
The Devil's Lily:A forbidden love

They were never meant to fall in love,let alone bind their souls with each other! — Human beings were never meant to be in any sort of relationships, with celestial beings and that had been the rules, until Uriel fell for Ophelia. The first human to cause a second war in heaven,as the unbalance between the earth  and the immortal world comes crashing down, with the prophecy of her carrying a baby that would end the world. In a bid to protect her baby from being killed by Micheal, Ophelia ends up having the baby with the help of  Lucifer's son,Damon,who saves the child asper his father's wishes. Unfortunately,Damon ends up not spared from the attack and in  an attempt to save the child,he binds his soul with that of Ophelia's child. Now years have  passed with Damon serving his punishment,locked away in a cave  for a hundred years with little to no hope of anyone's saving him out of his peril. Ophelia's child is not saved from serving her own punishment,with the ring of death on her head. She  always ends  up dying a painful death, in every lifetime she reincarnates just to stop the prophecy from fulfilling. But unfortunately,the soul bonds between both human,and creature leads Lily  to find Damon,her soulmate,and she releases  him. With the will to save his human mate,from another repetition of dying in this present world,Damon must do everything possible to keep Lily alive by his side. But can destiny be easily changed? Even while given a choice to kill Lily to get his reputation back as the ruler of hell, Would he be willing to give that up just to save her? The prophecy ends up being invalid, after it's confirmed that Lily is nothing but a mere human, who poses no threat to the world.But is that entirely true? Moreover,what would happen when Lily and Damon find out that they were never meant to be lovers,rather  sworn enemies who would end up killing themselves? So what is going to be? Would their love be able to overcome all these tribulations,or would they be consumed by the prophecy that that was only  misinterpreted all these while? Let's read to find out,family! —- "Took you this long to find me,I have …been waiting for  years, my love"He explained,trying to keep himself from grabbing her and consuming a little  bit of his soul energy in her. My Love? "Excuse me,do i …know you?''Lily asked,in confusion.Not only does she find this place creepy,but the man in front of her too was anything but normal. She shouldn't be here,she knew that. Just a glance at him told her that she had messed up, by listening to the voice in her head that brought her here. The voice. It sounded so similar to… Him. The man in her dreams with the red  eyes! She was speechless when she looked back up to him,there it seemed he knew what was going through her mind. "You…" "Remember me now sweetheart? I have being waiting for years,and now i have found you.I can't let you go..again" — A/N:Hi guys,this is my official story for the Romance festival contest,and i do plead for your utmost support in this amazing story. Other books by the author: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire:The Heiress Must Get Married. Discord ID: Jayden222#1882. Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. TikTok ID: IrreplaceableSassy1

Jayden222 · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Chapter Eight:What Are you, Dwayne Black?

Earth Realm.


"Are you okay?"Nadia asked Lily when she noticed the beads of sweat forming on her temple.

She could understand the fact that she was worried about arriving late at the camp, But this was no  worried face of Lily.

If anything,she looked as if she was having a hard time breathing,and that made her rush towards her immediately while she went for the can of water beside her.

"Look at me Lily,you are good okay.You are good, I'm here "Nadia cupped her face,while pulling the water to her lips before she drank desperately from it as if her life depended on it.

"What happened?"Lily asked when she had regained her senses, earlier it was as if she was lost in time while staring into thin space,before she felt her heart squeezing against the muscle the moment they had arrived at mountain Luther.

This wasn't the first time she had experienced such,the pain was too much to the extent that she felt as if she would really die, that was until Nadia's voice brought her out from wherever she zoned out to.

The other time had been the first time she had dreamed about him,the man in her dream's with the red eyes who wasn't letting her live a peaceful life.

But she couldn't contemplate, or give a rational reason on why she nearly had a heart attack the moment their car had entered the mountain.

"You scared the shit out of me,I thought it was something serious about you dying while looking outside.What's wrong L?"Nadia asked, touching her temple to find out that she didn't have a fever,so what could be the sudden reason for what she did early.

"I can't tell Dee,it feels like i was out for a seconds and then it felt really painful in here,"She explained touching her heart,while  looking at Nadia."it's hurt so much that i thought i was going to die"

She trailed on, at least she was comfortable telling all these to Nadia because she's the only one who would sit and listen to her,even without her understanding what exactly she meant.

But she still listens and that's the point.But right now,she doesn't know how  she's going to explain to Nadia about the red eyes, that clouded her mind whenever her heart was in pain.

She looked at the driver,and sensed no dark aura emitting off him so she was quite relaxed that she wasn't bothered,or  flustered about him being the reason why she felt weird.

Nadia might be willing to listen to her  all day,but she wasn't that pretty much convinced about her seeing the energies in every human body.

"It's nothing much L,don't get too flustered up about it okay?"Nadia assured her, taking her hands into hers just to keep her on the good side and not have her mind wandering off again,to think  that some creature was out to get her.

"And we are here"She sang, when their car stopped at their destination.Nadia was super excited about this whole camping trip and so was she too, at least she could really enjoy the views here and have a lovely time with the rest of the team.

But it wasn't the same energy she had while thinking about this whole workshop,that she had after what happened earlier.

