
Chapter 3


When I was three years old, there was a drought. On my third birthday, almost all the adults in the village went to the farm, and so did my family, leaving me alone at home. My family left a bowl of pheasant blood for me to drink when I was hungry. Although I am only three years old, I am very smart. I often play alone in the yard.

In the past few years, I have been playing by myself, and no one wants to get close to me. The adults in my family wouldn't let me say that I was a natural freak. Everyone knew that I never ate, only drank blood, and that weasels and foxes came to my house every night to deliver food. On my birthday, I was playing alone in the yard as usual. Just as I was peeing in the ant nest, I suddenly heard the sound of children playing outside the yard, which attracted me to look.

In the past three years, I have rarely left this yard. Because everyone in the village despises me, everyone will avoid me when they see me. But I hope that I have a playmate, even if a child looks at me. When I heard the noise outside the yard, I ran to the door of the yard and looked out through the crack in the door.

Next to my yard. The neighbor next door plans to build a house and has hoarded a pile of sand. Four or five children were playing in the sand on the dune, talking and laughing, which made my heart itch. I was only three years old at the time, so I ran over and wanted to play with those children. But when one child saw me, he immediately showed a horrified expression. An older child pointed at me and said, "He is a freak. Whoever talks to him will be in trouble."At this shout, several children playing in the sand ran away. They left me standing there all alone.

These children ran very fast, and all the sand things they played with were left on the dunes. Seeing them run away, I felt quite disappointed, but I'm used to it. They ran away and I continued playing by myself. I picked up the tools for playing with the sand, and suddenly a voice came from the other side of the dune: "Shall we play with the sand together?"I looked up and saw a chubby kid, about the same age as me, with two big strings of snot hanging from his nose. His clothes were quite clean. I smiled at him and said okay, "Let's play together, and let's build a big house together."

After a while, the little fat man suddenly took out a piece of candy from his body, handed it to me, and said, "Do you like candy?"I haven't eaten candy because I haven't eaten anything except blood, but I still took it and put it in my mouth, and I didn't taste anything. At that time, I ate the little fat man's candy, and I felt that since he was good to me, I should also be good to him. While eating the candy, I said to him: "I also have delicious food, I'll get it for you."I rushed to the house and took out the bowl of pheasant blood that my parents had left for me.

The little chubby kid didn't know what it was, so I showed him how to drink it. After one sip, his mouth was red. The little fat kid laughed happily, and I laughed too. He also picked up the bowl to drink, but as soon as he took a sip, he couldn't hold the bowl steady and all the blood spilled on him.

I felt so distressed that all the blood was spilled on the ground. Just when I didn't know what to do, a hysterical wail suddenly came from behind."You freak, damn it! How dare you harm my son!" A woman suddenly ran over quickly, without saying a word, picked up my collar, and threw me far away. I fell to the ground. It hurt me so much that I started crying loudly as I lay on the ground. While I was crying, I suddenly saw a few pairs of green eyes not far away looking at me, and at the same time staring at the fierce woman. The fierce woman picked up his son and found that he was not injured. Just blood splattered on him.

But this woman walked up to me, kicked me, and said, "You damn little beast, how dare you feed my son blood? I'll beat you to death."A three-year-old child was kicked far away by that woman. The pain was so painful that I couldn't even cry. Fortunately, my grandfather came back with a hoe at this time. Seeing that the woman was still beating me, he immediately rushed over, pushed her away, and said angrily: "Why are you beating my grandson?"

"Please ask what this freak did. He fed my son blood. If anything goes wrong, I will kill your family!"Grandpa picked me up from the ground. Then Grandpa went to see the little fat kid and was immediately shocked. The little fat kid had a bowl of blood all over his body, which was very scary. It's okay for me to drink this blood, but for ordinary children, there will be problems if they drink it. After my grandfather apologized, he carried me back home. But the woman still refused to give in. She stood in front of my house and cursed loudly, attracting many neighbors to watch.

When I was picked up by my grandfather, I could still see some green eyes hiding in the grass staring at me, and at the same time staring at the woman."Jie, I asked you to stay at home. Why did you run out?" Grandpa put me down.Jie is my nickname. The Taoist priest said that I am a person who deserves calamity and that I will have eighteen calamities in my life, so my grandfather gave me this name.

"I want to play with them. He gives me candy, and I also want to give him delicious food..." I said while sobbing. Grandpa sighed helplessly. I just think it is good to give my most precious things to children. I don't want to hurt anyone. After my parents came back, they heard about this incident and gave me a severe lesson, saying that they would never let me go out again.

Everyone in the family thought that this incident was over, but in fact, it was just the beginning. The next morning, someone found the woman's body in the back mountain. The corpse was bitten by unknown wild animals. It was riddled with holes and scars. There was no good piece of meat on the whole body, especially one of the feet, which had been chewed out only to the bone.

And the foot that was bitten was the one that kicked me.