
Chapter 20 A Howl

In those days, there was nothing fun. It was just fishing in the river, climbing trees to dig out bird's nests, and catching grasshoppers in the fields.

Unlike now, with mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc., there are many entertainment activities at home.

The two of us had done a lot of fishing in the river, and we were tired of it. As for digging out bird's nests, the whole village and several kilometers of bird's nests had been dug out by the two of us. There was nothing to dig out, so we had to go catch grasshoppers in the fields.

At this time, the grasshoppers are fat and big. After catching them, they are skewered on a stick and roasted over a fire. The taste is fragrant.

After arriving outside the village, we split up and fumbled around in the grass with a wooden stick.

I don't know if Little Fatty had a bad stomach today. Not long after we arrived in the wilderness, Little Fatty let out an ouch and said it was a stomachache. Then he took off his pants and squatted in the grass for a while. There was a ruckus.

"Little Fatty, you are lazy and pee a lot. I caught a grasshopper later, so you have to eat less." I looked back at Little Fatty, and a stench floated over, making me dizzy. This guy didn't know what to eat, and his poop was so smelly that I couldn't help but stay away.

"JIE, you arrest him first. I'll follow you after I'm done. Don't worry, I'll arrest no less than you." Xiaopang said while taking a breath.

At this moment, I looked back and saw a very large grasshopper jumping behind the little fat butt.

I swear, this is the first time I have seen such a big grasshopper.

The grasshopper jumped up and landed directly on Little Fatty's butt.

Little Fatty let out an ouch and moved to move away. When I saw it, I didn't care about the smell anymore. I took a few steps closer and said to Little Fatty: "Little Fatty, don't move. They are very big. The big grasshopper, hurry up and catch it, don't let it escape."

Hearing what I said, the little fat man was so angry that he used his big buttocks to clamp the grasshopper. I was overjoyed and was about to go over and grab the big grasshopper. Unexpectedly, Suddenly, a big, majestic rooster jumped out from the grass and headed towards the little fat guy.

The big rooster has been chasing the big grasshopper, and the grasshopper jumped on the little fat butt.

We don't usually feed this kind of chicken very much. We rely on it to catch bugs and dig grass seeds to eat.

This kind of chicken has strong fighting power and quick movements. Let alone grasshoppers, it can catch mice faster than cats, and sometimes it can peck small snakes alive. They dared to fight with cats and dogs, and pecking people was a common occurrence, becoming every rural child's nightmare.

Soon enough, the big rooster suddenly jumped out of the grass. Without any hesitation, it took a bite of the grasshopper on the little fat ass, turned around, and ran away with the grasshopper in its mouth. After a while, it was gone. trace.

Xiaopang's hysterical howl resounded through the sky and could be heard for ten miles. I stood there in confusion. I didn't expect this to happen. The mantis stalked the cicada while the oriole followed, but the big rooster got there first.

But it was really painful when the big cock pecked the little fat butt.

Later, the little fat man told me that it felt like red-hot iron pliers were inserted into the buttocks, as if tens of thousands of ants were swimming on the buttocks, and a hot current surged along the buttocks and rose to the back of the neck. , that kind of sourness is something that ordinary people can't experience.

Little Fatty's hysterical screams frightened me. It is said that the children in the next village heard his piercing screams and had nightmares at night. They couldn't sleep well and even invited Taoist priests.

The most unlucky thing is that at the intersection where we caught grasshoppers, Grandpa Wang from the village happened to be driving a donkey cart passing by.

Grandpa Wang is almost 70 years old. He is an experienced driver in the village. When he was young, he used to drive large carriages, not to mention ox-carts. Now that he is old and cannot keep up with his physical strength, he keeps a small donkey.

This little donkey was trained by Grandpa Wang to be a fully voice-controlled smart donkey. It has a navigation system and will go wherever it goes without ever making a mistake.

It's just that veteran drivers sometimes make mistakes. After hearing Xiaopang's screams, the smart donkey was frightened. It stuck out its tail and started running wildly. The cigarette pot held in Grandpa Wang's mouth was swept away by the donkey's tail. It flew several meters away, and the only remaining front tooth in its mouth was gloriously laid off.

The little donkey ran wildly and threw Grandpa Wang off the donkey cart.

It is said that the frightened donkey ran for more than 20 miles before being controlled in the next town.

This time, Grandpa Wang fell hard. He rolled into a big hole on the roadside and couldn't get up for a long time, screaming oh oh oh oh.

When I saw that this was not possible, it was more important to save people first.

Little Fatty was just pecked by the big rooster and there was no danger to his life, but Grandpa Wang was old and it would be really painful to fall like that.

At this moment, I couldn't care less about the little fat boy. I ran to the ditch and tried to help Grandpa Wang up.

Grandpa Wang fell hard and couldn't get up for a long time. He probably broke his waist.

But Grandpa Wang was very conscious. When he saw me running over, he immediately cursed angrily: "You kid, what is your name? With your voice, do you want to throw me to death?"

"Grandpa Wang, it's not me, it's Xiaopang..." I explained.

Before I finished speaking, an angry Grandpa Wang slapped me in the face: "You brat, you have learned to lie. Who are you? You are the only one in these mountains and plains."

This slap made my head buzz. The old man fell like this and was so strong.

Just after I received this slap, suddenly I saw several weasels appearing in the grass, and a fox staring at Grandpa Wang.

As soon as I saw them appearing, I felt bad.

At that time, I was already sensible and knew that something bad would happen when this weasel showed up. The previous few times, I was killed because someone hit me.

Grandpa Wang hit me out of anger. I can completely understand that. If he lost his life because of this, it would be troublesome.

I looked in the direction of the weasels and foxes, waved my hands, and said, "It has nothing to do with him, you must not harm him."

When Grandpa Wang saw me standing there talking alone, he became very angry. He hit me again and said angrily: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you help me up quickly?"

I came to my senses and continued to help Grandpa Wang, but my strength was too weak and I couldn't help him at all.

At this time, there happened to be a villager passing by. I said hello and then lifted Grandpa Wang up from the ditch.

What I never expected was that something happened to Grandpa Wang in the end.