
The Devil's Smile

illorien · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Wedding day

Mrs. Wright was delighted about Abigail's answer; her emotions were swirling, and her mind was asking questions that she could not fathom. her own answer, because this act was beyond her own personality and attitude, leaving her in awe of Abigail's unexpected response. She couldn't help but wonder what had brought about such a reaction—was it because she was upset with immense frustration over what transpired earlier, as it seemed to defy everything she thought she knew about herself?

She never entered a relationship based on a whim or sudden burst of the urge to experience adventure. She was an introvert, while Zoey was an extrovert. Abigail preferred to carefully analyze her feelings and take calculated risks, while Zoey seemed to thrive on spontaneity and impulsiveness.

This stark contrast in their personalities made her even more curious about the underlying reasons behind Abigail's unexpected response. Was it possible that Abigail's introverted nature was toppled by the severity of the problem they were facing, thus influencing her actions in ways that she couldn't fully comprehend?

Mrs. Wright picked up the bundle of cash and gave it to Abigail. She assured her not to worry, saying that she would help her comprehend what she was about to be a part of. Leicester Alderidge was Elijah's father, she reveals. Lester, in English, Abigail's eyes became wide with horror as soon as Mrs. Wright brought up this subject. as she was suddenly filled with inquiries.

Mrs. Wright smiled and told her that she would answer all of her questions patiently and thoroughly. First, the name Elijah Wright was his personal request; he wished to travel and know everything about her biological mother.

 As she further told the two about the events that happened, knowing marrying his son to somebody here in their country was very simple, she wanted to make sure somebody who was trustworthy would take care of him when she passed away. Knowing and now seeing what kind of woman Abigail was, she was perfect for her son.

Mrs. Wright took out a stack of letters that she dearly treasured. She told her that this was the only thing that kept her strong. These were the letters sent by her son as soon as he could write. She gave them all to Abigail and told her to read all this so she could gain some understanding of what kind of person he was.

Abigail works as a company analyst; it is a very demanding job that requires long hours and attention to detail. Despite the challenges, Abigail excelled in her role and was highly respected by her colleagues. She often found solace in reading information and analyzing data, as it provided her with a sense of control and order in her otherwise hectic life.

And because Abigail never broke her word, she graciously accepted the stack of letters from Mrs. Wright, moved forward, and gained some control over the sudden changes in her life. She took a deep breath, smiled, and requested to be excused as the night was getting late and she had a busy day tomorrow.

 As she stood up and gracefully walked toward the stairs leading up to her room, she saw her adoptive father silently sitting on the very top steps, lost in thought. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should approach him or give him some space. However, her concern for his well-being outweighed her hesitation, so she decided to quietly join him and offer a listening ear.

William Lewis was once an energetic father figure. He worked as a manager at a metal fabrication factory, but after years of hard work and dedication, the factory had to shut down due to financial difficulties. This sudden change in his life had taken a toll on William, leaving him feeling defeated and lost. Despite the challenges, his daughter admired his resilience and wanted to be there for him during this difficult time.

He thanked Abigail for everything she had sacrificed, expressing his gratitude for her support and understanding. He admitted that he had been hesitant to burden her with his problems, but her willingness to listen and offer a helping hand meant the world to him. He promised to do his best to overcome this setback and make her proud.

She kissed him on the forehead and also thanked him for being such a caring, understanding adoptive father. She assured him that she would always be by their side, reminding him that they were a team and would face any challenges together.

Abigail emphasized that her admiration for him stemmed not only from his resilience but also from his unwavering love and dedication as a father. She promised to continue supporting him and encouraged him to never hesitate to seek her help whenever he needed it.

She stood up and went to check on her younger sister Grace; she was still asleep. The only thing that Abigail could hear were the medical machines attached to her body to regulate her breathing. Abigail's heart ached as she looked at her sister, Grace, lying peacefully in the hospital bed. She knew that their journey was far from over, but she was determined to be there for her sister every step of the way.

 Abigail silently recalls that she vowed to do whatever it took to ensure Grace's recovery and to bring back the joy and laughter that had once filled their lives.

