
The destruction of the zodiac kingdom

In the world governed by the Zodiac Kingdom, harmony has been preserved for centuries. However, when darkness emerges from the shadows, the Zodiac cities are faced with a threat unlike any they have ever experienced before. The rulers of each city, led by the unique characteristics of their respective stars, must come together to fight against the dark forces that threaten to destroy all they hold dear. With combined strength and strong determination, the heroes from various stars will embark on an epic journey across the Zodiac Kingdom, facing trials and obstacles that test their belief in unity and true strength. Meanwhile, they will discover that true power lies not only in the characteristics of their stars but also in their ability to unite and appreciate each other's differences. In the battle between light and darkness, the fate of the Zodiac Kingdom lies in the hands of the heroes. Can they prevail?

Riang25 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2=The Rise of Darkness

In the city, a young man named Ryu walks with determined steps, though his heart is filled with an indescribable emptiness. He is an orphan, separated from his parents by strict regulations that govern life in the Zodiac Kingdom. Born under the sign of Scorpio, Ryu must reside in a city that aligns with his star sign, according to the rules.

Despite being an orphan, a burning strength and spirit remain within Ryu. However, beneath his courage lies a deep sense of confusion and anger. Why should humans be separated based solely on their birth dates? This question gnaws at his mind, igniting a fire of anger within his heart.

As he walks through the bustling streets of Scorpio, Ryu is determined to find answers to the questions that haunt him. Despite the loneliness and frustration that envelop him, he is prepared to face any challenges that may lie ahead. For behind his bravery lies a strong resolve to change the fate dictated by the stars.

Previously, Ryu walked aimlessly through the dark night. His mind was filled with troubling questions, and his steps wandered without a clear destination. However, suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps begins to echo behind him.

Fearful and without hesitation, Ryu begins to run, his heart pounding in fear. However, his attempt to escape is in vain as the group of bullies easily catches and captures him. As they surround him with looks full of hatred, Ryu feels empty and paralyzed with fear.

"Do you think you're special, kid?" one of the bullies sneers arrogantly. "A loser born under the Scorpio sign, who would want someone like you around?"

"You're just trash that doesn't belong here," adds another bully with a mocking laugh. "Your presence contaminates our kingdom, like a useless star of doom."

Ryu can only lower his gaze, unable to refute the harsh and hateful words. His heart shatters into pieces inside his chest, wounded by their cruelty. He can only surrender, without hope, confronted with the bitter reality that he is unwanted in the city of Scorpio.

With labored breaths, Ryu watches in horror as one of the bullies draws his Kalangjeking. A bluish light flickers at the tip of the bully's fingers, signaling impending danger.

"Do you want to know how terrifying this Kalangjeking is, kid?" the bully growls menacingly. "It will make you feel unimaginable pain, worse than death itself."

Ryu swallows hard, feeling the haunting fear creeping in, but he has no strength to fight back. He can only stand there, trembling in despair, as the Kalangjeking's light touches him. The poison of the Kalangjeking begins to seep into his body, gnawing at his strength and devouring him from within. Ryu writhes on the ground, his hands reaching out in desperation, but no help comes.

In those painful moments, the group of bullies becomes even more ruthless. They attack Ryu with harsh blows and kicks, without mercy. His body becomes a soft target for their hatred, and Ryu's heart is crushed by the unbridled cruelty.

Amidst the shaking, the only thing Ryu can do is cover himself with his weak hands, hoping that the torment will end. In the darkness enveloping him, silent tears flow from his fixed eyes, weaving a bitter narrative of the unjust fate that has befallen him.

As the chaos unfolds, a teenage girl with short, shoulder-length hair named Mia suddenly enters Ryu's room. She greets Ryu with a concerned expression, startling him. Ryu is surprised to see his friend Mia alive and he is also grateful that Mia is safe. However, Mia recounts that her own parents also fell victim to the disaster. Ryu sympathizes with Mia and shares his own ordeal that befell him. They both console each other.

In the midst of the bustling city of Scorpio, a meteor streaks across the sky, heading towards the star city, specifically in the Scorpio region.

In an instant, a dazzling flash of lightning strikes the sky, accompanied by a terrifying rumble that breaks the silence of the night. Mia and Ryu fall silent, stunned by the sudden and shocking event.

"Damn! What is that?" Ryu exclaims, his eyes wide with panic.

Mia looks up at the sky, her heart filled with anxiety. "That... that's a meteor! And... it's heading towards the Scorpio region!"

There is no time to think. In an instant, the meteor hurtles toward the Scorpio star city with alarming speed. The explosion that accompanies it is deafening, shattering everything in its vicinity. The ground trembles beneath their feet, causing buildings to crack and collapse horrifyingly.

However, the horror does not end there. Behind the thick clouds of dust, a terrifying shadow emerges: the Black Dragon and monsters standing two meters tall, rampaging and attacking the city's residents with incredible ferocity.

Mia and Ryu stand frozen, unable to believe what they are witnessing. They feel a deep fear creeping into their hearts, realizing that they

are both in great danger. Ryu takes a deep breath, trying to gather courage. "We need to get out of here, Mia! Right now!"

Mia nods, her heart pounding with fear but her determination unwavering. Together, they step away from the chaos, seeking temporary shelter from the fierce attacks. Yet, they realize that the battle against the looming threat in the Scorpio region has just begun.

Amidst the prevailing panic, Mia and Ryu run as fast as their legs can carry them, trying to save themselves from the terrible onslaught. They watch in horror as the city's residents scatter in all directions, screams of terror filling the air, and they witness with dread how some of them are viciously attacked by the fierce monsters, torn apart mercilessly.

