
The Devil's Flora

The princess of a Kingdom with legendary heroes as parents she grew up beloved by all. However, the one to love her most is the Devil himself, the most powerful sorcerer in the universe. Their love both forbidden and dangerous in ways they themselves do not understand. Join me in exploring the world of fairies, sorcerers, dragons, and demons.

RavenQueen922 · Fantasía
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21 Chs


Flora smiled as she landed softly on the ground as Andras rushed over to her. She smiled waiting for him to stop before reaching to pet him. She noticed his skin was dry and she turned to Azrael asking, "Azrael, is it normal for Andras to have dry skin?"

He glanced at Andras before saying, "It's not but," then he turned to her continuing, "It might be because he enjoys your affection, so he dries himself whenever you're nearby." She nodded turning to Andras saying, "Aren't you a kind boy, thank you." She laughed as he nudged himself forward a little too excited as he pushed her back.

Azrael sighed reaching to help stabilize her stance as she continued laughing. "Flora, you should go rest, Andras and I have to do some quick training," Azrael said as he gave a cold glance at Andras who backed up slightly.

"Alright, but why don't you eat something before you leave," Flora suggested as she placed the coat away in the pocket dimension before pulling out some grilled chicken and steak. "Is this, okay?" She asked passing him the plate of chicken and uncooked veggies. He nodded saying, "Thank you." She smiled as she took another chicken breast holding it in her left hand before turning to Andras and creating a circle with her right hand.

Andras seemed confused at first then she said, "Spin," he tilted his head before coiling in a circle as Azrael watched from the side. Flora smiled saying, "Good job," before she tossed the chicken breast into the air basting a little healing magic into it.

"Flora, you should know he understands everything," Azrael said as he passed her the plate and she nodded saying, "I see now, but it also helps to have nonverbal communication just in case."

"I see, we'll be back," Azrael said and she nodded walking inside the cave, she smiled noticing the wolf pups in the corner with their mother and the hares on the other side of the cave. Flora checked up on the plants first noticing that they were growing nicely, before she used her powers to accelerate their growth.

"A few more times and they will be fully grown," she thought as she walked over to the bed. She smiled at the hares that came running to her as she sat down. Flora slept for a few hours her body needed the rest.

... (Andras's Training)

Azrael sighed as he watched Andras fighting another slime-scale serpent. He wanted to see how well Andras would do against a serpent that was twice his size and age, so it was safe to say he was surprised at how well Andras was doing.

The thing that surprised him most was how he used his smaller size to go into rifts that were smaller whenever he needed a break. However, after the first few times, he started to get annoyed as Andras kept going inside the rifts.

He was planning on flying down to scare away the serpent when Andras suddenly slithered out of the Ice Rift quickly wrapping his body around the area right by the serpent's mouth. Then he tightened his hold as the serpent tried to rid himself of Andras, but it was a futile effort as Andras held on even tighter and the serpent soon passed.

Azrael flew down saying, "You did well," as Andras let go of the serpent getting ready to eat it but he stopped him saying, "Wait, you can eat it but let me deskin it first, Flora might like it."

Andras backed away immediately after hearing Flora's name and Azrael sighed using his magic to separate the skin from the serpent's body. Afterward, Andras took a few hours to swallow the rest of the serpent before they returned to the cave.