house.

The inside looked fancy, while the outside looked like the house have been abandoned for quite a long time. I was caught off guard as I look around the house which seem to have ladies only. I stop midway.

"What's wrong? Don't worry, the ladies ain't bite." Mike chuckles at the statement Rachel gave me. He stopped laughing and says, "I'm with you, bud."

Rachel lead me upstairs to the last room in the corridor. "This is your room now." She pulls my bags inside and left me to unpack my stuff.

The room itself is not so big but bigger than the old room that I used to live in. To my surprise the bed is in the king size, I wonder how they put a huge bed in a small room like this. I quickly dismiss the question and start placing and hanging my stuff down.

As I was busy putting stuff on the shelf, I heard soft footsteps coming into my room, I quickly turn to look at my doorway. It was Elena. She came to give me a towel and some bathing accessories. She left after handing me all the items. She didn't talk much.

Once, I was done unpacking I decided to take a little shower to freshen myself up. I remove my top that has been wet with sweat then I take the towel and body soap slowly goes out of my room.

Suddenly with a long realization, I never ask where the bathroom is. I looks around to see if anyone was there upstairs with me. Too bad no one was there. I let out a few sighs and take my step downstairs.

Rachel was making dinner, while other ladies were in the living room but some are with Rachel. I go to Rachel. "Uhm, mom. Where the bathroom at?" Rachel stops and then looks at me. "Oh my, how come I forgot to tell you? There is a bathroom upstairs but on the opposite side of the staircase."

The ladies in the kitchen stare at me as I listened to what Rachel had told me. "One more thing, please wear a shirt, AJ. This house is full of ladies." That struck me and I quickly look down I didn't put a shirt in that was why were the ladies staring at me. I have exposed my abdomen.

" I'm sorry mom. I will go now." Rachel nods and replies. "Sure."

As I walk to the staircase I stumbled upon Elena, we hit each other and she almost fell, I quickly grab her by her waist. Pulling her up as I try balancing my body. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you."

Most of everyone stops and watched all scenery that happen between me and Elena. "It's okay." Her face blushes red. I can't seem to take my eyes off her. Until she says, "Can you let me go now?" That snapped me back to reality as I realized that my hand was still wrapped around her waist. "Oh. I'm so sorry." I rub my head and give her an apologetic smile.

I went directly upstairs feeling ashamed of what's has happened. I turn on the shower and let the water pour on me. My mind lost track as I remember how soft her waist is. How red her face is. I smile stupidly at my foolishness.

I start bathing and use the soap she has me. "Rose? Sure." I can't stop smiling like an idiot as I apply the soap and start to rinse it with water. I turned the shower off and walk to grab my towel.

As I wipe my body, I take a glance at the mirror. "Maybe I need a haircut a bit." I open the drawer behind the mirror. "Just exactly what I'm looking for." A pair of scissors came into the view. I start cutting my hair bit by bit.

Someone came to the bathroom door. "Are you done yet?" I stopped and reply. "I will be there in five minutes." As soon as I reply, footsteps can be heard walking away from the door.

I finished cutting my hair and take the last shower to remove the falling hair that attached to my wet body. After that, I quickly take my towel, brushing through my wet hair. I wrap the towel around my waist and get out of the bathroom, walking straight to my room.

After putting on a shirt pants and the main tank, I take my steps forward downstairs. There was a long table with eight seats. Everyone was waiting for me. My seat was the last one facing Mike.

As we were eating, Rachel spell out the names of each lady, there were five including Elena. The one faces Rachel's named Sofea. Besides Rachel's name, Christine. Christine's seat was in front of Elena. The two that sat in front of me were called Anisha and Tanisha. they are pretty alike. Looked like twins, just their manners were a bit different.

Rachel introduced me to them, preferring me as her child. They just nod in agreement. While we were eating, suddenly the phone upstairs rings. I did notice there is a phone upstairs on the shelf row of books. It was a mobile phone.

Everyone at the table stops eating and Rachel stands up. "I will go check." She moved as soon as Mike give her a nod.

I look up and see Mike looking at me, he smiles and says, "Just continue eating, AJ." I give him a nod and continue my meal.

It has been a while since I ate a full meal. Mom barely cook and fed me. But Rachel put a lot on my plate. I finished it right away. Right before I got up from my seat, Rachel came downstairs and she gave the ladies several nods before she sit back on her chair. "Oh, you already finished." She smiles at me.

"Yes, thanks for the meal." I walks to the kitchen, but before I could grab the sponge and ready to wash my plate. "Just leave the plate there, AJ." Mike's voice stopped my deed halfway. I drop back the sponge and wash off my hand.

I take my step out of the kitchen. At the table only can be seen Mike and Rachel, others already left. While I was in the kitchen, I ain't hear any chair moves or even footsteps. I quickly dismiss the question that growing in my mind. "AJ." I turn to look at Rachel.

"From now on, you will work just like all of us. Don't worry about getting your hand dirty." Mike chuckles a bit and then turns a serious tone without caution.

"Your training starts tomorrow at 8.00 a.m sharp. Now go get some sleep." I am still confused by the sentences that Rachel gave me and now Mike talking about training. What kind of training? "Go now." That strikes me back and I say, "Yes, father."

