
chapter 1

Dark room.

"Hey there she is " one of the guard's said calling telling the other guards turning my head slightly to the back while running as fast as my legs can go (panthing heavily) I tried my best to keep my legs moving looking to my left was a dark room being a scardy that I am I was hesitating if I should get in , then I heard one of the guard's talking his voice getting close decide to enter without thinking twice

A cold shiver went through my spine entering the dark mysterious room in a place I have never been before or even lived" this is creepy " I said in a low voice in form of like a whisper well I was just too scared but I realized that I hadn't shut the door I quickly shut it close

I heard groans then I shoved it off " my brain is just acting up due to my phobia" I said still in a low voice heard the groans again this time it was clear and loud enough for me to hear my heart skipped and for a second I almost peed on my body then the voice came a deep cold voice but calm "do you realize you just walked into the devil's den" I widened my eyes in fear