She turned around and went inside her own room, which was beside Grace. She sat on her study table and opened the small reading lamp, and soon she began organizing the letters, carefully sorting them by date and importance. As she delved into each letter, Abigail's analytical skills kicked in, allowing her to quickly identify patterns and make connections between the information presented.

Because there were so many letters, she could only read one letter at a time which was five pages with back-to-back writing Abigail's determination to uncover the truth fueled her focus as she diligently scanned through the pages, absorbing every detail. With each letter, she felt a surge of anticipation, knowing that it held a piece of the puzzle she was determined to understand.

As she immersed herself in the letters' contents, Abigail couldn't help but marvel at the depth of emotions and secrets they contained, realizing that they held the key to unravelling Mrs. Wright's Elijah story, so every day after getting off to work, she would read one letter at a time, savoring the intricate details and piecing together the fragments of Elijah's life.

 The more she read, the more she became convinced that these letters held the answers she had been searching for, and she couldn't wait to uncover the truth hidden within their delicate pages.

Elijah was an avid writer toward his mother; he wrote every single detail of everything that happened in his daily life; nothing was left out, even the problems she faced when he was still a young boy. As she continued to read, she found herself transported back in time, reliving the moments she had long forgotten. The letters became a window into his shared past, and with each page turned, she felt a deeper connection to him and a renewed sense of understanding.

On a particular date and year written on the letter, she recalled her own memory about the time she and her family once went on a vacation in Paris to visit the old villages. She vividly remembered the charming cobblestone streets and the delicious pastries she indulged in at local bakeries.

 The trip had been a cherished memory, filled with laughter and exploration, and she hoped to one day share those experiences again. While reading, she could not believe that Elijah was depicting a particular situation that would change his life forever.,

As she continued reading this particular letter, written when she was still ten years old, in the same month and year when her family was vacationing and in the same place they were at Butte Bergeyre, she couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. It was as if the letter had transported her back in time, allowing her to relive those precious moments in the old villages once again.

The memories flooded back, bringing a bittersweet mix of joy and longing for that time when she accidentally walked into an area separating her momentarily from her parents and young sister Zoey and saw a boy who was being bullied by bigger teens in the narrow street on a flight of stairs on one winding lane near the house her father's company rented out for their vacation.

Every written detail was similar to her own memory; the boy was a year older than her and was covered with bruises. The taller and older teens were beating him up with no mercy. She had rushed to his aid, standing up against the bullies with a fierce purpose. She screamed and used the umbrella he was holding at the time.

And she swung it toward the bigger teens. With each swing of the umbrella, she could feel her adrenaline pumping and her determination to protect the boy growing stronger. The bullies were taken aback by her unexpected bravery and momentarily stunned by her fierce retaliation. However, their shock quickly turned into anger as they regrouped and launched a counterattack. Then her father and mother came to her aid.

The boy's gratitude and admiration in his eyes as they walked away together, hand in hand, was a moment she would never forget. She even gave the young boy a handkerchief that had an embroidery of her name, so he could wipe the blood on his nose. As soon as they reach a certain place filled with people, the young boy just vanishes, leaving Abigail confused and wondering if it had all been a figment of her imagination.

She searched the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but he was nowhere to be found. Despite the mystery surrounding his disappearance, Abigail couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfilment, knowing that she had made a difference in someone's life that day.

Those memories came flooding into his head, and he thought the possibility that he was the boy in her past was overwhelming. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper connection between them, but as the days went on, Elijah's life turned for the worse as he faced many hardships and eventually lost his way in life. Abigail could not believe this could happen to him, so she went to social media, and after many days, she was able to find a social media thread of conversation in which a certain Elijah Wright was a notorious douchebag at many social gatherings.

The comments and stories shared about him painted a completely different picture of the kind and gentle person she had known based on the letters he wrote. Abigail was devastated to discover this side of Elijah, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was a reason behind his drastic change in behavior. She decided to confront him and seek the truth, hoping to uncover the real story behind his hardships and find a way to help him regain his path in life, but it was hopeless. The date of her scheduled marriage was also nearing.