I take my steps upstairs, as I walk to my room, Sofea cane out of her room and block me. "Free tonight?" I hear a door open and I see Elena about to come out but stopped halfway as she sees me with Sofea.

She goes back inside and shuts her door. Sofea on another motive, smiling as she won my attention instead of Elena. "Can you get out of my way?" Her face changed as my word hits her but she didn't move out of my way. I decided to just walk past her.

Once I pass her, someone seems to chuckle can he hear right behind me as I grab the doorknob to my room. Sofea called me out again.

"Did you just ignore my request?" I turn to face her and give her a quiet smirk. "I bet, I do." I pull the doorknob and let myself inside.

Christine watching all the scene laughs uncontrollably. I guess it's the first time Sofea got rejected by boys. I lay my head on the bed and hearing Sofea scolding Christine to stop her laughing. "Stop laughing!" Then Mike's voice can be heard downstairs.

"Stop fighting ladies and got to bed!" Silent as nobody was in the hallway, then doors can be listen slowly closing. I let out a few sighs as I try to regain myself back.

I didn't bother to check my phone since I got kicked out of the house. Maybe I could check now? Nah, let's just do that tomorrow. I stare at the ceiling trying to empty my mind before going to sleep.

As I try to fall asleep I couldn't shut my eyes close and just drift to sleep. My mindset can't stay inapposite, I decide to just get off the bed and walk outside my room.

The hallway empties a few lights only turn on. I take slow steps to the staircase. I left my door open because shutting it might make a sound.

I walk downstairs as I make sure no one was around. I went to the living room and grab the remote control as I sat down on the couch.

Before I could ever select a channel to watch, a footstep can be heard walking toward me from behind. I become anxious and panicked, as I try to control my breathing. My heartbeat was uneasy, afraid to then around to just look at the figure approaching me from behind the couch.

Fear is it turns to either be Mike, himself caught me being a night owl, or Rachel. I slowly arrange my breathing and turn to look at the figure.

It's turned up to be Elena. She seems shocked as she sees me on the couch looking at her with a shocking and confusing expression planted on my face. I'm still confused as, to why is she up.

I tiptoed past her room, I can see her room was dark. I assumed she already slept the same as others did. But crossed my mind, now she was in the living room with me in the dim light.

Her question brings me back and I shake my head off. "You can't sleep?" I give her my apologetic smile as I have been staring at her and her question I couldn't catch up. I rub my head and chuckle a bit. "What was the question again?"

She shakes her head while her hand on her forehead. "Nevermind. Can I join you?" I smile and nods. "Sure." She sits next to me but there is a gap between us. "So, what do you wanna watch?" I ask her, as I have been scrolling for about five minutes.

I turn to look at her. Her expression changed as I caught her staring at me. I think she didn't expect I'm gonna turn to look at her.

The television light were both on us and I can see her face and our skin color. Her face blushes red. I smile at her reaction and give her a soft chuckle as I turn back my attention to the television. "You know this is the first time I ever sit next to a lady, a beautiful lady like you."

I pass the remote to her without looking at her because I'm also blushing so I decide to just act normal. She takes the remote from my hand and starts selecting movies via genre. The horror genre caught her attention. She had quite bad taste so do I.

"Will horror movies do?" I look at the tike on the television it's nearly 1 a.m. "Sure. Watching a horror movie around 1 a.m, sure will do. I bet you can't take it." I turn to look at her as I gave her a sly smile.

"I ain't scare of no ghost." That's a lot of confidence there. "Let's bring them on." The conjuring 2 becomes our selection. I watched it several times with my sister while my mom or our older brother was not home.

As the movie goes into the deeper and scariest scene, I feel like my seat is kinda awash from the left side because I'm sitting on the right side of the couch. I ignore the feeling and continue watching the movie back.

Suddenly, I feel it again. I decided that turn my look to my left and to my surprise, Elena slowly moved closer to me. She looks afraid. Gosh, she's so cute. "Hey, come here." I move my body aside and let my back against the couch.

Then open my arm. "Don't worry, I will try not to bite." Her face flushed red. Even though her face was still red but she still comes into my embrace. I didn't expect she will hug me.

Especially me, because we just met like 7 hours ago. I on the other side have never been hugged by any other girl except my sister. My face flushed red and my voice cracked as I say,

"I uhm-not a hugger." She lifts her head to look at me but as soon as she looks up from my chest, I quickly turn my look away. "Just hug me back, that will make you a hugger." I slowly place my hand on her back and try wrapping her with a warm hug.

As we were comforting each other, she slowly drift to sleep. I start noticing that I'm the only one who still watching the movie, cause her hug seems to be losing its grip a bit.

"Guess we sleeping here then." I smiles as I moved a string of her hair aside to her ear. I turn off the television and slowly place the remote on the table without moving much.

I'm afraid that I might wake her. I hold her head as I slowly lay down with her on top of me. Damn, she light. Later that I know, I also slowly drift to sleep while keeping my grip tightened around her.

"Goodnight, Elena." Tomorrow gonna be a brand new life for me.