Ryu grips Mia's hand tightly, his eyes fixed on the horrifying sight. He feels a deep sense of despair engulfing his heart, wondering how the world could be so cruel and merciless.

"This world... is truly cruel," he murmurs, his voice almost drowned out by the surrounding chaos.

Mia looks at Ryu with a concerned look, sensing the profound sadness in his words. "We have to hold on, Ryu. We must not give up."

Ryu nods, trying to hold back the tears threatening to burst. "We must keep going. We have to find a way to fight this."

Together, they continue to run, stepping over debris and rubble, away from the relentless attacks looming behind them. Although their hearts are filled with fear and despair, they are determined to survive and find a way out of the chaos that has engulfed Scorpio. In their solidarity, they find the strength and hope they need to keep moving forward, even though the world around them seems so dark and cruel.

As Mia and Ryu struggle to save themselves amidst the chaos and fear, suddenly a giant monster, three meters tall, appears before them, blocking their path to safety. The two teenagers stare at the monster in horror, feeling the panic gripping their hearts.

Ryu, despite his fear, gives a small smile to Mia. "You have to go, Mia. I will face it."

But Mia vehemently refuses. She holds Ryu's hand tightly, her eyes filled with desperation. "We have to go together, Ryu. I won't leave you."

While they engage in a heated debate, a figure emerges from the choking dust and smoke. The figure is clad in a billowing black cloak, and with its appearance, the atmosphere seems to change.

"Damn, what is that?" Ryu mutters, his eyes wide with confusion.

However, before they can react further, the figure steps forward confidently. With graceful movements, they unleash power from their palms, emitting a dazzling light.

Mia and Ryu watch in astonishment as the figure uses their Kalangjeking power to combat the monsters threatening them. Fierce battles ensue, and in an instant, the monsters are defeated, leaving Mia and Ryu in awe.

"Now, go!" commands the figure with a firm voice, pointing towards safety.

Mia and Ryu exchange glances, still stunned by what just happened. But they know they must follow the mysterious figure's command. With pounding hearts, they both step away from the battle, heading towards a safe place as they try to comprehend what just happened.

The mysterious figure stands tall, facing the monsters with extraordinary courage and strength. With agile and skillful movements, they fight the monsters one by one, using various powers to protect the panicked residents of Scorpio.

Mia and Ryu's eyes widen as they witness the fierce battle unfolding before them. The mysterious figure fights with determination, tirelessly battling the evil threatening their region.

Not only that, but some of the figure's friends, also clad in black cloaks, join the battle, helping to fight off the monster attacks with equal skill. Together, they form a formidable defensive line, protecting the residents of Scorpio and guiding them to a safe evacuation point.

Meanwhile, the mysterious figure continues to move quickly, dispatching monsters with a burning hatred in their eyes. Every attack they launch brings hope to the residents of Scorpio, showing that they are not alone in facing the disaster that has befallen their city.

Mia and Ryu watch in awe, inspired by the courage and determination of the mysterious figure. Amidst the chaos that surrounds them, they feel encouraged by the resolve and bravery of this figure, and they vow to continue fighting together against whatever challenges may lie ahead.

As the mysterious figure and their allies bravely battle against the ongoing threat in Scorpio, Mia and Ryu, along with other residents, finally reach the safety of the Sagittarius region. They are welcomed by prepared and vigilant residents ready to protect them from any looming threats.

The mysterious figure wisely leads the evacuation, organizing the residents to get the protection they need.

Meanwhile, amidst the ongoing battle in Scorpio, the mysterious figure and their allies continue to fight fiercely. They face the Black Dragon with unwavering courage and determination, fighting passionately to protect their region and its beloved residents.

Although their struggle is far from over, Mia and Ryu feel relieved knowing they are now in a safe place, surrounded by people ready to protect them. With newfound hope in their hearts, they pledge to stay strong and united in facing whatever challenges may await in the future.

In the darkness of the night shrouding the devastated Scorpio region, Mia and Ryu stand on the border, gazing into the distance where they once called home. Across, the sky is filled with smoke and flames, reminding them of the destruction that has befallen their city.

But amidst the heart-wrenching sight, they also feel inspired by the strength and courage they encountered amidst the chaos. They look up at the sky, hoping that tomorrow will bring new hope and the opportunity to rebuild what has been destroyed.

"I believe we will get through this together," Mia says, her eyes shining with strong determination.

Ryu smiles in agreement. "Yes, we will. Together."

They both step forward, ready to face an uncertain future with unwavering courage and determination. Behind them, the mysterious figure and their allies continue to fight bravely against the looming threat.

With renewed vigor, they continue their journey, prepared to face whatever challenges may lie ahead. And beyond the dark clouds, there is a glimmer of hope shining, filling them with confidence that even in the darkness, they will find a way to the bright light of the future.

Suddenly, amidst the silent night, a mysterious voice booms loudly in the air, piercing the ears of everyone in the Scorpio region. The sound is so loud that it resonates in every corner of the devastated city, bewildering and frightening everyone who hears it.

The monsters, previously terrifying, suddenly stop their attacks, their bodies freezing in tense states. Even the Black Dragon itself falls silent, its eyes radiating clear confusion.

When the sound ceases, everyone stands in confusion, unable to believe what just happened. They look at each other, trying to figure out the source of the mysterious sound, but none can provide an answer.

Amidst the confusion and uncertainty, the Scorpio residents watch as the monsters, one by one, disappear like mist in the morning. Even the Black Dragon does not linger any longer, vanishing into the darkness of the night, leaving the Scorpio region in ruins and engulfed in flames.

Mia, Ryu, and the others look up at the sky, searching for signs of what just happened. But the sky remains silent,