All social threads was going nowhere, she couldn't even find a single picture of him among thousands of posted images that were tagged under his name, he was not on any social media platforms, but his name was synonymous with all the scandalous act in the city. Despite her efforts, she couldn't find any concrete evidence or reliable sources to confirm his involvement in those scandalous acts. Frustrated and confused, she realized that she might never truly know the truth about him before her wedding day.

Abigail shared everything with her adoptive parents. While the brazen Zoey casually drops by their adoptive parents' home to eat their food when she lacks the money to feed herself, she hears their conversation, and with this, she blurts everything out on her social media post concerning her sister's fiancée. Her post reached Abigail's co-worker. Intrigued by this information, they decided to do some digging of their own.

 They uncovered some questionable connections between the fiancée and individuals involved in similar scandals, raising further suspicions about his character.

Elijah Wright, Abigail's unknown fiancée, was the talk of the town, as Abigail found out the hard way what Zoey did. As the news spread, people started gossiping about Abigail's glamorous downfall and questioning her judgment in choosing a partner. Rumor's and speculations about Abigail's fiancé began to circulate, tarnishing his reputation in the process, mentioning that he was a poor, lazy, and unreliable man.

People began to question how Abigail could have been so blind, foolish, and naïve as not to see the true nature of her fiancé. Some even went as far as suggesting that Abigail was only with him for the money that would come from his rich mother.

The once-admired Abigail now faces scrutiny and doubt from their community, leaving Abigail feeling betrayed and humiliated. just to his true character, wondering if she had been deceived or if she simply had poor judgment in relationships. The whispers of doubt and criticism grew louder.

Mrs. Wright constantly communicated with Abigail, assuring her not to believe those social media posts about his son. She mentioned that Elijah was her flesh and blood certain characteristics will get passed on to their offspring, and she knew for a fact that her son was a good person despite the false accusations being spread within the online community about her.

 The damage had already been done, and Abigail couldn't help but question her own judgment and the loyalty of those around her. The weight of isolation and betrayal began to take its toll on her mental and emotional well-being.

The only thing that made her face the harsh taunts of those so-called friends was her resolve to save her youngest sister Grace. while Abigail was having a hard time, Zoey was having the time of her life seeing her older perfect sister get dragged through the mud. Zoey revelled in the attention and relished in the newfound popularity she gained by associating herself with Abigail's downfall. She saw it as an opportunity to step out of her sister's shadow and establish her own identity, even if it meant sacrificing their once close bond.

All of the wedding detail was handled by Mrs. Wright, the renowned wedding planner who had a reputation for creating the most extravagant and flawless events. From selecting the venue to coordinating the decorations and managing the guest list, Mrs. Wright ensured that every aspect of the wedding was meticulously planned and executed.

Her expertise and attention to detail made her the go-to person for couples who wanted their special day to be nothing short of perfect.

ultimately, though, Abigail donned a headdress and a straightforward dress. The simplicity of Abigail's attire contrasted with the grandeur of the wedding, reflecting her desire for a more intimate and meaningful celebration. As she walked down the aisle, all eyes were on her radiant smile, proving that true beauty lies not in extravagant adornments, but in genuine happiness and love.

while waiting she was contemplating, her only concern was finishing the arrangement, and she was making every effort to keep her emotions in check over anything that had happened to Elijah over the previous few weeks. Even though she will only be seeing Elijah in person on her wedding day today, she is experiencing emotional upheaval regarding their new relationship.

Abigail remained settled to make her wedding day a simple and joyous occasion. With the support of her loved ones, she embraced the simplicity of her attire and focused on the love and commitment she was about to celebrate with her partner. The past few weeks may have been challenging, but Abigail's resilience and determination allowed her to fully immerse herself in the present moment and create a beautiful start to her new chapter in life.

The groom is late, and Abigail anxiously awaits, having heard he is unemployed and idle, despite the gossip surrounding her groom's employment status, Abigail chooses to remain hopeful and trust everything will be fine.

 She reminded herself that a person's worth is not solely defined by their job and that together they would navigate any challenges that came their way. As she stood at the altar, her heart was filled with apprehension for the future they would build together, knowing that their arranged marriage should be the foundation of their new life.

