
Chapter 17 Edward has mutated

As soon as the silver needles were removed, Edward immediately stopped twitching, the bleeding from his nose ceased, and the foaming at the mouth subsided. His breathing soon became calmer. Grandpa initially thought that Granny Liu had successfully driven away the weasel possessing Edward, but when he observed Granny Liu's solemn expression, he realized the situation was not as straightforward.

Granny Liu's hand suddenly moved to Edward's lower abdomen, pressing it a few times. To Grandpa's horror, he noticed a lump of flesh bulging on Edward's belly, roughly the size of a baby's fist. The lump seemed alive, wandering around Edward's abdomen.

Holding a silver needle, Granny Liu focused on the movement of the fleshy bump. Despite several attempts, she struggled to pierce it. Grandpa, taken aback, questioned, "What is this?"

"It's the anger turned from the weasel's resentment. If this anger is not released, Edward will definitely die," explained Granny Liu, sweat forming on her forehead. Despite several more attempts, she still couldn't pierce the fleshy lump.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Granny Liu anxiously said to Grandpa, "Hurry up and get a basin of well water. It must be cold water freshly taken from the well."

Responding swiftly, Grandpa fetched a bucket of cold well water. He approached Granny Liu and asked, "What should we do next?"

"Pour it all on him," ordered Grandma Liu.

Grandpa, not wasting any time, poured the cold well water on Edward. Typically, such a cold shock would jolt a person back to life, but Edward only trembled slightly and then became motionless.

As the cold water touched Edward's body, the fleshy bump on his belly momentarily stopped its movement. Granny Liu, seizing the opportunity, swiftly pierced the silver needle directly into the fleshy lump. Her technique was steady, and as she pricked the fleshy knot, she moved the silver needle upwards, causing the lump to burst open. A stream of black water splashed out, emitting a foul stench. Grandpa, overwhelmed by the smell, covered his nose and retreated.

Despite the unpleasant odor, Granny Liu continued her work, squatting next to Edward. The black water continued to flow, causing the fleshy lump to shrink until it disappeared entirely.

Finally, Edward regained his normal breathing, and his expression returned to normal. Granny Liu, taking a deep breath, sat beside him. However, an unexpected event occurred once again. Edward, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up straight. His eyes rolled upward, and after a while, they turned entirely white, covered with red bloodshot eyes resembling cataracts.

Observing this, Granny Liu panicked. Her eyes darted around as if searching for something.

But at this moment, an even weirder scene unfolded. Edward used his hands and feet together, arched his back, and stuck out his long tongue. He quickly crawled around the ground in a circle, displaying remarkably skillful movements. At this point, Edward resembled a super-sized weasel. Strange screams emanated from his throat, and his face turned ferocious once again.

Witnessing this bizarre situation, Grandpa was startled. He rushed to a spot not far away, pulling out his big knife from the ground. "Sister, what's wrong with Edward?" Grandpa asked, his fear evident.

"There's not just one weasel in this yard; there's another with a higher level of morality. Hurry up and search everywhere. If you find that weasel, kill it directly, and Edward Zhang will survive," Granny Liu declared, lighting up another cigarette. She took a few puffs as the tobacco in the pipe burned brightly.

Stunned for a moment, Grandpa questioned, "Does it have to be killed? Isn't this weasel also trying to save..."

"You can capture it alive or drive it away alive; it's your decision," Granny Liu stated.

Armed with his knife, Grandpa began searching around the yard. However, after circling the yard twice, he was surprised to find no sign of the weasel. Edward, now transformed into a weasel, had already engaged in a fierce struggle with Granny Liu.

Controlled by the weasel, Edward exhibited extraordinary strength and seemed impervious to pain. Granny Liu swung the red-hot pipe and pot at him, but he evaded and continued attacking relentlessly.

Witnessing the ongoing struggle, Grandpa grew increasingly anxious. He scoured the yard but couldn't locate the elusive weasel. What should he do? It appeared that even Granny Liu couldn't hold on for much longer.

At this critical moment, Grandpa had a sudden realization – if the weasel wasn't in the yard, could it be inside the house? Fueled by this thought, he marched straight to Edward's room, wielding his big knife.

The house had only three rooms in total. Grandpa meticulously searched each room, even looking under the bed, but the elusive weasel remained undiscovered, leaving him sweating profusely.

This weasel had already caused harm to Frank. If something were to happen to Edward again, it would spell big trouble.

Returning to the main room with the knife in hand, Grandpa scanned the area with squinted eyes. Inadvertently, he glanced at the top of his head and immediately noticed something strange.

He spotted a touch of white on the beam, which was highly unexpected. Upon closer inspection, it resembled the tail of some animal. The more Grandpa looked at it, the more it resembled a weasel's tail. However, he found it peculiar – why was this tail white?

Uncertain at this point, Grandpa surveyed the room and noticed teacups on the table. He picked one up and hurled it toward the white tail.

This time, he hit the target, causing the white tail to sway. It was a living thing.

Now convinced that the creature on the beam was a weasel, Grandpa shouted, "Wong Tai Sin, those people know they are wrong; please spare them this time!" When the weasel remained unresponsive, Grandpa threw several more tea cups at it in an attempt to drive it away.

The weasel screamed in response to the hits, revealing a pointed head and staring fiercely at Grandpa. Grandpa could clearly see that the creature on the beam was indeed a weasel with a white tail.

According to rumor, the higher the level of a weasel, the more white fur it would have. The entire tail of the weasel in front of them had turned white, indicating it had been practicing for a long time.