"What are you waiting for L? We have to leave to get the papers and maps out to the team leader"Nadia pulled at her hand, after she paid for the cab only to find her still inside and as usual deep in thought.

"I'm.. coming"She forced a smile on her face, and pulled the  car door open but the moment she stepped out of the car,she felt it again.

But it was different this time around.

"You are here!''The voice said,and she could make out the excitement behind his tone,more than the normal angry tone he always uses with her.

She touched her temple , feeling a slight wave of dizziness washing through her but she still tried to keep up by not delaying the others that were waiting.

The sign that had the mountain name engraved in it came into her view,and she felt her  heart leap in joy as if she wasn't the one who was getting worked up earlier about this whole outing.

But it definitely wasn't  about the joy of being here,It was something else.The happiness was about something else,that she couldn't point her finger at.

"That's it babygirl.You are doing great just keep coming"The voice said again,in her head messing with her thinking.

"Get out of my head"She barely muttered,and it was more like a request than an order.

She wouldn't love the idea of the rest of the team calling her crazy because of him, if this kept up.

"Lily,we have to leave now.We are fifteen minutes late already and Gwen has been ringing me up for awhile"Nadia carried their luggage,while walking up to her.

"Let's go"She took her bag from her, pleading with the voice's in her head and the universe to work in her favor today.

So as they started walking towards their destination,she could feel the eyes on her from the rest of the team and the team leader and knew that she was in real hot shit.

"I will take care of it"Nadia spoke up, playing the role of her elder sister while trying to save her ass from getting scolded by Malcom.

But Lily beat her to it,by running up to the rest of them who's faces bear no happy emotion.

She was late,and that's a huge crime considering the fact that Malcolm and their guest might probably be waiting for her.

"Do you want to be fired so badly Miss Hayes?"Malcolm spoke up,disregarding  the fact that their guest was not far away from where he was shouting at Lily.

"I'm so sorry sir,it's my …''Nadia tried butting in,she tried to play her cards well since their leader might be attracted to her just like she was to him too.

"And for the love of God Nadia,stop trying to take her side nor save her whenever she's wrong,or you would be punished too"Malcolm faced her.

Oh boy!

It seems that he's not interested in her after all, because the look on his face right now was enough to remind her about Lily's warning about him being married.

He loves his wife,no doubt.

"I'm so sorry sir"

"Sorry isn't going to fix your mistakes Lily,that's absurd stupidity on your part"Gwen spat viciously, while the other  four who weren't that outspoken sent a disgusting look at her.

"She might have had  her reason …"Asher spoke in her favor, but he got a kick in his foot by Gwen.

"I will take full responsibility sir"Lily said with her head bowed down.

"Good,now you will take those documents over to our guest who had being here,and try to appease him enough to sign it,now!"Malcolm started as a matter of fact,that was literally sending her on a suicide mission.

Mr.Black wasn't that friendly,and would give her quite the punishment she deserves.That would teach her to use her time to good use.

"Yes sir"Lily took his order with no complaint,she heard the others whispering among themselves and could see the smug smile on Gwen's lips.

She's no stranger to how mr.Black was portrayed to be, but she would gladly do whatever it is just not to get scolded by Malcolm.

"She's definitely going to regret wasting his time,"Gwen smiled,with her hands folded while waiting for the drama to unfold.

"Don't you hear the rumors about him?"Mark added.

"Such a fine face,yet he's a handful.I can imagine pissing on myself, if i stand before him"Mia covered her face in dread.

"She's likely to lose her job,poor Lily ''Nora pitied her,but that was definitely a mock.

Lily ignored all that, and took the paper from her handbag.Nadia was the only one who was concerned,but she smiled at her before turning to face her hell.

She walked away from the group,while approaching the said devil everyone was talking about,he had his back facing them but Lily couldn't deny that he had a good structure.

She swallowed a lump down her throat, while taking a deep breath before stopping in front of  him.

"Mr.Black"She called, making her presence known which was useless considering the fact that he already knew that she was approaching him with all those noises.

But that was until she saw the phone in his hand, and that made her figure out that he had been on call.

She wanted to apologize for interrupting,but it was too late he had turned to face her,an action that made Lily's heart skip a bit when she saw him.

He was the complete definition of a Greek god, sculpted to perfection that would make any man feel insecure about themselves if they set their eyes on him.

Was it her thoughts,or was it a reality that she saw the side of his lips twitch slightly before settling down on her form.

The moment she looked at his eyes,she felt it.The differences between a human and a non human by the energy emitting off him.

His heart wasn't .. beating.

"I apologize for the long wait,I'm Dwayne Black"He said with a smile bringing his  hand up for a handshake,and she felt her  body moving on its own to comply.

Because the very moment her hand came in contact with his own,she knew outrightly that he wasn't human and finally she had gotten the proof that they had had creatures living among them.

"Lily,the name is Lily Hayes' 'She said with a big smile,while watching in admiration the creature standing in front of her who had no idea that he had been caught.

What are you, Dwayne Black?

She wanted to know..no! She had to know at all costs, because she needed answers that would help her too,so she could solve the mystery behind what she is.