Her smug sister Zoey arrives with Abigail's ex-Liam, who regrets cheating on Abigail. Zoey's arrival with Abigail's ex-boyfriend Liam caught her off guard, stirring up mixed emotions within her. Despite Liam's regret for his past actions, Abigail remained focused on the love and commitment she had found in her groom.

She chose to stay true to her decision and trust in the future they were about to embark on together. Zoey makes rude comments about the missing groom's family for not even caring about attending. Abigail determined to maintain her composure, brushed off Zoey's rude comments about the missing groom's family.

She reminded herself that their absence did not diminish the love and support she had from her own family and loyal, true friends who were present. Abigail remained steadfast in her belief that the strength of their arranged marriage would ultimately prevail over any external judgments or opinions.

Abigail scolds Zoey for her rude attitude in church. Just then the groom arrives—a tall handsome man whose entrance captivates everyone. Abigail's heart skips a beat as she locks eyes with the groom, feeling a surge of excitement and relief. The room fills with whispers of admiration, confirming Abigail's belief that their arranged marriage was indeed a match made in heaven.

Zoey assumes he is one of Elijah's rich brothers and begins to imagine a life of luxury and privilege. However, Abigail quickly corrects her, she is sure that is him, she explains that the groom is actually Elijah himself, the man she has betrothed to her. By his biological mother.

 Zoey's eyes widen in surprise, realizing the significance of the moment and the weight of their impending union. but is shocked when he is revealed to be Elijah himself. Zoey regrets agreeing to let Abigail marry Elijah after seeing how attractive he is.

Zoey's initial assumption about Elijah being one of his rich brothers quickly fades away as Abigail clarifies that he is, in fact, the groom himself. The realization hits Zoey with surprise, making her fully grasp the importance and gravity of their upcoming union. However, any regret she may have felt about agreeing to the marriage dissipates as she becomes captivated by Elijah's undeniable attractiveness.

Abigail notices Elijah's expensive Patek Philippe watch, contradicting claims that he is poor. Elijah curtly apologizes for being late before turning to examine Abigail's puzzled expression. He explains that the watch was a gift from his late grandfather, who had always emphasized the importance of time and hard work.

 Elijah's humble explanation was contrary to his being late on his wedding day, which was a result of unforeseen circumstances beyond his control. Despite the initial misunderstanding, Abigail couldn't help but admire Elijah's sentimental attachment to the watch and his dedication to honoring his grandfather's memory.

Elijah curtly apologizes for being late and explains that he got caught in unexpected traffic on his way to the church. He assures everyone that it won't happen again and is ready to proceed before turning to examine Abigail. Elijah's eyes widen as he takes in Abigail's stunning appearance. He compliments her on her elegant attire, mentioning how it perfectly complements the occasion.

She doesn't mind his being late; she is just relieved that he is good-looking, charming, and attentive. Abigail graciously accepts the compliment, thanking Elijah for his kind words. The two exchange a warm smile, creating an instant connection that sets a positive tone for the rest of the event.

Elijah Alderidge or Eli Wright, was now standing in front of Abigail face-to-face for the very first time, and Abigail couldn't help but notice his captivating presence. His confident demeanour and warm smile put her at ease, making her even more excited for the evening ahead. As they began to engage in conversation, Elijah couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and intrigue towards her, as if they had known each other for much longer than just this moment.

When a heavy coughing sound was heard by the two, the priest presiding over their marriage was telling them that this was not the right time to have a conversation. Abigail and Elijah exchanged a quick glance, realizing they had gotten lost in each other's company. They both chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed but grateful for the reminder to focus on the ceremony ahead.

The presiding priest cleared his throat and continued with the ceremony, but Elijah and Abigail couldn't help but exchange a knowing glance, wondering if this unexpected interruption was a sign of something significant to come. The coughing sound lingered in the air, adding an air of mystery and anticipation to their special day.

As the ceremony proceeded, Abigail and Elijah couldn't shake off the feeling that there was a hidden message behind the interruption. They held onto each other's hands, silently promising to explore this curiosity together once their wedding day had come to an end.